The Daily Blog Open Mic – 9th June 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. What is wrong with this country, neoliberal thinkers and woke more concerned with middle class micro aggressions over coffee recipes, than large government owned organisations killing people.

    65 million without anyone being held to account from rate payers pockets, while paying the CEO 1.8 million who is being prosecuted for killing a worker???? Yes having the Council Owned Organisations really worked!

    Ports of Auckland scraps automation project rendering $65m of investment useless

    Auckland councillors demand explanation of port chief executive’s $1.8m payout

    Makes a mockery of the fine of up to $300,000 for failure to comply with a duty that exposes an individual to risk of death or serious injury. if convicted under section 48, and $100,000 if found guilty under section 49.

    Former Auckland port boss charged over death of worker crushed by container

    Pike River, CCTV building, nobody in jail over the deaths that could have been prevented.

    The remedy is not 3 waters and more centralised management – it is as easy as just making al the council owned assets part of the council again and putting better laws in to make sure councils have better transparency and lower overheads aka executive salaries should not be able to be over the PM’s salary of c. $400k

    • Also get bosses that know something about ports, not neoliberals, fucking their workers over while coining huge salaries. No wonder so many deaths!

      A maximum cap of $400k incl bonus for government management, might get rid of the greediest public sector executives and return some sense into public service. At the same time they keep worrying about paying minimum and living wages. Crazy.

      • That sounds suitable savenz max $400,000 incl. perks and disbursements blah blah.
        Thanks for coming; up with something concrete to consider for an idea. So much of the communication here is critical sneering satirical which have a place but that’s 20th
        century method now there is no time for empty posturing .

    We don’t like what we have now for citizens in NZ from the government (note I didn’t put OUR government), but if we allow National and Act in as lwaders and decision-makers (and anyone ready to back them, Exclusive Brethren, religion businessmen following Amish ideas to some extent, prosperity churches, property speculators and grandee rank or perspiring aspirers) we will get zilch. and more zilch and……………………………..

    But countering what might seem a negative comment about Amish we might analyse if there is something that we could follow in their approach to life, some good thsings we are leaving out of our present culture
    that we have never had, or have dropped out, and need to reinstate. We need, must change – the 20th century systems we have carried forward have left us with a class society that is a failure even for those who have raised themselves to a notable level; it has been at the cost of denying people the opportunity to work and learn and sustain themselves to a good life – our present system is unsustainable and each new tech advance increases the people’s loss and that loss goes to the gain of the oligarchs.

    Learn something every day? You are up against computers that can know everything, and big business that is looking for a way to exploit that knowledge and exploit you, so better brush up your mind while you still have the chance to sharpen it.

    Perhaps you can decide to be a fooll or a jester in the old meaning, and go at that in the knowledge that is the only way forward – to be a full fool.
    What was the role of a jester?
    The jesters were given a power that no other person in the kingdom was granted: the power to openly mock any noble he saw fit, even the King or Queen. So long as it was done in a jesting manner, a jester could get away with poking fun at any of the nobles shortcomings.28/12/2015
    Medieval Jester – More Than Just a Fool › articles › me.

  3. I’m sitting in a cool breeze through my ranchslider here in winter Gisborne past 9 pm. Just took a vera speedy norwester into town for extra beers on my bike. It dropped off on my return, otherwise I’d be more blasting. But to an outdoor biking worker like me, it is the end. Can’t understand normalcy carrying on. It’s over, except for full mobilisation.

    Re food price inflation, as a compensation for the above, and refutation of the complainers, you can live on pork chops for $14 a week.

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