National are gaining traction on the rising gang war and playing the tough on crime rhetoric while framing Labour as ‘soft on crime’.
It’s a bullshit tactic that is petty, childish and actually beneath the seriousness of the situation.
Labour are not ‘soft’ on crime, the driver for this gang war has been the imported 501s, not Labour policy.
This is a unique moment in the NZ underworld scene. They’ve never had almost 3000 criminals forced into NZ with little family support or community connection. Not all 501s are heavy criminals, and for those who aren’t we desperately need to wrap around social services. But there is a large chunk who are professional criminals who come from an Australian criminal culture far more violent than the domestic gangs.
They have seperate supply chains of meth from the South American Cartels and are prepared to use a level of sophistication and uber violence that dwarfs our current capacity.
That isn’t Labour’s fault and indeed the news that the new Australian Government are looking at changing the rules so that those who have lived the majority of their life in Australia will stay is far more significant than the media coverage in Australia has noticed.
National are calling for a ban on patches as if that will solve anything when it’s a cheap bullshit pretence of a solution!
The fundamental problem with the exploding gang war is an in internal turf war inside Police over intelligence. Currently the GCSB and SIS are intercepting communications between the 501s and their South American Cartel meth suppliers. The NSA very much want any intel on the Cartels, so NZ is sending its intel up the chain of command, it’s not being sent down to local cops here to use against the 501s. The drift net approach by Police who have used 750 warrantless searches against the gangs over the last couple of months is a fishing expedition because Police have zero intel on who they should be pressuring. Hipkins knows well the internal turf wars of various Bureaucracies and I think we will see the GCSB and SIS forced to share their intel with the Police Intelligence and Organised Crime units which in turn will give them far better tools to deal to the gangs.
A Gang Task Force is pointless if the Police Intelligence Unit is hopeless, this is an internal Policing management issue, the Police Minister can’t tell Police how to react operationally!
National keep accusing Labour of not supporting warrantless searches which the existing laws allow for it! It’s like they don’t understand the law yet are attacking Labour for their misunderstanding of the law!
National’s solutions are all really stupid and don’t actually cut to the true source of the current gang wars.
National aren’t tough on crime, they are soft on facts.
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Yes Matryn but National and ACT won’t let facts get in the way of a good ole whinge.
Now who put Coster in the top job when there were better, more liked candidates. I can’t quite remember Bertie – could you help me here?
Look here Frank, Coster is “polcing by consent” and if criminals don’t give their consent, what can the police possibly do?
What a load of bollocks.
Don’t have a problem with Coster Frankie as I say it’s a media and right wing whinge.
They’re white collar criminals themselves. The open hypocrisy of only hating on blue collar crime is eventually going to lead to a sticks and stones showdown… and… eventually… the lumpenproletariat are going to win.
How many white collar criminals – exploitative modern slavers, fraudsters, real estate slumlords, nicotine-to-children-peddlers, etcetera – have Lational and Nabour imported and foisted upon the No Zealand underclass in the last two and a half decades? *crickets chirping*
It is incredible how 1ZB talk back types fall for this tough on crime solution BS. It’s a small minded response that won’t stop gang crime, but will make some feel like they have got something over the bikies. “Oh you have taken my patch away, I think I’ll join the sallies and mow my neighbours lawns”
ZB talk a hole lot of bullshit many of those that call this station don’t know what they are talking about they need to do some research instead of talking a load of kaka.
Unfortunately Kiwi voters are dumb enough to buy Nationals bullshit.
We will pay for this lack of political understanding when the Nats sweep to power and begin a series of economic and social outrages that will make Ruthanasia look like a teddy bears picnic.
Social outrage like having rents jump 60 percent while failing to build state houses and causing house prices to rocket up driving nurses to go to Australia or Canada sticking families in motels and put gang members in the same complex .
Sorry that was what Labour achieved do you think National should use their efforts as a blue print
That is Nationals blueprint Trevor. Sold off state houses, would not admit house prices were an issue ( as that was their idea of an economy), and didn’t even negotiate with nurses. Stifled wage growth encouraging people to go off shore. You hit the nail on the head
Andrew Little is from the National Party? Who knew! Both Parties have led us here, and neither one of them will be part of the solution.
well its a good thing that National have solid policies in place to change all that…
How like tough on crime BS?
hi stephen, should have pointed out that was sarcasm. my mistake.
You’ve fallen down the rabbit hole Trev. Labour used Nationals blueprint and everything you say, whilst taken.with a large grain of right wing salt is proof although Labour is building state homes, National no and Labours intervention in the housing market is showing a significant decrease in prices. As for the increase in rents, pure greed.
I am listening to the National radio station and the nurse spokesperson is saying the staff problem goes back to 2006 and nothing concrete has happened but the relationship is getting worse . She asks Little to coming and speak to nurses direct not go through the ministry as she believes he is not getting the true picture . As you are directly involved is that a true picture.
I see sadely patient died due to wait times . I will except National dropped the ball on health but the current 5 years and the Clark period is all down to Labour is that not so .
Re rents yes greed is apparent but the compliance costs have increased dramatically .
It’s all laugh along stuff for us who’ve seen the last 40 years of politics. But I’ve seen dairy-owners’ calls for more serious penalties and Akldrs’ fears. So, strong action by the police.
Makes me angry, the attacks on dairy-owners. My local dairy has fought it by being ‘more’ family. Here in Gisbo we understand family. Also helps she’s a cousin of Bruce Lee and is willing to fight.
Her husband is a nice pakeha who can’t take her relentless lack of holidays psychologically.
Who was it who cancelled the sorely needed new prison projects and ended the three strikes legislation?
Oh yes! That would be crim hugging Labour.
Yes they did because it was an archaic policy.
Andrew who, in their tough on gangs and crime response, have not suggested reinstating three strikes and prison cells for Africa……National. Probably for good reason.
it doesn’t work andrew check out yankland….more prisoners per capita than either stalin or current china…most of them african american males…and the US is such a shining example of the peaceful white city on a hill…ain’t it?
so even your little wet dream of locking up maori it won’t actually work so double fail there son.
“The NSA very much want any intel on the Cartels, so NZ is sending its intel up the chain of command, it’s not being sent down to local cops here to use against the 501s.”
This doesn’t surprise me for a moment.
Yet again, our national security is being compromised, indeed OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING FOR NO REASON, because of the uniparty’s devotion to licking the wart-encrusted feet of the American babykillers.
We don’t need another billion dollar prisons Andrew to fill up with our Maori whanau. We need to learn the lessons from the USA a country with the highest incarceration rates despite having punitive measures like the death penalty, longer sentences, three strikes. Why? cause non of these measures worked. In fact we should be ashamed of the high rates of imprisonment of Maori in our own country. When National were last in power with their dear leader John whose now gone inequalities rose and Maori and PI were the most disadvantaged.
You Andrew are one of the most horrible nasty people on this site what happened to you did your mother drop you on your head when you were a kid cause your head is full of kaka.
The three strikes is not needed Andrew our judges need to give bad criminals longer sentences if that is warranted. Its our judges that are soft many believe in giving people a second chance and that’s fine but its hard to justify this stance when someone is brutally murdered. A man was given 7 years for his 3rd strike for pinching a female guards bum hardly a seven year offence this case highlighted the shortcomings of the 3 strikes. As for your build another prison bullshit, we are not a little america.
The three strikes is not needed Andrew our judges need to give bad criminals longer sentences if that is warranted. Its our judges that are soft many believe in giving people a second chance and that’s fine but its hard to justify this stance when someone is brutally murdered. A man was given 7 years for his 3rd strike for pinching a female guards bum hardly a seven year offence this case highlighted the shortcomings of the 3 strikes. As for your build another prison bullshit, we are not a little america.
Two things. Or three. The crises are over, Labour is still neoliberal (hasn’t delivered) and electoral cycles.
Quite amusing to anyone who knows anything about politics, the complete emptiness of National’s pitch. They can do whatever they like next time in govt on the rebound principle.
National has defunded the police during it’s time in office. Both during 1990-99 and 08-17.
It also allowed gangs to take over the prisons in the hopes that allowing gang members to rape, shank, beat and stand over weaker prisoners, it would serve as a deterrent to keep people away from crime.
The only thing National will get tough on is our human rights.
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