MEDIAWATCH: The true cost of the Amber Heard Vs Johnny Depp trial


It’s just so awful, and none of us can look away.

The ugliness of the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp defamation case is set against a #MeToo backlash and a new micro aggression policing culture that redefines violence as a subjective feeling where everyone must believe every allegation.

It’s a brave new world in which ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is recast as a heteronormative white cis male patriarchal hate crime, where roving woke lynch mobs are ready to deplatform anyone accused of anything on Twitter because feminists never lie.

The Salem Witch Trials had more procedure.

So against this social media backlash, comes the Heard/Depp trial where Heard used innuendo and the new definitions of subjective violence to destroy Depp’s career.

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To date, Depp comes across like a pretty moody and self involved coke head who likes to dress up as a depressed pirate cowboy, but I can’t see how any of that’s a surprise.

He doesn’t come across like the violent wife beater Heard has attempted to cash in on and the accusations of physical abuse haven’t been corroborated at all, and in most cases look deceptive.

Begging to reconcile the relationship after a 12 month separation isn’t helping her case.

It looks like she’s the girl who cried wolf and used the culture of victim virtue signalling as a publicity move, and that’s the true cost of this awful trial.

For every Amber Heard who is dramatically catastrophising every micro aggression as emotional genocide there are a 100 actual victims of domestic violence suffering in pain.

This case can not and must not be allowed to eclipse the true scourge that is real domestic violence.

This case reeks of privilege, it doesn’t smell of one sided domestic abuse at all, but that might just be the stench of the shit she apparently took in his bed, which is totally justified because you know, ‘patriarchy’.


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  1. Why are we giving these odious people the time of day? Hours and inches of media time and print. Have we lost all brain power?

    • Haven’t you heard that Covid is now officially passe, Putin’s war is yesterday’s news, the Chris Rock slap thing is so last week, the rugby international season is yet to start but crickets sort of done for another season, NZ Celebrity Spin the Bottle is still yet to be a thing, fly strike isnt so bad now the weather’s cooling and Auntie Thelma has a new Mediterranean themed mail box. Oh and Mittens had 6 kittens.

  2. I was in an abusive marriage, my ex tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I unfortunately bruised her wrist in disarming her. The ex complained to the police. The policewoman of course wasn’t impressed with me. As a man it was my fault for not earning enough money and a Judge wouldn’t believe me as ”woman don’t do that sort of thing”

  3. the sad thing is and none of us actually know what went on…these high profile frivolous suits make it harder for women to be believed in the rewal world. the current ‘accusation is evidence’ is falling rapidly into disrepute, the danger being actual abuse suffered by women(and we in NZ have more than enough) once the automatic legal bias against men is reversed will be ignored/minimised as it was in the past…and that doesn’t do anything for abused women.

    swinging the pendulum too far one way results in it swinging right back.

    cue allegations of misogyny – WRONG I’m a proud misanthrope

    • Hmm try laying a complaint after a woman attempts to stab you with a kitchen knife, you might just get asked “what did you do to deserve that”? Oh and a police caution for disarming the woman trying to stab you.

      • Women can get into trouble with the law because of striking a blow in self defence before they have been physically assaulted. That is another problem, this time for women trying to act in defence in advance of a blow or attack they know will come as that is the pattern of previous incidents.

        Striking when there is opportunity before the particular animal gets muscle and determination together is a no-no. Apparently you are supposed to first suffer a whack which may disable you and prevent any defence at all.

        • just like any individual on the street grey…or faced with a burglar..n
          ow if you’re arguing for those to change fair enough but genital based exemptions are not a way forward.

        • Self defence is defending yourself against an attack, not a preemptive strike to take out an abuser.

          I’ve been amazed at how accepting our society is of abusive and violent behaviour. Especially when it is committed by middle class white women, who went to the right girls school.

          • soooo just to be clear..past abuse doesn’t factor in, only the immediate situation matters…you’re only entitled to strike after they strike you and then only if there is no escape route….just wanna get you right

            • What you are doing is justifying retaliation. Killing someone or injuring someone is wrong, you may believe that you have the justification. But that doesn’t give you the right to take matters into your own hands.

              People who retaliate in the manner you describe probably have personality disorders, they see themselves as a victim, when they are actually the perpetrator. They have the ability to manipulate the story and people to see only their constructed side of the story.

              It still amazes me how society excuses (white, middle class) female violence and abuse against their partners. It’s always the victims fault.

            • Your sarcasm aside, you have almost summed up self defence. No one is allowed to use physical violence against another person. There is a legal defence, only to defend ourselves from immediate danger. Or I guess there’s the defence of insanity… Anything else is vigilante justice.

              I wonder why you are supporting the rights of middle class white women to be abusive and violent towards others.

              I’m guessing that you have not been a victim of violence? I have, both from men and women. It’s the most dehumanising experience I have ever had. For me the worst part is the reaction from liberal middle class white people to violence against men.

              Violent and abusive people need to be held to account. It doesn’t matter what gender, race, social class the abuser is.

              Unfortunately you obviously support violence and abuse against others. Especially if the victims are people you consider as others & the perpetrators are people who belong to a group you consider as protected people

            • Sarcasm aside, I think you have almost summed up self defence. Aside from insanity. Just to be clear, violence is unacceptable, so is revenge & retaliation.

              For some reason you believe that violence and abuse committed by “liberal middle class white” women is okay.

              The effects of violence on an individual are dehumanising, especially for men when the abuse comes from people considered “liberal middle class white”. The victim then must have deserved it

            • Sarcasm aside, I think you have almost summed up self defence. Aside from insanity. Just to be clear, violence is unacceptable, so is revenge & retaliation.

              For some reason you believe that violence and abuse committed by “liberal middle class white” women is okay.

              The effects of violence on an individual are dehumanising, especially for men when the abuse comes from people considered “liberal middle class white”. The victim then must have deserved it

  4. Has Amber Heard got pouty lips? Apparently they are very popular amongst the smart set. Saying that you are badly treated and getting a great courtroom scene might be a similar latest trend. Some people seem to live a little distanced from reality, being their own leading person (whichever they feel most like this week ur six months). Shakespeare said it back in the 16th? century in his play As You Like It. !!
    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages.

    Read the progress through the seven:

  5. Martyn, If you’re going to comment on this trial, then at least do some actual research. Like you might want to try mentioning that this case has already been tried in the U.K where the judge found Amber Heard has proven to a civil standard that she was physically assaulted by Depp on at least twelve occasions. Or the fact that Amber was sexually assaulted with a bottle by Depp, the UK judge ruled it was proven, but sealed it because it was a civil trial and not criminal. It isn’t going to be sealed this time Martyn. Pull your finger out and do some actual bloody journalism, because you’re going to look really fucking stupid when Heard testifies.

  6. Truthfully… This is very sad. And very painful to see this kind of abuse destroy people. When my husband was attacked in our home his eyes were black his nose purple blue swollen his jaw all black and purple. We went to the hospital to make sure nothing was broken. It took weeks even with tea tree oil aloe E oil triple antibiotic. So my question is if Amber’s nose was broken how come her bruises are so light. I am a makeup artist with background in theatre. And it just does not look real. She would have looked like a fight with prizefighter and been in great pain. Trust me! I have been a caregiver for years. And I have taken care of serious wounds. Those just did not look real. This is very disturbing. I feel for her, but I also feel for him. I have seen both sides of this same behavior In people close to me.

  7. Truthfully… This is very sad. And very painful to see this kind of abuse destroy people. When my husband was attacked in our home his eyes were black his nose purple blue swollen his jaw all black and purple. We went to the hospital to make sure nothing was broken. It took weeks even with tea tree oil aloe E oil triple antibiotic. So my question is if Amber’s nose was broken how come her bruises are so light. I am a makeup artist with background in theatre. And it just does not look real. She would have looked like a fight with prizefighter and been in great pain. Trust me! I have been a caregiver for years. And I have taken care of serious wounds. Those just did not look real. This is very disturbing. I feel for her, but I also feel for him. I have seen both sides of this same behavior In people close to me.

    • When Amber took the stand to discribe her injuries Depp’s lawyer was a dog.

      The framing of a young female laywer so high on life and her professional standards – where did Depp even find her???

      Amber’s laywer couldn’t hide.

      Depp’s lawyer: Objection hearsay

      Judge: sustained

      Objection relevance


      Objection unqualified opinion


      Objection no grounds


      Objection leading





      Amber’s laywer: I’m trying

      Objection relevance!


      Amber’s lawyer: okay I’m finished

      Depp’s lawyer: chux her co council a cheeky smirk.

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