The Daily Blog Open Mic – 8th May 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Havard Scientists huge research conclusion: OMICRON IS NOT MILDER!

    Eric Feigl-Ding Twitter thread (here:

    MICRON IS NOT MILDER—Huge study by Harvard scientists finds #Omicron variant is **not intrinsically milder**, in a study of 130,000 people. “We found that the risks of #COVID19 hospitalization & mortality were nearly identical”—just as my team warned.

    research article here:

    This is a nightmare virus, everyday more research and its nearly all bad news.

    And we are just letting it burn through the population REPEATEDLY.

    The vaccines are a joke now – booster 4 when? Jacinda said decision is delayed because Pfizer stopped publishing the data! Why?! Because it looks like total crap is why and Pfizer is diving for cover!

    Looks like the normies are going to have to find out the hard way about this “mild endemic just like a cold” virus.

    Its too bad.

  2. moon rekt
    I think you should be careful commenting on Covid. You seem determined to pass on information in a way that is negative. Personally I can do without that and, looking round, I don’t see others feeling cheered up by anything much about it, and we don’t need someone saying the vaccines are a joke. You know bloody well scientists have said for a long time that they will prevent cases reaching severe if people do get it as it is not a guaranteed brick wall!

    • Everyone on beach picking up stranded fish b/c freak tide sucked all the water out of sight.

      moon rekt shouting at them all to RUN! TSUNAMI!!! Grab your kids and RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!

      Greywarbler “I am so so so tired of your constant negativity moon rekt! Look at all the fresh fish here for the taking! Everyone feels cheerful right now and looking forward to a tasty dinner! You just dont like seeing other people being happy that’s your problem”.

      • Goodbye moon rekt, I hope you enjoy your fanciful trip to that planet? Is it a planet? But I am trying to keep my feet on the ground with esprit de corps with other grounded people, and occasional outbreaks of irony, a bit of acerbity and occasional satire. But always with a goal of finding what is best for us and will benefit us all with no-one missing out completely.

        That involves noting what is positive and trying to keep the positives up and increasing. It’s not helpful to just sit and criticise peoples’ efforts. If you are out there working to help and feeling despair at poor outcomes, thank you for your work, but tell us how things could be done better not just recite the failures. How would you do things better in the known circumstances? It is a worldwide problem, If there was some commercial or national conspiracy to gain advantage, how would your flak help the rest of us? Our good scientists are trying hard and getting muck thrown at them by the uncouth for their pains. Counter-productive, that is. Hey I’m starting to talk like Obi-Wan Kenobi. My advice – don’t turn to the Dark Side!

        This is what set this off:
        This is a nightmare virus, everyday more research and its nearly all bad news.
        And we are just letting it burn through the population REPEATEDLY.

        The vaccines are a joke now – booster 4 when? Jacinda said decision is delayed because Pfizer stopped publishing the data! Why?! Because it looks like total crap is why and Pfizer is diving for cover!

        Looks like the normies are going to have to find out the hard way about this “mild endemic just like a cold” virus.
        Its too bad.

  3. Is international ownership of farms really a good idea? Surely on the spot management by someone closely involved with the whole thing better? And what a trial managing disasters over some machines and air?
    At a desk in Romania, Australian farmer Lawrence Richmond receives these updates from workers at the three wheat and sunflower farms in southern Ukraine that he manages…
    According to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), Russia and Ukraine combined account for about 30 per cent and 20 per cent of global wheat and maize exports respectively.
    Conflict, COVID-19 and climate change
    Josh Hallwright, Oxfam Australia’s humanitarian lead, said the forces driving food prices up and leading to the current global food crisis could be summarised with three ‘c’s: conflict, Covid-19 and climate change.,, [What about stock-piling and hedging.]
    Last week, Indonesia banned the export of palm oil, which immediately drove up the global price of vegetable oil. [EcoNOmics? Thumbs down for its ideas of efficiency. So much for specialising in one thing and trading with someone doing the same with another item.]

    “If we can manage more fair, more equitable distribution of the food, and help poorest families to be able to buy and access food, we can solve this crisis.”.

    “If we can manage more fair, more equitable distribution of the food, and help poorest families to be able to buy and access food, we can solve this crisis.” [That sounds great in the long term, now in the short what’s the quick, effective plan?]

  4. Don McLean Starry Starry Night – great lyrics –

    Dedicated to all those who have spent countless hours trying to find answers, seeking approaches and methods that would make people’s lives, health, better and go towards the quantum of happiness in the world.

    Now, I understand, what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they’ll listen now
    For they could not love you
    But still your love was true
    And when no hope was left inside
    On that starry, starry night
    You took your life as lovers often do
    But I could have told you, Vincent
    This world was never meant for one
    As beautiful as you

    Starry, starry night
    Portraits hung in empty halls
    Frameless heads on nameless walls
    With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget
    Like the strangers that you’ve met
    The ragged men in ragged clothes
    The silver thorn of bloody rose
    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

    Now, I think I know what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they’re not listening still
    Perhaps they never will…

  5. Uno problemo. (Just a different way of stating another problem but on the climate side.)
    …Belinda Storey, an expert in climate risk relating to insurance and property at Victoria University and managing director of Climate Sigma, said until now insurance had been available for those living in one-1-in-100-year flood zones – that is, places that have a 1 percent chance of damage from storms and inundation.
    There have already been multiple once-in-a-century storms in just the past year or so…

    EQC Minister David Clark is in charge of a work programme investigating flood risk and insurance, including whether the government should support a national flood insurance scheme for residential buildings.
    But Storey said the government should definitely not go down this road, as it will actually make things worse – incentivising continued construction in risky places.

    “If you have a public scheme step in then you’re transferring the risk from the private homeowner to the public – the risk doesn’t disappear.

    Read RNZ’s summary of the draft plan here, the government’s full plan here, and the consultation documents and info on managed retreat here.

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