Thought for the coming year


On 22 October, the Israeli Defence Ministry declared Defence for Children InternationalPalestine (DCIP) to be a “terrorist organisation”. This was a desperate attempt by the Zionist regime to discredit DCIP‘s work which, since 2000, has documented the killing of 2,206 Palestinian children. 2021 has been the grimmest year for Palestinians since 2014 – shelling by Israeli tanks, along with live-fire and missiles launched from drones, war planes and helicopters, ended the lives of 60 Palestinian children and, as at 14 December, a total of 86 Palestinian children have been killed.

In our Open Response to Nanaia Mahuta, we asked the Minister: “If you accept the evidence presented in our reply as true and incontestable, then please do act accordingly by demanding that Israel be called to account!” As neither she nor our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) have contested the evidence we presented to them, we would like to remind readers of some of the Ministry’s declarations on policy regarding international human rights provisions in international law.

In its presentation of New Zealand’s International Human Rights Action Plan 2019-2023, MFAT informs us that “New Zealand has a strong history of protecting and promoting human rights both at home and internationally.” It goes so far as to claim that “our foreign policy engagement on human rights . . . ” “. . . enhances our reputation as a constructive and committed state in support of the global rules-based system.”

MFAT also asserts that, supporting strong rules-based international human rights mechanisms is critical to safeguarding existing rights.” It would appear though that New Zealand’s international human rights advocacy priorities are being shaped by, what it calls, “our broader foreign policy, trade, and development interests.” Safeguarding human rights cannot be secured when those who violate them are never called to account.

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Leslie Bravery is a Londoner with vivid World War Two memories of the Nazi blitz on his home town. In 1947/1948 His father explained to him what was happening to the Palestinians thus: “Any ideology or political movement that creates refugees in the process of realising its ambitions must be inhuman and should be opposed and condemned as unacceptable.” What followed confirmed this assessment of the Zionist entity a hundredfold. Now a retired flamenco guitarist, with a lifelong interest in the tragedy of what happened to the Palestinian people, he tries to publicise their plight. Because the daily injustices they suffer barely get a mention in the mainstream news media, Leslie edits/compiles a daily newsletter, In Occupied Palestine, for the Palestine Human Rights Campaign. These days, to preserve his sanity, he enjoys taking part in a drama group whenever possible!


    Another islamic terrorist hugging propaganda piece Leslie, you are what is deemed by most terrorist organisations as a ‘useful idiot’.
    Yourself John Minto, Lois all play the part so well!

    • Don’t they just and their deranged obsession with the world’s one tiny Jewish state is becoming a crashing bore. BDS is failing everywhere.

      • Leslie Bravery lives with them in the middle East….only reason, I assume, he is still alive is he agreed to write propoganda for the terrorist rulers and they let him live!

    • Israel and its politics is full of Kahanist terrorist ideologues and other flavors of zionist extremists.

      If we taught a bit of the Zionist language in our schools ,,,ie, ‘If I Don’t Steal [Your Home] Someone Else Will’,,, Israeli Settler Justifies Forcible Takeover ,,,
      ,,,,then NZ would have a better grasp of what they are all about.

      As the most extreme Zionists generally speak english ,, “What Do Settlers Sound Like?” ,,,it makes Zionisim an easy tongue to learn ,,,,

      With terrorist Ideology voted into their parliament,,, one shouldn’t be surprised that Juliet Moses and her NZ Zionist chums cuddle up to Iranian terrorists ,,, and call them “freedom fighters”.

      Israel is presently helping and supporting terrorist groups listed as such on our NZ police designated Terrorist list,,,,,.

      Supporting terrorism is a crime in NZ ,,,, supporting those who support terrorism is the same thing,,, with Israel officials straight out admitting they are helping the head choppers in Syria ,,, ,,, they are their medics and airforce

      NZ trade with the Israel regime should be illegal if NZ law were applied,,,

      As our politicians and the corrupt officials at MFAT have no problem engaging in this criminal activity,,,,, it’s up to good citizens to do the right thing….

      …. Boycott the land stealing, children bombing, warmongering, Muslim hating ( unless they are terrorists ) Zionist regime ,,,,

      If not apply for one of their ‘friends of Zionism’ medals
      ,,,, the modern ones are more up to date than the old ones ,,, different logo’s

  2. Nice to see one of the ignorant fuckwit Zionist brigade on the scene. Thought you had all gone to Israel to fight the good fight with the IDF since it looks as though Biden doesn’t intend to join the Israel -Iran party that Bennet and Gantz are formenting.

    Leslie – keep up the good work!

    • How’s that BDS working out for you? Lol
      Don’t worry about Iran, Israel will sort their nuclear ambitions out, they seem to have alot of set backs don’t they?

      • Ohhh – do they let the NZ Zionist Mercenary Brigade use uncensored email from Tel Aviv for anything other than state generated propaganda?

  3. Zionists love to hate. Just spieling bullshit. But then how do you justify killing children? Perhaps Uncle Sam could help there.
    Nanaia has been asked for her response and has ignored the request. So as our government’s foreign affairs minister she gets 0/10 for effort.
    Great effort from the Zionist trolls though, maybe 2/10.

  4. pot/kettle/black endlessly from both sides and the dying carries on as normal on both sides.
    .it’s almost like they all enjoy it..after all it’s the only life most of them have known.

    • What? Missed the bit where Israel offered the Arabs their own state 8 times? Guess you’ve never heard of the Three Nos either. Pitiful.

      • Thought you were in Israel training with the IDF as one of the NZ Zionist Mercenary Brigade since your usual inane comments were on the wain until todays outburst.

        Oh well, seems you are only a mouthy chickenhawk after all.

        • Feel better for yet another peevish outburst that relieves your mental constipation? It’s all the Israel haters can resort to really as Israel continues to prosper. Here’s a thought for the coming year: the Palestinians recognise Israel, stop being terrorist losers and finally build a state. You could stop taking the laxatives then and give us all a break from your futile fulminations.

            • Here’s hoping some thoughtful soul sends you the fare to Gaza and does us all a favour (apart from the poor Gazans that is!).

              • Being opposed to egregious human rights abuses in Israel and elsewhere does not equate to needing to have personal imperatives to live with the oppressed.
                However, your situation is entirely different. Myopic one track chickehawks don’t seem to understand the meaning of human rights – their (your) driver seems to be colluding and propagandizing an oppression you would not tolerate if the boot was on the other foot. The next decade will be a time of change – hopefully evolution, not revolution.

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