W-H-A-T??? You mean creating a common enemy & provoking protestors has only built the movement and there are more now?
On Day 2, the factions were turning on each other and they were imploding – they had failed to enter Parliament, the momentum had peaked and was collapsing.
But what did Trev do?
He poured petrol on the fire and demanded Police clear the lawn – HE provoked this!
The lengths with which some of the NZ Twitter community are going in defending Trevor today is fucking extraordinary!
LOOK AT THE LIVESTREAM – he recruited people with his temper tantrum – are you all so tribal you will not see?
He poured petrol on this!
Watching the glee many on the twitter left seem to take at watching poor people get bashed up the Police has been eye opening hasn’t it?
De-escalation by the Police & the removal of clubs from the Frontline are essential moves that will desperately turn the heat down here – the majority aren’t Nazi white supremacists threatening Parliament they are angry frightened people whipped into ignorant Frenzy at worst.
I never thought I’d ever get to the stage in NZ politics where I was holding back the Left from calling on the the State to smash their fellow citizen – I always thought that was a threat from the Right!
We need to be crueller to corporations and kinder to people.
After inciting, recruiting and prolonging this protest with his temper tantrum, the Speaker now turns on the sprinklers for spite – why is the rageaholic man child still running things?
If Key had pulled this stunt the Left would be screaming!
There is a long history of occupations on the lawns of Parliament – short of sending in Cops with clubs, we have to accept the provocation Trevor’s temper tantrum has provoked is an occupation that will leave later rather than sooner.
Let’s hope the rain can wash this away over the weekend and he doesn’t just try and bash his way out.
Great work Trev!
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These rabid, down-the-rabbit-hole, right-wing, nutters need to be arrested.
NOW</b?. Not sprinkled with water, nor fairy-dust, not pushed. ARRESTED.
The video from Bowen House, posted by Action Zealandia was chilling. Bowen House has an underground passageway to parliament FFS. This is a dangerous and frightening twist on this hateful convoy. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/security-changed-at-parliaments-bowen-house-after-action-zealandia-posts-video/OP2D4U3ETENXLUN22UNOIII7CY/
The SIS and parliamentary security services should be all over this and beefing up security for our politicians.
These rabid nutcases have an execution list FFS: https://www.nuremberg.nz/the-accused/
These deluded fcuks, have a heroes list FFS: https://www.nuremberg.nz/the-heroes/
Are these "heroes" behind this hateful website, and if they are, then they should be easy to prosecute under the HDC laws.
If this website isn't Harmful Digital Communications (HDC), then the law needs to be changed under urgency to make it fit for purpose in these dirty politics 2.0 times.
Here are some easy questions to track down the purveyors and seeders of hate:
Where’s the money coming from to fund the building of this hateful site?
Are the usual suspects from National’s dirty politics involved again?
Is the BFD hate site linked to this Nuremberg site?
What are the links between Republican and anti-democracy and this convoy of hate?
Is Russia involved to destabilise democracy?
Where are our 5-eyes allies when NZ needs to follow the communications, money and that set this occupation of hate convoy up?
There will be some squeaky sphincters in the National and ACT parties, as the dirty politics rent-a-hater and groundswell convoy, took a more sinister turn today with the right-wing video post from Bowen House.
Some people are desperate to paint this as a right wing conspiracy and, like with most protests, there will also be some fringe elements, but there are a lot of people there who are fully vaxed, not anti-vaccine, but are disturbed at the increasing division and polarisation in NZ. I passed along the convoy heading down from Auckland and never saw a single bad incident. They kept to the left lane and people I saw lining the streets and overbridges were happy and not abusive. There was an obvious mix of people with the NZ, United Tribes and Tino Rangatiratanga flags in evidence. I have no doubt there have been some incidents but to grab onto them like they represent the whole is an act of desperation and narrow-mindedness by the poster.
The main media coverage has tended to be biased and different to other reports. I’m amazed at the number of people posting on sites like this who normally accuse the media of being right wing biased but now accept without question any negative media reports about the protest as being totally true. Hypocritical much.
I personally know several people at the protest and they are average peaceful New Zealanders with jobs, active in the community, helping others less fortunate, give generously to those in need but they are concerned with with the widening divisions taking place in NZ and want to do something about it. To write those people off as fringe lunatics is to be deliberately one-eyed and will only foster greater division. The government needs to look at why this is happening but they don’t want to know. Martyn is right when he says that the approach of people like Mallard is only likely to radicalise people who would never have previously considered themselves as radical.
that paint swastikas on walls, egg young women and threaten and harass masked passersby….
the swaz was for the Gov acting like nazi’s bro sheesh
Labour yoofs up to no good again.
At least the Labour yoofs didn’t rape anybody this time.
ohhhhh I see a false flag/antifa excuse from the rightards coming over the horizon
Bad incidents here in Wellington, and not just for police, or journos, or businesses. Ordinary folk going about their business are being abused and threatened, traffic hindered for a couple of days now, I didn’t get down to get my scheduled booster. Some protestors may be picnicking, but others are intimidating; it won’t end well.
Blaming Labour for the increasing divide between the haves and have nots isn’t accurate either, it well and truly predates the present government, and it is global.
And I’ve been abused and threatened by maskers who can’t seem to understand a medical exemption for recurrent bronchial pneumonia. Like OP however, I don’t blame everyone in favor of these mandates for the actions of a few loons.
Dr Steven Pilbrow. Sorry about your pneumonia, and about your being threatened. My overnight worry is children in tents in the foul Wellington weather developing pneumonia or bronchial issues, especially when Wellington Hospital Paediatric services have been overrun with the RSV virus – wee kiddies can deteriorate so quickly.
Yes and to make sure the children do get ill Mallard pours water over them and deprives them of sleep by playing loud music.
What a horrible person.
What disturbs me more is I cannot believe Jacinda Ardern is not involved after all she is the PM the leader.
and maskers have been threatened and spat(literally) upon by those who don’t understand basic science…’doctor’
The gap in 4 years has widened at an unprecedented rate.
That’s because the Nats left things in a whopping great mess – a party where aspiring leader’s hungry fathers drive around petrol stations looking for sausage rolls, then whinge in the media when they can’t find one. Not exactly big picture people.
And Trump flags? @ChrisR What’s your apologist response to right-wing QAnon MAGA Trump nuts waving Trump flags, Steve Bannon fans perhaps?
Cat got your forked tongue ChrisR?
So where did I say I support right-wing QAnon MAGA Trump nuts waving Trump flags? I’m making no apologist response for them. You just want me to support them (which I don’t) to suit your argument. What I am saying is that many protests attract fringe elements and opponents of protests latch onto their antics to tar all protestors with the same brush. There are many turning up who are not anit-vaxx but concerned about divisions. There’s misinformation on all sides. Using the extremes to justify ignoring other concerns won’t solve anything. And your post is probably as extremist and conspiracy theorist as any of the fringe groups who’ve latched onto the protest.
The elitist left have no answer when the *actual* working class protests. They just call them fascists when the truth is that these protesters have some perfectly valid points: Vaccine mandates and vaccine passes are nasty examples of authoritarianism.
I am resigning from my Labour Party membership because of this. I’ve been ‘unfinanicial’ since the mandates, but these last few days have been the last straw.
What a motley group of dumb, leaderless, right wing, Jacinda hater nutters being manipulated by the tory dirty politics brigade. Those Maori were a lot of irrelevant nobodies – embarrassing and cringeworthy. Did not see a lot of university material there – most would have done their own research by way of face book and youtube. I detect that this dirty politics operation involves Matt King, Maureen Pugh, Winston, Rodney Hide together with the crazy right wing talkback and media commentators. Seymore will be fizzing at the bung to get out there and lead the Qnon/Trump inspired mob. Mallard should have got the fire-brigade to use fire hoses not piddly sprinklers. Hopefully the coming cyclone will help dampen their spirits. Cops and army should go in big time.
They are right wing?
Listen to this podcast.
Don’t, don’t Bomber use any inflammatory terms like ‘pouring petrol on things’.
We have people so highly wrought up that words may settle in what remains of their fevered brains. Just cool it, otherwise you yourself may heighten the problem.
Garden sprinklers! – they don’t know how lucky they are.
It could have been the comfy chair.
And there’s a Water Ban, Restriction in place in Wellington!! What a cock!
Its ok when Labour does it.
So are Labour behind this site Sabine?
Or the Dirty Politics wing of National and ACT?
Labour absolutely
With your head put where it is, it must be difficult to type.
Yes and why?
Jeremy “ Yes and why ? “ It’s ok because it is better than tasering, or hitting protestors with batons, Jeremy.
Better having persons getting wet than somebody getting injured. There are a few hotheads out there – nutters – super spreaders – and nothing to stop them seeking shelter on Thorndon Hill, or along Lambton Quay… or sleeping in their trucks.
The only super spreaders Annie, are, Labour party sycophants.
Another trolling National Party schill Denny Paoa and your post-name needs adjusting, you missed “Wahine” in your attempts to rile up and irritate a few more people on the left of the political spectrum
How many pieces of silver do you get for doing your schill Incel work these days?
Is it as much as the QAnon agitators on the convoy are given?
It should be far less for you, because they are out in the weather, while you sit in mummy’s basement. They are under the sprinklers commenting with banners, while you only fitting in comments in breaks from your numerous onanistic pursuits.
Oh I wish I was??
Akshully. I’m an old school non-cancelling non-identity populist leftie.
You know, the ones that debate policy and not the bs brand politics.
You should try it sometime. You might learn something.
Right on the money Den
Hell, I can see some idiot lawyer from Nelson or somewhere or some dropkick dunny cleaner from Taranaki, taking him to the Human Rights Commission, the UN or some International War Crimes tribunal.
In the day parents yelled at kids, “Get in out of the bloody rain!” but kids loved it. The children at Parliament would have loved it. Including the adult ones.”
The real dumb ones who believe so much cockamamie crap about vaccines. Great for them, when their nonsense is challenged: “Do you think I came down in the last shower of rain?”
Did you?
keep going alright, the further away from NZ the better for that petty little excuse of a man
what’s up rightard buddies, afraid a weekend of wellington weather might end ‘hatefest 2022’ ????
Poor old frightened Trev with his lemon sucker lips. Duck lips actually. Ba Ha.
Might ‘the situation’ instead have called for a government sponsored catering crew to roll in to offer everyone a cup of tea and a scone with cream and jam? A bit of a sit down, share stories, then back into it.
“Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce of 1914”
Isn’t it a funny old thing? When we realise that we may be more intelligent over all than our political representation? It’s at once unnerving AND satisfying.
And let’s not forget? The Labour Party we have now, today, isn’t the Labour of yor. It’s a reanimated neoliberal-capitalist cadaver growing out of the village of idiots aka the walking dead ducks that’s national, a party itself a bastard creation of bankers and money lenders which I must ask; who’s money were they lending, back in the days of the early 1900’s? Hmmmmm…..? Clue… ” Baaaa-Mooooo Getinbehindyabloodymongrel…. good dog. “
As we all know Mallard is a petty, spiteful bully but this takes him even lower. what a scumbag, I’m going to a protest tomorrow
Yes Mallard is nasty person not fit to be in government.
actually the sprinklers and a weekend in ‘sunny welligton’ hopefully they’ll all just go home to mummy with no repressssiunnnn to whine about…probably just dysentery from sleeping in shit soup…but hey natural immunity.
Why haven’t previous protestors been clubbed and waterboarded in front of Parliament? This sets the big precedent now, this is the new normal: beat young and old, beat their filthy thoughts into submission. Call in the bully boys when the constituents get a bit raucous, the ruling class will look down on the peasants and grin and memory hole their activist past.
and who exactly has been beaten?
After a hard day of being a total and utter tosser, Trevor slips out his bovver boots, pours himself a Southern Comfort (very classy!) and hums along to his all-time favourite Smiths song:
Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not settle down
They must be taken in hand
A crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking…
Aaaah life is good!
The left has split into true left and Jacindas left.
Jacindas left have gone full on nasty and cruel and now even Luxon looks to be more measured and decent.
The Left have fallen so far.
Ardern works on division she will be loving this.
What is she what has she done to our country turned Kiwi against Kiwi fostered division.
What a load of bollokcs Jeremy. If New Zealand hadn’t locked down when she did, and kept Covid out using MIQ, New Zealand would have had in the thousands dead. Now we are at 96% and double boosted going really well.
ACT and National wanted air b’n’b’s to be MIQ during Delta – what sort of death spiral that would have been.
Let cheap farm workers in came from National and ACT.
Let overseas student in was a National and ACT demand.
Your convoy of hate, sponsored by Dirty Politics 3.0 is the source of division!
Throwing eggs at kids with masks is your right-wingers, not Labour Jeremy.
Terrorising businesses who have mask and vaccine passport expectations?
You’re a National Party schill Jeremy, a paid prostitute to sow dissent just like the Magic Mushroom Talkback nutters. Just the same as Hone Carter ringing up a radio station, Roger Bridge ringing up a radio station, and you with your bile and anti-democracy.
You didn’t answer me yesterday either. Why the Trump flags at your rent-a-hater convoy?
Were they Flags over the protest site as well.
My god how deep does this go?
We’ll wait a while, while you ask your Dirty Politics 3.0 Masters what to write.
geee I wouldn’t wave a trump flag if you paid me to but nor would I judge the worth of a movement by a few people waving a trump flag either.
People are free to wave what they want
Make Ardern Go Away.
Your other nasty inane comments don’t warrant a reply.
The egg throwers I believe are Labour voters certainly not National or ACT both of whom are above childish egg throwing.
That is ridiculous.
I personally don’t like Trevor, but I agree with his decision to turn on the sprinklers.
Hopefully the police will soon use tear gas against the protesters. Then deal to the protesters with police batons, just like they did at the Springboks protests!
Anna I doubt that it was Trevor’s decision all by himself, he’s not an idiot. It may in fact help avert your reckless suggestion that the police deal to the protestors with batons, and use tear gas on them.
Spiteful ? Nothing’s that simple.
Agree Ardern is right behind sprinklers.
Mallard needed her approval.
And what about Trump flags at your Dirty Politics 3.0 convoy of rent-a-hater Jeremy?
Cat got your tongue?
appllewood the right would love a crackdown the shadowy figures behind them would profit immensely from a few broken heads…and that’s what rev brian etc are all about profit if a few numpties have to get bashed up…all good in their books
Gosh you’re horrible Anna.
Gosh nasty
After a hard day of being horrible, Anna slips out of her Birkenstocks, pours herself a cheap sherry (very classy!) and hums along to her all-time favourite Smiths song:
Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not settle down
They must be taken in hand
A crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking…
Aaaah life is good!
quoting a little englander like morrisey doesn’t help your position
‘mountain of cabbages’
Prayer tell my little Russian astronaut, what is my position?
cosmonaut please cabbage heap
nice bit of trolling from anna
My friends on the North Shore who all Party Vote for ACT agree with everything you say Anna. The Spingboks had every right to be here, it was a racially mixed team with Chester Williams on the Tour. Anyway, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen in South Africa for long and it shouldn’t be happening here in New Zealand either. A few rubber bullets would soon disperse these troublemakers.
using SA as a barometer of what constitutes appropriate behaviour probably isn’t a good idea 😀 SA is a corrupt shit hole
Anna is the salt of the earth and a legend on the North Shore. We ACT voters need to stick together, especially because we are dropping in the polls thanks to John Key and Chris Luxon’s interfering. Bring back Judith Collins, the ACT Party did so well when her brand of personality politics was prevalent. People like Key and Luxon are people pleasers. They have no ideas of their own, they stick a wet finger in the air to gauge public opinion, then create policy out of smoke and mirrors. If you want a politician of substance for for ACT and David Seymour.
But those protesting Jacinda hater right wing nutters are Act and seymore’s crowd. He must be itching to get out there to lead them. Why doesnt Acts Rodney get down there with the Natz’ Matt King.
sounds like verdomde is pining for the old days when zefs and kaffirs knew their place..meinheer
You didn’t like it during the Springbok tour and neither did I yet you are now suggesting it should be used on today’s demonstrators including children?
The moment I read the Speaker’s comment about keeping the sprinklers on is the moment I started siding with the protesters. Me and probably a bunch of other people who hadn’t been too worried either way up to now. But the sprinklers is just so spiteful
“Some protesters have brought in duck callers and Mallard duck decoys and are placing them near the hand-dug trenches.”
The Mallard Experiment!
The left think Mallard is a role model? What happened?
They still think he is a role model.
These people don’t give a shit about the working class, and the likes of Ani O Brein disgust me when they paint them as working class.
They don’t support unions, collective bargaining, sick leave, paid holidays, protections from unfair dismissial or anything like that ( and neither does Ani).
They are scabs, plain and simple. A lot of so called ‘working class’ are now scabs. They would sell out their comrades for a few bucks.
That’s complete nonsense.
Sorry Jeremy it is fact.
That is exactly NZ today .
Only 1/3rd of NZ give a fuck we have a dysfunctional medicines agency and a dysfunctional health system.
I would love to know just how many of you actually read Ian Powell’s posts.
Read a few actually but they reveal his strong bias.
Jeremy is illiterate, so this will be lost on him.
Perhaps Professor Bert you could explain for me when I get lost?
And the gulags were full of communists, just the wrong sort of communists.
Good to see you are talking sense on this matter.
Cleva treva!
“Several hundred parking tickets were issued on Thursday as protesters’ vehicles blocked roads surrounding Parliament but on Friday no cars were towed. 1 News understands this is because no local towing companies were prepared to do the work.”
It just gets better!
Clearly because in the words of our glorious leader : “They are not NZ” (If not, who the f**k are they??)
‘They’ (the unworthy to protest according to Grant Robertson), are those that the Labour Party mandated out of the right to work, the right to earn a living and feed their families, ON LABOUR WEEKEND no less, last year. Teachers, nurses, police, emergency services, firemen, defence forces. And previously Border workers, port staff, airline workers. Many traditional Labour voters. Then, with the vaccine pass system they captured the hairdressers, beauty therapists, gyms, restaurants and hospitality. THEN, with the duopolies they got the big employers like Countdown. They are deceitful betrayers of the people. Then look at what they do to those who DARE to stand up to this bullshit. They think that the ‘result’ of their mandates mean they have support of the people. This is not true. So many people have been coerced against their will. That does equal support. Just the opposite.
The Left have gone insane.
Just say it. Instead of making excuses.
I’m no die-hard righty, but the Left has had a Covid lobotomy of any of the actual beliefs it once stood for, including being for the working class, marganlised, protest, and free speech. They would rather arrogantly deem anyone who doesn’t support their line as being a fascist, racist, far-right nutjob.
We are literally one of the most highly vaxxed nations through strong arm tactics and genuine consent. Covid-19 model after model have been completely overblown. The vaxxed are freely spreading the Omicron wide and fast.
Any normal Government – like many in Europe and North America currently are – would now reassess and set a timeliness to dismantle what should be emergency powers in the face of the huge suffering and exclusion that has occurred.
Not ours. Lefties would rather anger-wank themselves stupid over two days of minor inconvenience and generally well-behaved protestors, compared to the two plus years of hurt and loss from closed borders, delayed cancer tests, mental health, lost jobs, and more.
This is Aotearoa – the new regime, not New Zealand. Let’s be honest.
Yes it’s certainly not NZ
Wrong. The ‘left’ have conceeded the ‘left’ and given it up and have become the establishment!
The many other governments have been failures and have no tools left to try and save their citizens lives. Its normal now for them to accept deaths. The enemy has overwhelmed them and they are now surrendering, Obviously the rightwing have deserted the fight against the enemy and fled the trenches and frontline like cowards. Aotearoa under Jacinda is the only country that has put the protected their citizens and hasn’t surrendered to Covid. She has saved over 10,000 NZers lives – you should rejoice this instead of helping the NATZ dirty politics team and sick USA conspirators.
“I never thought I’d ever get to the stage in NZ politics where I was holding back the Left from calling on the the State to smash their fellow citizen”
This sadly is the state of too many Leftist in 2022. Illiberal and impulsively authoritarian. They seem to forget encourage or empower the state to crack heads of your fellow citizens and they may eventually come after you too.
We act like nefarious wrong doers are a threat to our society, but it is our own calls for banning, censoring and worse for the people we disagree with, which is the bigger danger.
Whatever you do dont tell the twitter activists Trev has occasionally dabble in a little racism…
“Mr Mallard jumped into the race relations fray again yesterday, accusing Mrs Turia of encouraging Maori girls as young as 13 to have babies in order to build the base for “Maori ownership of the country”.
They’ll have no choice but to cancel him and themselves for supporting him…
Anyone reading about Counterspin? Aka the right wing infiltration ? Dont you worry about it? I certainly do. “Throughout the week, Counterspin has been broadcasting live from the protest for up to 12 hours a day. It has not only chronicled the event but played its own role, urging greater action to enter Parliament and arrest MPs, and denouncing protesters who argued for moderation.”
All the spin comes from Labour they have a black belt in the subject.
Jeremy. Not true. Check out Darien’s reference and you will see how wrong you are, and that this is not a time for levity.
Things dont exist in a vacuum.
If you control the media and propagandise the shit out of everything, opposition will grow – usually louder and stronger. If on top of that, you lie about every other thing and er, take away a lot of people’s jobs and you get NZs version of the Capital riots.
If our glorious leader (and I say that lovingly with 30 yrs of labour voting under my belt) hadnt done all of the above and if the media had done its job, reporting the news and not making the news. People wouldnt go online to seek someone speaking ‘their’ truth. They would see a myriad of voices reflected in the media that they could identify with or seek to dissect and understand. Keep people in the dark and feed them sh*t and this is what happens.
Were there Flags over the protest site as well?
My god how deep does this go?
Awesome stuff Zombie. Good insight.
Want to know a dirty secret? The right consume a broader range of media than the left, who more often than not limit themselves to using only left wing sources. The right has left wing sources constantly shoved down their throats while viewing media from the center and right. Independent/centrist voters are starting to, if not already, aligning with the right in more views than not.
These are of course averages and not indictive of an individual, don’t @ me on that one.
you’ve got that a bit arse about face burger king….
yup, it’s the rising of the mushrooms
They’re reporting from being on the ground. Unlike MSM who’re taking orders from a ‘Duck’ named Mallard!!
Turn the sound off. Moron.
Objectivity is something unknown to Labour the Incestuous!
DennyP. ‘The Spectator Australia’ 11December 2021 : “ The N Z government has doled out tens of millions of dollars to big media if they promise to toe the line on Maori issues related to the Treaty.” “ … an identity politics illiberal world view that will have awful long-term consequences “. James Allen. Ex Otago University Law Faculty.
$354m to be exact. They purchased Stuff for $103m and the boss bought the company for a dollar.
$54m for paid articles. And a slush-fund for any news influencer to write any shit without any reason to other than what they’re advised to do by the PM’s Cabinets Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment.
Journalists are no longer employed by msm. They go for news influencers who’s done a short course programme online in the US or UK. About a 6-week course.
Darien.Fenton Yes. Well done drawing attention to this. There is some alarming mixed content there, and well beyond the realm of lawful protest.
butttttt itttz not a rightwing demo
…maybe not but the numpties are being directed and led by shadowy rightard actors.
Democracy as we used to know it is history.
The 2023 election is going to be the election from hell.
John Key and Donald Brash styled dirty politics will be childs play.
So the person would thinks he is God makes the protestors wet underfoot and the real god sends rain from above . I wonder if the false bishop will take the weather as a sign of his displeasure.
Sprinklers? lols, that’s NZ all over.
Water canon is the way to go.
” Sprinklers? lol, that’s NZ all over ”
Brilliant Richard.
Scratch a Liberal, you will find a Fascist underneath, Labour Government
Yes the left have always been fascists.
100% agree with you Martyn.
We should get on to Winnie to take Mallard to court for breaking the sprinkler ban. Pathetic and counterproductive.
Say what you like about Robert Muldoo, but he would have had the courage to face the protesters.
Mallard is a creep, turning the sprinklers on and soaking women and children, is the mark of a coward.
Surely the worst ( by quite a margin) Speaker NZ has ever known.
Deducting questions during Question Time on a whim, is not democracy. Nor is screwing questions down and down until they become nearly bloody meaningless.
But hey, The Great Man has the codes for the water option. We are in safe hands.
Maybe it’s just time for the government to cut it’s loses, deny the science, declare with the freedom loving peasantry, order the militia to start the round up of old regime loyalists and seek favour of whatever rises up next in an attempt to retain power. Or subvert. Or take the nation’s gold reserves and eff off to Miami or Portsea on the nation’s last working jet.
The vile former Minister of Education who closed several of our Grey Valley schools getting his come-uppance
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