Wait, WHAT? National also gave money to the Mongrel Mob? Political hypocrisy at its worst


What is worse than race baiting over gang affiliated groups getting money for meth rehab?

Doing it yourself!

Previous National Government gave $30,000 to Mongrel Mob member Harry Tam’s Hard 2 Reach

Newshub can reveal the previous National Government gave tens of thousands of dollars to Mongrel Mob member Harry Tam’s Hard 2 Reach programme.

The political hypocrisy here is disgusting. National attack gang affiliated meth rehab when they themselves have done it.

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Th only difference between the $2.7million Labour gave and the $30000 National gave is Labour’s money came from the gangs themselves via the proceeds of crimes fund where as National’s money came directly from taxpayers.


The Right went into a feeding frenzy over a video showing Harry Tam speaking some political truth to other Mongrel Mob chieftains while using the charming ‘Sieg Heil’ Nazi war chant as a rallying call to arms for his timeshare investment presentation on political representation.

This debate manages to encapsulate the age of dumb outrage we have sunk to.

Hands up who believes that Harry Tam is an undercover Nazi and that the Mongrel Mob of NZ secretly yearn for a 1000 year Aryan race white supremacist Fascist State that operates racist death camp extermination?

No one?


That’s because Harry Tam and the Mongrel Mob ARENT FUCKING NAZIS!

The gangs took on Nazi language and symbols as a ceremonial way of rejecting and offending society!

The early gang member philosophy was that they had been abused and rejected by society so they would reject and abuse society right on back.

They adopted Nazi iconography and gestures because they offended people NOT because they actually supported a 1000 year white supremacist reich!

That Tam uses the ceremonial language of the Mob in a private meeting where he is rallying the troops is not the moment of seditious Nazi worship the Right are trying to manufacture in order to damage Labour over their meth rehabilitation program.

Would it be different if it were the KKK, white suprematists or Nazis using this language?


Mongrel Mob members use it to offend a society they believe have rejected them, the KKK, white supremacists and Nazis use it because they believe in a mass murder fascist state!

The former are offensive, the later are dangerously murderous sociopaths.

See the difference?

It’s not just the Right who should be embarrassed here, it’s been funny watching woke Twitter twist itself in knots defending Mongrel Mob using ‘seig heil’ because they were the same ones screaming for John Tamihere’s lynching when he said it!

Wokeness has all the moral clarity of cliques at a posh middle class school.

Look, everyone needs to grow up and appreciate the nuance of these issues above the toxic sandpit of social media.

This is former National Party leader Robert Muldoon…



…Robert Muldoon fought in World War 2 against actual Nazis and Fascists.

Here he is shaking hands with a Gang member wearing all the ceremonial Nazi regalia on his patch.

If Robert Muldoon can reach across to Gang members wearing the Nazi symbols he personally fought against, where do all you whiney fucking right wing snowflakes get off virtue signaling all your moral outrage?

Muldoon puts the current National to shame. Reflect upon that.

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  1. This is lolz isn’t it – surely Collins is gone.
    It doesn’t forgive Labours millions though, and the seig heil of course doesn’t make them nazis but is still highly offensive.
    Remember it’s a senior mob member charged along with a comanchero for ring leading meth importation.

    Gangs are bad don’t defend them, don’t give them money it’s not hard.

  2. How many ways to skin a cat on this mob promotional subject.

    National are fuckwits. They are the worst hypocrites. They are led by a woman who is like a drunk in a bar who wants to pick fights with everyone for no reason guaranteeing her own self destruction. But because National were dumb does not justify Labour also being dumb but adding on $2.67000 to the cost, ultimately for taxpayers.

    Some members of the KKK are murderous psychopaths as an organisation. Their warped ideology says they are superior to a shopping list of other races and religions and that justifies the violence and the misery. Frequently they come from ignorant backward poor backgrounds. Some members of the Mob from the Mongrel Mob Kingdom are murderous psychopaths for similar reasons to the Klan, only their warped ideology is good old fashioned power and crime. I can’t tell the difference between a pile of shit versus a mound of shit. The world would be a far nicer place if both were expunged immediately.

    That so called rehab pilot course the Mob ran for rehab was 7 weeks long and had a 100% success rate. Way to short to honestly rate its effectiveness and the results way too perfect to be real. Any honest legitimate rehab will say the same.

    This is criteria that Labour used when gifting the Mob their ill gotten gains back with. Labour are dumb.

    I promise you, Harry Tam is one switched on cookie. The police who actually do the job, as opposed to their misguided naive unquestioning leaders are pissed the asset recovery loop they worked on has gone straight back to the Mob. But Harry is the talk of the town!

  3. Oh really XRAY – get a life! Have the reds under the beds been replaced by a nebulous wave of gang violence that threatens your life on a daily basis. Even more puzzling is your fixation with asserting that the money shouldn’t be spent on gang members having treatment options with in some cases, taxpayer funding not worth the aim of changing the dynamics P scene. Wasn’t one of the schemes was funded buy money extracted from gangs under the Proceeds of Crime Act, a mechanism that is arbitrary and in a case that is still to be determined, was extended to confiscate properties that were inherited from multiple generations of a family. Were the properties of long past ancestors who lived well before the legislation had Royal assent proceeds of crimes? No doubt, other confiscations could also be a bit questionable. Otherwise, what part of the financial transactions between a purchaser and a seller should be extracted from the former rather than the latter?

    Not to worry, one day the state may expend far more than on one programme than it will pay in medical and treatment expenses to keep you alive. Will you still be rabbiting on with what appears to be a vendetta then?

    • Talk about rabbitting. What are you on about?

      Are the Soviets involved? Or the Victorians? Or the Mafia? Or charted accountants?

      But AOM, if I’m dealing that shit and apply to the state to to cure my boys who have got hooked and wrecked on it, feel free to object!

      • Ohhh sorry, didn’t realise you are too young to understand the ‘reds” expression to describe irrational fear. Perhaps explains your attitude. The blessing is that we won’t be spending hundreds of thousands from the health budget to keep you going, at least not in the the near future. That should mean the state will be able finance a few more effective programmes from the health budget instead of from a questionable source (Proceeds of Crime), to try to address the P problem.

  4. No money should go to Harry Tam, for whatever reason he name seems to regularly appear on government enquiries with alarming frequency, as well as hefty sums (and 2.75 million is A LOT more $30k) and also the resulting discrediting of that enquiry when the victims from gangs complain about his involvement.

    I can only think his popularity is because he ticks so many boxes on the woke/right wing tick list and ‘speaks’ the committee culture while subtly selling ‘mobster’ votes to the highest bidder.

    Give to Odyssey house or similar instead. Don’t victimise victims more.

  5. if you know government financial delegations you’d know that a $30K grant would have been doled out by a low level civil servant without even consulting their manager. No minister would ever have known.
    This is totally different to a full scale business case and recommendation from a public sector senior manager required to have a government minister actively signing off $2.75 million.

  6. Lets face it with the NZ National Party and that is they have selective amnesia of events when it suits them.

    This event of the past is probably one of many that this current National Party lot have conveniently forgotten about because it has suited them RIGHT NOW.

    Lets remember the Dawn Raids, the Abortion ‘acts’, the Springbok tour, the anti-nuclear stands and even the raid on the Kim Dotcom mansion. ALL THESE conducted during a mostly National government.

    And so whilst this current batch of troughers that are National claim to be acting in the best interests of NZers I am certain they will ALWAYS be acting(like a stage ACT)in the best interest of THEMSELVES and what THEY CAN GET out of the ACT personally.

  7. Lets face it with the NZ National Party and that is they have selective amnesia of events when it suits them.

    This event of the past is probably one of many that this current National Party lot have conveniently forgotten about because it has suited them RIGHT NOW.

    Lets remember the Dawn Raids, the Abortion ‘acts’, the Springbok tour, the raid on the Kim Dotcom mansion. ALL THESE conducted during a mostly National government.

    And so whilst this current batch of troughers that are National claim to be acting in the best interests of NZers I am certain they will ALWAYS be acting(like a stage ACT)in the best interest of THEMSELVES and what THEY CAN GET out of the ACT personally.

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