You have nothing to lose except your shopping chains
Management controls the means of production
The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.
or be put in front of a bullit firing squad.
Who’ll be the largest group of beneficiaries of Robo’s next Budget? The already well-healed? The newly minted upper-middle-class? The middle class or the Ukraine?
jacindas cabinet room
At least Karl could spell
Management couldn’t even manage to get the Gib. board painted.
Management controls the means of production
The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.
or be put in front of a bullit firing squad.
Who’ll be the largest group of beneficiaries of Robo’s next Budget? The already well-healed? The newly minted upper-middle-class? The middle class or the Ukraine?
jacindas cabinet room
At least Karl could spell
Management couldn’t even manage to get the Gib. board painted.
Shopping chains – devgilishly witty!
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