I don’t believe for one second that the vast majority of Kiwis have any true comprehension of just how radical a National/ACT Government would truly be.
Luxon can’t even get his own tax policy straight and David Seymour is already bullying him into backing down!
If it’s a National/ACT Government, it will be Seymour calling the shots.
The quick yellow fox will jump all over the lazy blue log and David Seymour will get all his crazy policy passed without Luxon caring.
- Māori going to the Waitangi Tribunal over cancellation of 3 waters: The moment the National/ACT Government scrap 3 Waters, Māoridom will go straight back to the Waitangi Tribunal, win the Court Case and force Luxon into his own Helen Clark moment and be forced to pass law to simply confiscate the water. This will cause an enormous eruption of violent protest.
- Mass immigration: National will simply implement John Key’s pump and dump policy of open door immigration to inflate growth rates while causing enormous stress on the groaning underfunded infrastructure and send rents soaring. This will cause enormous social dislocation and a rise in race relation tensions.
- Expansion of Oranga Tamariki Big Data Experiment: National created the Oranga Tamariki Frankenstein and wants more welfare decided by algorithm as a means to de-invest welfare. Luxon has already championed this model.
- Mass Dairy intensification: It’s all National have as an economic policy.
- Mass Property Speculation: They will remove any of the bare tinkering Labour did and help the speculators spin prices higher.
- Mutilation of the State: ACT are serious about wanting to amputate the Ministry for Women, Youth, Māori, Pacific People and Ethnic Communities while slashing the Human Rights Commission. The resulting Public Service strikes will gridlock Wellington. If there’s one thing the Public Service can do well, it is protesting for their own interests.
- War on Crime: Expect the paramilitary police expansion to occur quickly with a whole dump of new civil liberty breaching powers to supposedly keep us safe but will almost immediately be abused as they increasingly get used on the protesting Left.
- Prison riot and explosion in numbers: The war on crime will see far more in prison and National prefers puritan counter productive prisons so expect them to be crammed full and explode in a seething chain reaction of prison riots once National grant Corrections new powers to beat prisoners with. Corrections are very corrupt and once they gain new powers to bash prisoners with, they’ll be some prisoner who gets beaten within an inch of his life which that will trigger prison riots.
- Rise of more Mass Surveillance & Political violence: The protests such a radical agenda creates will demand the State turn its attention back on the Left while National supporters clutch their pearls appalled at the aggression the Left are protesting with and rally around Luxon rather than criticise the policy. They will call on Luxon to spy on the radical lefties.
- Higher Government Debt: Luxon is no free marketeer, he believes he has 7 properties because Jesus loves him, if debt goes up to pay for the extra prisons, extra Police, extra dairy intensification, extra welfare experiments, extra fake growth, then so be it, he doesn’t care. Oh David Seymour will hate it, but he’ll be so fat and full on his amputation of 6 State agencies that he’ll only be able to mount a burp as a protest.
We have lived through a political period of time since MMP that has managed to dilute and temper the idealogical extremes of Left/Right politics in NZ. The need to compromise and pull punches is fundamental to the MMP dynamic HOWEVER that completely gets thrown out the window if there is no political centre left.
The political centre has been hollowed out so much under MMP that Labour and National are almost indistinguishable in their acquiescence to neoliberal mantra.
The far left and far right have enormous pent up political tension that will rupture once Labour or National are dependent on their numbers for a majority.
ACT’s rise is fuelling a toxic polarisation of politics.
The Far Right Hate Think Tank run by the ghastly Muriel Newman spawns for ACT and they are already using inflammatory language like ‘Tribal Coup’ to describe Co-Governance, and it’s getting local election traction in the more cross burny parts of Nu Zilind…
…the inflammatory language of ‘Tribal Coup’ calls on those fringes to go over the edge in any response.
This doesn’t just impact the far right, the extreme rhetoric by ACT and National against co-governance starts to pull non-voting Māori across to the ballot box in a way that will only amplify Far right fears of an existential threat as the Labour/Green/Māori Party likelihood of a win becomes more possible.
This is the level of friction 15 months out from the election, imagine how much more severe this will be next year and with the looming economic depression?
The true economic damage from Russia for our collective defiance to Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine has barely begun and China will feel obligated to ratchet up tension before the November Conference.
Add to this the evolving Covid variant and extreme climate events, and I think we can make the possible predictions:
- This will be one of the highest turns outs because politics has impacted everyone regardless of who you vote for.
- The Polarisation will become obscene.
- ACT will cannibalise National vote because Luxon won’t be able to be as openly race baiting as ACT will be.
- The political spectrum will shatter and fracture with NZ First and possibly some Qanon anti-vaxx anti-abortion Christian Fringe both crossing 5%.
- An act of political violence is possible.
The naked hypocrisy of the right to twist ‘One person One Vote’ into a negative egalitarian garrotte around the throat of Democracy while screaming ‘we-are-saving-democracy’ is performative art for Fascists.
Because MMP has always brought in moderating forces like NZ First, the pent up political expression of the Right and the Left has been building for almost a quarter of a century and will finally be expressed next year and with the amplification of anger will result in an election that will see resentment whichever side wins.
When you dog whistle up the worst angels of our nature by manufacturing existential threats to democracy, you generate a confrontation that you are ultimately responsible for.
I think the Conflict Policies of a National/ACT Government would be disastrous for this country.
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First bit of sense you have about yourself in many posts BTF.
Therapy must be working well!
Thanks H2.
Yes, you do speak it. I agree.
Yes Bob. I just laughed: it’s not worth a serious comment.
Of course you laughed Andrew, drinking bleach has that effect.
Never tried bleach Bert does it go with tonic?
Humpty Dumpty is a child in the political world, why have a threat in Epson (enemy at the gates) sucking votes…hes a child Humpty
And you John Fraser a colossus?
Mutilation of the state is real populist territory and it is flying under the radar now everyone is contesting with Idpol.
Your first point is completely wrong. The people in my area, apart from the older landed class, will not bother to vote because there really is no one for them to vote for. This will also be proved by the local body elections. It will be the lowest turn out in ages.
You will see this trend throughout NZ.
And I shall be doing that too.
I wouldn’t be boasting about not voting
Don’t discourage JS Bark from not voting Queeny, he’s a ‘branch manager’, who can’t see the ‘Bark for the Trees!’.
I can understand the turn off of normal hard working people to backing either of the main parties but if they do not get your vote you stand the risk of the election being taken over by those led by fanatical anti science anti human rights brigade.
such as Tamaki or Grey.
We have tolerated bad leadership and lies from both sides for so long why stop now when the alternative is far worse
Not as bad as the conflict between Nancy Pelosi & Congress v Biden & the Whitehouse going to war with China & Russia.
Perhaps not to you @ TMM-,FM.
But perhaps you’re not living in a shop door way without a love, a shower, safety, food, a hot cup of tea, privacy, pride, a picture on a wall or a table and a chair either and you can’t even afford buy the boot straps luxon and seymour will expect you to pull yourself up with.
Letting the narcissistic and psychopathic National party freak show loose on the already impoverished and disadvantaged they created because you, not fucking not me. Some of you thought it was cool to get tough on the weak, defenseless and penniless while you were all “FUCK YEAH! It’s what they deserve, the lazy, cold, hungry, unloved and unlovely”. If we stand back and watch that happen we’re culpable. That’s right. If natzo’s luxon and act’s rogers-dildo nosed seymour, the lying freak in a suit pull off a coup and become the gubbimint? It’ll be on you and you.
You want a glimpse into the national party to get a view of what a national party/ act party future might have in store for us then read this.
Dr Sam Vaknin – the global narcissist database
“Vaknin also warns that social media and dating apps are creating dangerous spaces for narcissists and psychopaths to operate effectively and wreak havoc on people’s lives.”
[ And without a doubt within politics. ]
Seemore was in Samoa being nice yet he wants to get rid of the Pacific Ministry the two faced little creep
The Taxpayers Union should be taking David Seymour to court to pay for his hypocritical joyride at the taxpayers’ expense.
But, Zippy Williams won’t take on Seymour, because Seymour and Williams are two branches of the same right-wing attack dog tranche of Right-Wing Dirty Politics.
@ C is P
And while he’s being a two faced little creep he’s also on $ix figure$ plu$ perk$ and entitlement$.
Think about that as we pay PAYE.
As we do for all the the other two faced little creeps.
I guess we’ll find out next year at the latest.
Anarcho Tyranny, fear fear fear. Be afraid Citizens, be afraid of what the other does in a future that is yet to be written, never mind what we do right here right now.
Probably no worse than current Government.
Yeah, sure “Mark”.
Can’t defend this shit show of a government, so you scaremonger about what a potential NACT government will achieve.
No one is listening, this government has been an absolute disaster for our most vulnerable. That alone means a change is needed.
Not when it’s a change to something even worse Mickey.
These talentless confused Nats are tripping over themselves trying to get their snouts back in the trough.
“What’s our tax policy? Are we in Te Puke or Hawaii?” It’s embarrassing as they bumble on.
And their diehard supporters think they’ll be capable of moderating a rabid far-right ACT coalition partner??
Dream on.
I could understand your views if Labour had improved on where the previous National government had left us. But they haven’t, not by a long shot.
This delusion that the left have with Jacinda and this government is pathetic. They are the worst government in my lifetime and are woefully incompetent and inept.
Deep down even partisan hacks like Bert know this is true. They do not deserve to be re-elected.
Ireland is in a better state MickeyBoyle right now, thanks to Brexit. We should be bringing in more immigrants who appreciate what this country has to offer them, and 501-ing your whining Irish self back to Ireland, to be sure, to be sure If you don’t like it here in NZ, the borders are open now, and just over there to the left, is the departure gate!
@MickeyBoyle “Deep down even partisan hacks like Bert know this is true. They do not deserve to be re-elected.
I hate to point this out to you MB, Bert wasn’t elected Mickey, he chooses to support a democratically elected government who are aiming to do the best social good for the most people they can.
Hubert Humphrey (1911-1978), who served as U.S. Vice President from 1965 to 1969.
Humphrey spoke about the treatment of the weakest members of society as a reflection of its government: “the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
Brian Tamaki agrees with you MickeBoyle.
Are you behind, or one of Brian Tamaki’s 4 “secret” umbrella coalition parties?
You are certainly in some stellar intellectual company, if Brian Tamaki and you agree!
You fear National not being able to contain Act but I am sure National would have learnt from Labour sing how they neutralized Green and caused they to destroy themselves and along with it any credibility as a voice for the climate and the socially deprived
Poor Mickeyboyle always on the attack, so nothing new here.
Hey I’m on your team but right now…we’re being coached by Ian Foster. So we’re on a hiding to nothing. Not that Bert or his mates would ever concede that his team are playing like shit. Which they are too. That’s because Bert is the captain.
Your team of Luxon and Willis are an absolute shit-show Sour Kraut, even with a knighted Sir John Key. And your beloved National and ACT party are as racist and misogynist as your Afrikaner forevolk. That’s why your NACT alliance will take this country to the edge of a race war, as Martyn points out:
When you dog whistle up the worst angels of our nature by manufacturing existential threats to democracy, you generate a confrontation that you are ultimately responsible for.
I think the Conflict Policies of a National/ACT Government would be disastrous for this country.
They the Ardern Labour Government have governed for the rich with the biggest transfer of wealth in our history.
20 words of drivel exactly, you’ll get your National Party fee Bob. Not your first and won’t be your last. Hope you are declaring your income for your comments on behalf of the National and ACT parties.
Sorry MJ but that’s true? Not drivel.
100% Mickey. This ‘strawman’ that Seymour is race-baiting is just bollocks.
Strawman? Really Jason? Seymour lighting the Klu Klux Klan flames of a burning cross in New Zealand, is quite incendiary politically, and dangerous personally for a strawman like Seymour. But, thanks for the new nickname for David. Aloha Luxon and Strawman Seymour. It has a very alliterative and memorable quality. Laurel and Hardy? Penn and Teller. Gone by the end of August and new National Party Leader. Aloha Luxon and Strawman Seymour. Thanks for your wonderful political insights Jason
So where do these Klu Klux Klan flames exist Mike – inside your own mind but nowhere else? But hey, never let facts get in the way of a good fantasy. Keep up your wonderful embroidery Mike – your hyperbolism simply underlines the importance of challenging your woke dogmas and identity ‘rabbit holes’.
Yes a complete disaster doing most harm to the people they purport to represent.
Mickey Boyle…
” No one is listening, this government has been an absolute disaster for our most vulnerable. That alone means a change is needed ”
A change from what ? The current neo liberal repressive economic policies that favour the 1-5 % and their enablers ? to an even more extreme neo liberal policy than we have now ?
The vulnerable are not a consideration in the management of this countries economy regardless of who is dispensing the capital punishment.
It makes no difference LINO , GREEN , Maori , Winston’s private army.
There will be no change while the 1-10 % and their enablers and supporters control this country and Adern , Robertson who pretend to represent ” LABOUR ” continue to govern and implement National party policy.
You whitey, rightey NACT supporters are never happy are you @Mossad?
When you are out of power, you blame the economic woes on the ‘vulnerable bottom-feeding bludgers’, when you are in power you use the Tory stick to batter the ‘vulnerable bottom-feeding bludgers’.
When you are out of power you complain that Maori are being given co-governance beyond what they deserve, when you are in power, you scheme and backroom deal to get rid of the Maori seats, reduce benefits and build more prisons.
Next election promise from Labour and the Greens should be to build more prisons in the leafy suburbs of Epsom. Remove the status of “character suburbs” to build more Kainga Ora intensive housing developments. Forced integration is the cure to intolerance.
It’s easy to be racist and intolerant, while looking at Aotearoa through the sparkly windows of your NACT ivory towers, or through the foam and indignant spittle of your computer screen Mossad
A Parliamentary Upper House would be a good start. Draw on the expertise of New Zealand Order of Merit kiwis, prominent minority groups’ leaders, women and academics would also be in the Upper House. Put a rein on your whitey, rightey brown-tinted glasses NACT supporter’
Gosh MJ you are a very bitter person.
Try smiling.
Mickey Boyle…
” No one is listening, this government has been an absolute disaster for our most vulnerable. That alone means a change is needed ”
A change from what ? The current neo liberal repressive economic policies that favour the 1-5 % and their enablers ? to an even more extreme neo liberal policy than we have now ?
The vulnerable are not a consideration in the management of this countries economy regardless of who is dispensing the capital punishment.
It makes no difference LINO , GREEN , Maori , Winston’s private army.
There will be no change while the 1-10 % and their enablers and supporters control this country and Adern , Robertson who pretend to represent ” LABOUR ” continue to govern and implement National party policy.
Bullshit Mosa.
Bodies would be piled layers deep if National or ACT were in charge during the recent pandemic. Every second, they were trying and whining to keep the borders open, have AirBnB’s as quarantine venues, coaching and cheering on Karens to drive through the country infecting Kiwis.
And what’s with your pseudonym Mosa? Contraction for Mossad, who are responsible for the genocide and ghettoization of the Palestinians. Your Jewish Freudian slip is showing Mossad
Unbelievable silliness yet again from the Judge.
You’re getting more stupid with every post MJ.
Muriel Newman the NZPRC founder is a race baiting Maori hater full-stop. Her organization is peppered with disinformation, accusation, and racial profiling of Maori since she begun her career there. ‘White Fragility’ a book published by a white American woman academia ‘Robin De Angelo’ ground breaking research into European racism in the West a must read highlighting correctly the type of behaviors and actions exhibited by her org and other white people (Pakeha) promoting solidarity of continuing this white-supremacy dogma.
This ‘Maori privileges’ status has been here since the arrival of sailors in the 18 century before the signing of the TOW, so this BS isn’t new to Maori being accused of such falsehoods and innuendo’s. The fact the these actions affect Maori significantly like ‘tough on crime’ without historical context is/was a recipe for disaster with gang membership increasing because of the new recruits to their gang from prison and the wider repercussion that evident in gang number increase today.
This Micro-aggressive behavior towards Maori has mental health implications that reflected today. Maori people in general know & feel the aggressive marketed heavily choreograph attacks against them it not hard to personalize it and feel angry but in the same stroke a feeling of being overwhelmingly defeated makes the situation even more unstable. David Seymour is part Maori (euphemism for Maori-bashing allowed) which to his point of view gives him the carte blanche to make up stories and accusation for political reasons.
Lets just imagine getting rid of the TOW with all its rich historical context contributing to the legal framework of NZ promoting peace amongst the different ethnicities even with its sordid past. Is that what a real democracy look like? when you can at the swipe of a pen or (shit-stirring) to the tyranny of the majority disregard a significant document along with its marginalized peoples, that brought Europeans to our shores in huge numbers. Apparently this is CRT Woke mentality a label that white people have an incestual relationship with when depicting someone views of Maori solidarity.
If that elitist prick did not have 7 houses and did not vow to bring back tax cuts to landlords like himself then I may give him the time of day. As it stands enriching himself with his policies feels corrupt.
And who’s made him richer?? Why the trifecta of Ardern, Robertson and Orr.
If Luxon voted with his wallet, he’d vote Labour.
He’ll have pleanty of time to time to vote with his wallet, he’ll be gone by the end of August
So bitter.
So, Luxon had 7 houses after Labour came to power BG, or before?
Stick to falsetto singing BG, love your work “I started a joke”
I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
But I didn’t see
That the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh, if I’d only seen
That the joke was on me
I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I’d said
‘Til I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I’d only seen
That the joke was on me
I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I’d said
‘Til I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I’d only seen, oh yeah
That the joke was on me, oh no
That the joke was on me
Oh, no, no, no
Get looser fitting undies BG!!
Apparently, Luxon got Air New Zealand engineers to raise the top deck ceiling on the Air New Zealand 747’s, because when Luxon was sitting on his wallet, his head kept bumping the ceiling of 1st class. Ivory-class people behind Luxon kept complaining about “the racket” he was making when his cranium bumped the ceiling.
It was either raise the ceiling of 1st class, or lower the ceiling of ‘cattle class.
Luxon ‘took one for the egalitarian team’ and spared ‘cattle-class-bottom-feeders’ less headroom.
What a guy!!
Getting rid of 6 utterly useless government agencies is not “mutilating the state” – its entirely sensible. If anything, Seymour’s guilty of negligence- the equally useless race relations Kommissar should also be on his hit-list.
Thanks Pope Punctilious II, “I’d like to address you writing about “useless” National Party-in-waiting opposition, currently led by Chris Luxon. The National Party since 2014, have had some “discordant” issues with music and political campaigns.
Eminem “Lose yourself” – the first discordant note
National are good at “acquiring” songs from other artists, without giving the appropriate copyright consideration or funding payments.
This was evident with “Lose yourself”, the ‘Eminemesque’ “borrowed” melody from 8-mile’s white rapper Eminem.
“The National Party has been found guilty of breaching copyright by using Eminem’s track Lose Yourself for a 2014 election ad and must pay $600,000.
The High Court has awarded Eight Mile Style, the publisher of the hit song, damages, plus interest from June 28, 2014.
LunchMoney Lewis – “Bills” the second discordant note
Now, Chris Luxon will be apparently, singing his way into political oblivion with this “borrowed” masterpiece from LunchBox Lewis:
And I quote from Aloha Luxon himself:
“There’s a lot of options, there’s a lot of options, but the one summing up where we are right now as a country, is called “Build” by Lunchmoney Lewis.
I wanna play this as I walk-on:
I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I’m gon’ make sure everybody eats
I got bills
[Verse 1]
All these bills piled up on my desk
They looking like a mountain (Everest)
All the little kids runnin’ ’round you can hear their stomachs growlin’
There’s a full moon out, and my girl just keep on howlin’
Says she gon’ leave me if I don’t come home with 50 thousand (50 thousand?)
Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn, goddamn
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man
Goddamn, oh man, goddamn, oh man
I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I’m gon’ make sure everybody eats
I got bills
[Verse 2]
Woke up and I bumped my head
Stubbed my toe on the edge of the bed
Opened the fridge and the food all gone
Neighbor’s damn dog done crapped on my lawn
Hopped in the car and the car won’t start
It’s too damn hot but I still gotta walk
Behind an old lady in the grocery line
Praying that my card don’t get declined
Deleted chorus for the exit of Aloha Luxon as Leader of National Party
Woke up and I bumped my headclaimed I was in Te Puke, but waz in Hawaii instead
Opened the window and Hawaii filled my head
Hotel staff in BOP, made my Te Puke empty bed
Hopped in the Hawaii spa and had a heavenly fart
That’s ok, Te Puke spa, wouldn’ even start,
Behind an old lady in the Hawaii grocery line
Praying she won’t talk to me and ask me for a dime
Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn, goddamn
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man
Goddamn, oh man, goddamn, oh man
I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I’m gon’ make sure everybody eats
I got
And my shoes, my shoes
I said my shoes!
Ain’t got no soul
I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I’m gon’ make sure everybody eats
I got bills I gotta pay
So I’m gon’ work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I’m gon’ make sure everybody eats
I got bills
Yo momma got bills, yo daddy got bills
Yo sister got bills, Yo auntie got bills
(I got bills)
Yo uncle got bills
Everybody got bills, everybody got bills
This is way f$cking worse than David Shearer bring in schnapper to the debating chamber. https://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/snapper-review/9065298/David-Shearers-dead-snapper-stunt
This is way f$cking worse than Todd Muller displaying his MAGA hat on his shelves. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/todd-muller-from-maga-hat-to-cup-of-tea-and-lie-down/D3EAIWOFJZ3ZEW6TAI2SYBI3BQ/
This is way f$cking worse than Shane Jones watching porn. https://natlib.govt.nz/records/22750462?search%5Bi%5D%5Bsubject_authority_id%5D=-4194&search%5Bpath%5D=items
Time for David Seymour to take charge of the National Party – except, he has also twerked his way into stupidity on Dancing with the Stars https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/act-leader-david-seymour-on-shock-dancing-with-the-stars-elimination-no-one-deserves-that/THAK3ZCFCBSIVTM7NVAJVGA5DQ/
FFS, let’s just elect Labour and the Greens back into power in 2023, and then have 3 years, where politicians act like, statesmen and stateswomen at least, in the run-up to the 2026 elections.
Until then, Chris Luxon, “Lose yourself” until you come up with better lines for your entry to a National Party Conference than:
“All these bills piled up on my desk
They looking like a mountain (Everest)
All the little kids runnin’ ’round you can hear their stomachs growlin’
There’s a full moon out, and my girl just keep on howlin’
Says she gon’ leave me if I don’t come home with 50 thousand (50 thousand?)
And, just as as you walk off the stage, at the National Party Conference, muttering
Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn, goddamn
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man
Goddamn, oh man, goddamn, oh man
Lose yourself.
Lose yourself. by going off and finding “other business oppor-tune-ities to pursue” and “family time to prioritise [in Hawaii, NOT Te Puke].
Lose yourself Luxon.
We can probably forget about any pay rises between 2023 and 2030. Or probably ever. We might even lose our sick leave, paid holidays, leave etc.
People tend to forget that as far as jobs and wages go, workers have never had it so good. Anyone who wants a job can probably get one, and get one that pulls in a decent wage. The fact that National, ACT and the business sector have a big issue with that underlines, that despite Labour record, we need them back in for another term.
“Corrections are very corrupt and once they gain new powers to bash prisoners with, they’ll be some prisoner who gets beaten within an inch of his life which that will trigger prison riots.”
Correction largely outsources this to the gangs. Both National and Labour have allowed the gangs to take over our prisons to make prison as an unpleasant place as possible. Garth McVicar, the SS Trust and their sockpuppets in National and ACT openly condone tougher prisoners being able to rape, beat and shank weaker prisoners to ensure that offenders are ‘punished’. This is what happens in the US prisons.
Gee Millsy stick to reading comics.
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