The Daily Blog Open Mic – 5th May 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. “The living standard of the Māori is lower and after all, the object of these pensions is to maintain standards rather than to raise them.” Here is but one example of the racist discriminative policies implemented by a NZ government to keep Maori at the bottom in NZ society. When I hear people saying, we are heading down a road of separatism wow! when our country has a track record of separatism.

  2. More honouring Robin Williams:
    What is Robin Williams biggest contribution to society?
    Image result for robin williams about
    He toured the Middle East with the USO a total of five times, including visits to Iraq and Afghanistan, to help raise morale among the troops and was, perhaps, best known philanthropically for his affiliation with Comic Relief, which was founded in 1986 as a non-profit organization to help America’s homeless.
    Robin Williams: Charity Work & Causes – Look to the Stars › celebrity › robin-williams

    The man himself –
    Note: Williams attended public elementary school in Lake Forest at Gorton Elementary School and middle school at Deer Path Junior High School.[22] He described himself as a quiet child who did not overcome his shyness until he became involved with his high school drama department.[23] His friends recall him as very funny.[22] In late 1963, when Williams was 12, his father was transferred to Detroit. The family lived in a 40-room farmhouse on 20 acres[14] in suburban Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where he was a student at the private Detroit Country Day School.[22][24] He excelled in school, where he was on the school’s wrestling team and was elected class president.[25]
    As both his parents worked, Williams was partially raised by the family’s maid, who was his main companion. When he was 16, his father took early retirement and the family moved to Tiburon, California….

    Williams was raised by the family maid in great surroundings and became a wonderful person.
    Why don’t we aim to get our young people great lives and end up having a great little nation: push the poor people out to work in the impoverished employment scene of ridiculous short-term gig work and give the family a trained maid, also known as au pairs, or nannies, to nurture the children to grow their personal attributes and gifts to the full.

  3. News –
    This is today’s democracy – instead of working with citizens, carrying out a pilot that trials something new’; impose it and also fine people who can’t make it work for them, while we struggle under historically bad difficulties. Pshaw!! When we need to try an approach that actually meets needs with the uncertain future in mind.
    I have come across such cohesiveness, clannishness and can believe this. It can be ‘with us or you’re outside and against us’. So much for free thinking and being explorative in one’s thinking.
    And the iron curtain is unrolled on anyone who is different not just the old against the new.

    A culture in which students were bullied, harassed and subject to sexist, racist and inappropriate comments from their peers has taken hold in some areas of the New Zealand Broadcasting School, an independent investigation has found…
    “There was widespread bullying over the relevant period by some students of other students. I have no reason to doubt any of the evidence provided to me by students concerning the accounts they provided to the investigation team, some of which are outlined below.

    “The information was, without exception, thoughtfully and carefully conveyed. It took courage for many of the students I interviewed to get in touch with the investigation team and go through what was often a difficult process of re-living certain experiences. Where appropriate the information was tested by me during the interviews. Several accounts were able to be corroborated by other students or verified by other sources of information. That information included documentary evidence and photographs.

    “There is evidence, which I accept, of a small minority of tutors in some streams during the relevant period allowing a culture to prevail in class which enabled not only bullying, but also sexual harassment by some students and the making of sexist and inappropriate comments by some students and a minority of tutors. To a much lesser extent, that culture also enabled some racist comments.

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