Political Caption Competition


The more Warehouse basic bitch BBQs I assemble, the more the heathens will embrace us precious.


    • It might @Pat, if only he can get his mate at Ear NuZull engineering back in the country to help him read the instructions.

    • C’mon Frank even John didn’t wear jandals but he took off so fast we hardly saw his heels, let alone his feet.

    • mary_a. It’s just a posed picture, or his pate would be pinked by the sun. Key tried hitting a nail with a hammer, and he missed, so the pr boys are playing it safe with a screw driver this time. Probably in the shop parking lot so that they can whip it back in and get their money back. Should’ve borrowed a sun hat too.

  1. So god boy has started using Snott Morrisons methods now, it seems.. with about as much intellectual grunt as well. If you are an actual tradesperson, or at least someone who knows what working with your hands is, the first thing you will notice is that he’s squatting down on his haunches in a way that will have him losing his balance every time he needs to move in order to successfully screw that massive bolt in… While it would be amusing for his film crew, and photographer, it still reeks of obvious bullshit.. The only fools to give this twaddle any credibility are those that vote national because their ancestors formed the raiding parties that raped this country so successfully… and who wouldn’t handle any tool but their own on a bet…

  2. “I made 43k profit every week last year off just one of my properties and didn’t even notice it. This Warehouse BBQ proves I can relate to other Kiwis and they can trust me”

    • But ginhag, next week Flop Flop Man might show the populace how to mow a lawn (in jandals ), poach an egg, cut his own hair, prune his potato tree, and part the Red Sea – vulgarly – and help kiddies to do their homework. Are you prepared to forgo all these learnings ? He could even unite lost cuddly dogs with their sad- eyed owners, and carry mange-ridden hedgehogs to the SPCA. Wow, what a boy and bringer of joy.

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