On tonight’s show at 9pm:
• Martyn ‘Bomber’ Bradbury – Weekly Commentary with NZ’s Political HITMAN
• Thane Kirby – Host
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Ha. You look like someone somewhere between Hunter S Thompson and an actor on Last of The Summer Wine.
Just to write:
Here they come. The Ken and Barbi Hoards. The Great Bleached Perineum People. The All Money, no Class’er’s.
The “Oh my! What a quaint little island, and it’s only how much!? Oh dahling! Lets buy? De louse it of the awful locals, and we can park the super yachts right there where it says Queens Wawph ! This will be so much more fun that fwying in our own juices back home in L.A. We must remember to pay the lobbyist for his/ her excellent job of schmoozing that greedy little man… what was his name again? The mad, feral eyebrows chap? Stewie something or another ” people.
“…the new Active Investor Plus visa…” Fuck off. That’s just a polite label for bribery.
Where’re you spending the money Stewie? On the homeless and those in poverty? Our dead duck walking health system etc Stewie? Oh? You can’t read this for the champagne corks flying past your eyebrows? Sorry, I’ll let you get back to pissing on the street people.
“Economic Development Minister Stuart Nash says the new Active Investor Plus visa will attract “active and high-value migrants”.
That’s code for; “Pay us enough money and we’ll let you in. Heard about the Jersey Islands? Panama? Cook Islands? Has stewie said “ Hang on, I’ll give you a special account number. “ yet
The Spiders Web. Watch this and know too much.
“Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.”
Martyn you should interview Brian Tamaki
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