Uffindell, Gaurav Sharma and the Cult of Wounds

Praps, as a country, as a culture, as a people, we all need a big cup of harden the fuck up?


I think you will all recall that I argued that we shouldn’t attempt to destroy Sam Uffindell over an act of private school boy hazing he committed when he was 16, however many of our woke comrades saw this as an opportunity to do the heteronormative white cis male shuffle and it was off to the races with the focus on identity and privilege.

Speaking of identity and privilege…

Dame Tariana Turia’s grandson sentenced to home detention after attempted armed robbery

Turia appeared before Judge Stephanie Edwards for sentencing on one charge each of assault with intent to rob and dangerous driving.

His grandmother Dame Tariana – a former Associate Corrections Minister – and his wider whānau were in court for the hearing, defence lawyer Jamie Waugh said.

…you know, in case we wanted examples.

I said to judge a person on their 16 year old self was petty and shallow WHILE defending lowering the voting age to 16, WHILE demanding the criminal age of responsibility be lifted!

I believe young people make mistakes and they need mercy.

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The issue with the way Sam was treated WASN’T that he received mercy, the issue is that Māori kids, Pacifica Kids and Woking class kids DON’T see mercy.

I don’t minimise the harm Uffindell has committed, but I do demand contextualisation of his age and that we are talking events two decades ago.

I don”t care about National MPs, and I’ve got zero time for his privilege, but he’s a human being and judging him on his childhood so the revisionist micro aggression policing movement can collectively pile all their own childhood trauma onto one target is boring and terribly dull, especially when we have so many actual fucking issues confronting us.

If only we on the Left were as good at strangling off child poverty, strangling off the cost of living crisis and strangling off housing unaffordability the way are at strangling off National MP careers for things they did 2 decades ago.

Then Sam got the ‘Santamaria treatment’ with RNZ using the Salam Witch Trial evidential standard by interviewing an anonymous woman about a drunk Sam banging on her door 20 years ago.

His shitty flat also had girls underwear on the wall.


Hash tag solidarity. Hash tag feminism. Hash tag BELIEVE all women.

In the middle of this gleeful schadenfreude suddenly Dr Gaurav Sharma drops a nuclear confession that actually, the Government are all bullies.

There was a moment of confusion by the woke Lynch mob, if Sam bad evil bully for events he committed 2 decades ago, surely the revelations of bullying now by a serving member of Parliament requires even more outrage olympics, yet it was our side being accused!

After appreciating the philosophically tenuous position their Lynch mob had placed them, the woke doubled down and began damning Labour and supporting Dr Sharma right up until it started sounding like the problem was a staffing issue in HIS office.

Dr Gaurav Sharma has gone full Jami-Lee Ross.

Who is bullying who?

In this age of subjective rage where there is no objective truth, there is only your measurement of triggered micro aggressions to decide what is innocuous and what is a hate crime.

We are now a cult of wounds, all so quick to expose our scars in the intersectionist roulette of victimhood, a social media ocean of cacophony that screams our pain for cultural hierarchy

We have a dispassionate court process that takes the emotion out of the justice process so that it is clear eyed and not drenched in vengeance.

I can’t tell the difference between a sensible sentencing trust Lynch mob and a woke lynch mob any longer!

Praps, as a country, as a culture, as a people, we all need a big cup of harden the fuck up?

There is something to be said of forgiving those who transgress you and being stoic about what we can control.

The ever shifting Rubik’s cube of woke identity politics dogma endlessly gazing at ones naval to expose the next thought criminal builds little.

Currently we have a compulsory mass group therapy session where people’s feelings are the only currency.

While we unforgivingly tie ourselves endlessly in knots, National intend to throw disabled young people off welfare, the ASB posted a $1.4billion profit and the planet continues to burn.

But sure, let’s crucify Sam Uffindell for something he did when he was 16 because you know, heteronormative white cis male privilege and ‘bullying bad mmmmkay’!

Our brittle weakness is collectively beneath the challenge of our times.

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  1. “Praps a country, as a culture, as a people, we all need a big cup of harden the fuck up?”

    Yes Bomber – we both went to uni when (thanks Graham) when the waterskiing jet boat was named “no fat chicks”. No females were harmed by the naming of the boat. A mandatory swallowing of a can of concrete is in order for everyone under the age of 25.

    If Winston was 15yrs younger he wins 25% of the popular vote in 2023……

  2. Everyone could do with a few concrete pills tbh… one thing for certain is that no one should get upset about what someone has to say on the internet… pretty much unless someone says something to your face why worry about it at all.. their problem not yours.
    If someone is brave enough to say something you dont like in person then it’s worth consideration or if especially odious a punch in the face.

  3. Lmfao! Imagine going in on easy meat like Sam and that too good Doctor while everyone dodging debates with experts. Come on, step in the ring with someone who’ll actually give you a challenge like The Working Group. Good luck even keeping pace. Keep shielding your ass cowards.

  4. Dr Gaurav Sharma is really laying it out on Facebook.. and I’m only halfway through his post.

    Lots of claims for State Media to ignore.

    • Well the state media have certainly ignored today.

      They’re still going on about something a 16 year old did 22 years ago yet have shunned an allegation of misappropriating tax payers money and bullying that goes all the way to the Prime Minister’s Office. Jacinda snaps her fingers and the compliant media buries the story. The Willington Cabal strikes again.

      What’s the saying?

      “If you don’t read the news you’re uninformed, if you read the news you’re misinformed”

  5. ” Praps, as a country, as a culture, as a people, we all need a big cup of harden the fuck up ”

    Oh Bomber its about time we got back to basic’s

  6. Although I believe your attention to other more significant matters are more than worthy, I think it’s a bit disingenuous to use Uffindell as a victim, when the distinction between his privileged upbringing and position is so far removed from others far less privileged who suffer their youth.

  7. Although I believe your attention to other more significant matters are more than worthy, I think it’s a bit disingenuous to use Uffindell as a victim, when the distinction between his privileged upbringing and position is so far removed from others far less privileged who suffer their youth.

  8. Now the PM of Kindness along with that other Bully Daruen Fenton is piling on.

    The poor brown dude telling it like it is and a woke women(?) Of Labour gaslight him in the media because Stuff news influencers asked them too.

    • T/M/T you have no idea if this guy is “telling it like it is”. Not having a trial by media should work for both parties. He may be a “whistle blower” or just as easily someone having a tantrum/stomp because he has not got his way after a year of back and forth between himself, whips, and parliamentary services over issues with his own staff. At no point has he disputed this disagreement.

      • Tane/Male/Man, not Female/Woman — awesome update! The MP in question here…has a track record of crappy behaviour towards people…her nick name is “homewrecker” due to her numerous affairs…as for the Labour whip, Duncan Webb, he informed people NOT to vote for Cannabis Reform…because would legalise it

    • Tane/Male/Man, not Female/Women — thanks for that, I never though of it that way…racism is alive in Labour! As for Darien Fenton, what a wanker! PSA Union does fuck all for its rank and file members, and Darien is the President.

  9. “Our brittle weakness is collectively beneath the challenge of our times.”

    well said.

  10. I reckon I get your point Martyn — however, many political figures ARE scumbags — the public needs to remember that.

    • Nathan The public is becoming aware that the biggest concentration of psychopaths, sociopaths and deluded gits in the New Zealand – oops – Aotearoa – workforce is located in the apiary up Bowen Street.

      Be kind to them though, or they could turn the hoses on you and try turn your life into a river of filth. They will establish an enclave of extremists aiming at excellence in silencing you under the aegis of what was once a university. They will get ejected, and spend the rest of their sad lives desperate for attention, mirror gazing, whimpering that they were not destined to be estate agents, Uber drivers, or candidates for small town councils needing a decent hair cut. Occasionally a scribe will seek their opinion and they preen, thinking that they do matter, and spring may come again, and they inch that little bit closer to dying as happy as they could ever hope to be. Keep dancing.

      • ‘The public is becoming aware that the biggest concentration of psychopaths, sociopaths and deluded gits in the New Zealand – oops – Aotearoa’

        The Maori people living in the North Island named their Island ‘Aotearoa’ It was used specifically for the North Island only! The name means ‘The land of the long cloud’ Interestingly a pakeha politician who was a socialist ‘William Pember Reeves’ during the late 1800s used the name popularizing it in Parliament & generally. It was also patronizing towards Maori whom were seen then as a dying race and the Europeans (Pakeha) were laying a soothing pillow.

        Now the name ‘Aotearoa’ means New Zealand and its ubiquitous seen on our passports etc….


        • Thank you Shona. I am very shocked that Dr Sharma’s case has apparently been ongoing for over a year. I don’t know nor am hugely interested in the issues, but not resolving them suggests not just a lack of goodwill towards him, but incompetence on the part of whoever is responsible. I chatted with a lawyer earlier who agreed that the length of time this internal issue has been left unresolved is unacceptable, and also discussed the accountability of the head of Parliamentary Services if that is the person who is responsible, but who knows. It should have been sorted within a matter of months, and the PM errs if she tries to paint it as Dr Sharma being the problem; few things are that simple.

  11. The Western world has valorised victims for the past three decades, and now their claims of being the victim can never be questioned in public.

    Modern journalism loves victims – those victims’ stories can be played to engender emotional responses from readers and viewers. Creative writers love victim stories because every victim has an opposite evil wrong-doer that can be hated.

    Even our courts have victim impact statements – but in reality courts are supposed to be about society’s impartial justice, not the victim’s.

  12. Read this and weep for the next generation. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/129523275/teacher-who-removed-students-earphone-guilty-of-serious-misconduct
    We talk the big talk about ‘building resilience in our youth’, we ponder on why ’11 year old ram raiding’ is out of control – then we do this to a teacher who trys to introduce the tiniest modicum of respect for others in the class. Message to kids here is clear – you have all the rights to do what you want, you can treat others without any respect and you have no responsibility for your own actions. Time for a cleanout of the woke and seriously misguided education bureaucracy.

    • Jason. Couldn’t agree more. In my secondary teaching days I never encountered anything as insolent as this either here or overseas. It makes the teacher’s job that much harder, and the dynamics are an unfair distraction for the more serious students. Personally, I’d probably have ignored this little shit, and sought advice along the track; I did confiscate one live mouse, which was a set-up, and had one wonderful class of fourth form boys who cooperated in pretending that none of us could smell the vile stink bomb planted by another class.

      This teacher should not have been found guilty of serious misconduct; he was clearly provoked, and anyway chances are that as an older professional person he has better credentials than the pc wish-washy persons who have censured him.

      There’s also a separate issue of respect for one’s elders, which does still largely exist among Asian societies, so if this country gets itself adopted by another, so be it. Interestingly, the Asian countries which I know do still respect their elders – China-Korea-Japan – also hold education in high regard, so it is an interesting picture here, but too tough on the gentleman concerned, and unacceptable that the miscreant gets vindicated.

    • Weep indeed, Jason. The murky Education Dept, aka The sex and gender ID ideologues, also happens to be the incomprehensible choice of Carmel Sepuloni to replace the excellent Commissioner for Children in the face of advice from experts and others and even Oranga Tamariki itself.

      This looks a shabby sort of case and it shouldn’t have had to go to higher legal forums to get some sort of resolution. The disruptive child’s antics and possessions having precedence over the common good and the right of the teacher to carry out his job, is astonishing and foolhardy. God help us all if accountability is now a dirty word.

      • Yes GA and Snow…I get that it starts at home with the parents, but persecuting teachers who try and introduce these oiks to that mysterious concept of ‘boundaries’ (usually for their own good), is simply fueling the fires of our society’s self-destruction.

  13. Narcissists and psychopaths don’t make mistakes, Martyn. That’s why we have prisons. No second chances, because they are incapable of reform. Fact.

  14. Keep in mind that this person was selected by Labour to stand for election representing Labour. What does that say about Labour?

    • No RB they can do no wrong we are constantly told when it’s National it’s the Party’s fault when it’s Labour it’s the complaints fault.

  15. Yup to most of your column but am ambivalent about “mercy for kids” . Justice should be blind and meted with utter impartiality not metered with partial impunity .

  16. MP Gaurav Sharma claims a Member of Parliament (Labour Party) AND a Parliamentary staff member (also a Labour Member) were misusing funds.

    He even claims MP Duncan Webb said that such an accusation could get the government into ‘trouble’, “lose the election’.

    THESE are Serious Accusation! MP Gaurav Sharma, MP Duncan Webb and the Prime Minister should unquestionably be questioned. I included the PM as in her press conference yesterday, she claimed to know of issues as early as the end of last year.

    Here’s a question: “Were funds misused, if so how and how much?”

    MP Gaurav Sharma writes:
    “In August 2021 I found that a Member of Parliament of the Labour Party and a Parliamentary staff member (also a Labour Member) were misusing taxpayer’s money.”

    “I was then told by Duncan Webb that an accusation like this could mean that the government could get into trouble, lose the election etc and such issues needed to be contained rather than discussed freely.”

  17. On January 16, the 22-year-old ‘Amar Turia’ parked his car behind the village’s tavern, where there was no CCTV, and made his way into the business.

    He headed for the bathroom where he disguised himself with a balaclava, gloves, and sunglasses and armed himself with a knife before waiting until there was no one else in the store.

    ‘Turia’ then made his move.

    As he approached the station’s manager brandishing the knife Turia yelled: “Fill the f**king bag, I don’t want to stab you”, the Whanganui District Court heard

    The manager used a wooden pole to defend himself as ‘Turia’ advanced while slashing at him with the knife.

    His onslaught was short-lived though and Turia quickly turned and ran away empty-handed only to be confronted by a local man who had seen him fleeing the scene.

    Police arrested Turia a short time later.

    I’m not condoning this fools actions and I believe he should of got jail time! My point is that he never seriously hurt anyone physically, emotionally for sure hope everyone moved on.

    The conflations of Uffindel and Amar Turia as similar privilege’s is misleading because anyone that committed these offenses that Turia committed depending on historic offending and lifestyle would get similar sentencing which has levels or ‘Bands’. The level of violence employed, victim impact report, offenders history, Circumstances, and he did spend a bit of time remanded in custody which isn’t nice. Judge Edwards detailed why the manager had suffered no physical injuries in the attempted robbery he was upset knowing Turia, a long-time customer who used to live just down the road from him, was behind the crime.

    Uffindel situation is different as he wasn’t put in a prison and really didn’t suffer the consequences until later.

    • The would-be robber’s intent is a crucial element here. He did carry a knife, and brandished that knife, and slashed with it, and had his victim not been able to defend himself with a wooden pole, the outcome could have been horrific. The little thug is fortunate that his victim was able to fend him off.

  18. This morning on the Nation, there was a short piece in regard to Sharma, were the reporter said that he, was a high achiver came from a hier AFFLUENT CAST, what I got from that was he had as most in parliament, a arogant ENTITELMENT.

  19. Yeah, well.
    He has a proven record of being a narcissistic Natzo bully so fuck him. We have enough of those already.

  20. This endless succession of political clowns makes me wonder why do we need political parties ?
    Why not have an issues democracy ?
    That is , why not develop a system wherein future goals and present issues are identified , proposals for solutions are floated by the public then enacted by the relevant ministry after voting .
    Surely this is more democratic than the current voting for the lesser evil we practice today ?
    And think of the savings! No more politicians and associated staff . Hooray .

  21. ‘Cult of Wounds’ is good, Martyn.

    Bullying indeed should be … not the basis of the people’s political movement.

    I’m happy to judge matters on their merits. Uffindell seems to be privileged like so many National MPs and I want to hear from Sharma.

    Thirty-eight years since the overthrow of the Welfare State and you and Trotter often go off into cul-de-sacs for the benefit of nothing but the status quo. Sanders and Corbyn kept straight and have been rewarded by our endless respect.

    The Left has the beauty of reality in opposition to the force of the Right.

    There is no time for anything but talk for the truth.

  22. “Praps, as a country, as a culture, as a people, we all need a big cup of harden the fuck up?”

    I’ve been saying that for years.

  23. Geez Martyn ; don’t you moderate your posts? It seems TDB has now become a repository for arseholes who have abandoned Cam Slater. Yes, I had a methadone addiction 40 years ago . I sought treatment. Everyone knows this. But I never ever bashed a 13 year old or hurt anyone other than myself. And PS Nathan whoever the hell you are ; I am not the President of the PSA. I am a lowly organiser.

    • Darien Fenton — head towards The Standard…they still worship poor performing Labour MPs, both past, and present…you will feel right at home

    • Darien, no such animal, as a lowly Organiser, myself, every time a boss said, your here from your bosses in wellington, no, im here from your employees, who are my bosses, union fee paid, saying you have been abusing your employees, my employer.

      • I don’t know if Gisborne has unions but, despite my nice nature personally, if I became an organiser my appalling hard-arse socialist great grandfather would immediately re-inhabit me. Most of the old socialists were appalling. When you’re speaking for the neediest. Where Labour has gone wrong.

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