Great news today for the team at The Working Group.
We are now the number 1 weekly political podcast in NZ based on Apple Podcast rankings and in the top 20 for all news podcasts!
It took 17 episodes and NO NZ on Air funding!
Thanks to everyone for supporting us in being able to discuss politics from across the political spectrum on ideas and issues the mainstream media manage to butcher each week.
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Fantastic cartoon @ ME.
Congratulations. Well deserved
It’s listenable as it’s not a left wing echo chamber, you have left and right plus centrist on the panel.
No one likes an echo chamber (left or right)
Free speech in action.
Totally agree, well done Martyn.
I enjoy that it’s all in good jest even though you have guests that are polar opposites politically to each other
That’s pretty respectable. I reckon it’s because of the engagement with all sectors, left and right. (Not women so much, of course, but room to expand of you’re into that.)
Great effort.
Well deserved.
Indeed @ Martyn. Well deserved. Probably could have happened sooner if only you’d managed to get audio problems sorted out – but thems the hazards of life in the fast lane eh?
Now let’s see if we can get rid of the 10-15 minutes preamble of phaffing around before we get into the red meat. Time for me is precious, as it is for lotsa other suppotas. Lerv your choice of cravats btw. Just the right degree of butch, especially when worn with the headpiece.
I had a listen last night, and was very impressed. At times I feel very despondent about this country’s future, but I felt more hopefully after watching the podcast and seeing honest and good-humoured engagement between people whose politics differ so radically. And nobody on the show seems to take themselves too seriously.
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