Government Measures Could Go Further – Public Transport Users Association


The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) applauds the government’s halving of the charge to consumers of public transport, however, the PTUA feel that the government could have gone further by making it free for children and on weekends. The PTUA feel that this fare level should always be at about this level bringing New Zealand fares in line with other comparable countries.

Chair of the PTUA, Niall Robertson says that this brings the fare price down to about 25% of cost recovery, but when compared with Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth at a normal rate of 18%, 23% and 20% respectively, this is more largess than a real reduction.

The PTUA would have been advocating for a period of free public transport through this crisis period, but are aware the Auckland Transport are currently down about 450 staff and free PT could overwhelm the system. However, we do advocate free PT over the weekends when Auckland Transport will be able to cope.


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