So this ‘David Seymour’ why? He is white and he twerks? We French look down upon such artistic vandalism’.
Globalism’s pawns trying to play grownups
A macron too far..
‘Let them eat cake.. the propertied class cares not for the filthy underclass,’
“Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart? Surely 2 years on an island in French Polynesia was enough punishment?! I hear they had to make do with some very substandard wine after all!”
“… and the vichyssoise, oh oui and a bottle of tomato sauce for my lady friend.”
sacre bleu, on one hand you had a National government who wasted 26 million on a flag and a Labour government who wasted 35 million on Light Rail.
No France will not reinstate the burka this is France not New Zealand
Frowny face diplomacy
Jacinda gets that sinking feeling around Macron.. Did a nuclear free moment escape her?
Globalism’s pawns trying to play grownups
A macron too far..
‘Let them eat cake.. the propertied class cares not for the filthy underclass,’
“Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart? Surely 2 years on an island in French Polynesia was enough punishment?! I hear they had to make do with some very substandard wine after all!”
“… and the vichyssoise, oh oui and a bottle of tomato sauce for my lady friend.”
sacre bleu, on one hand you had a National government who wasted 26 million on a flag and a Labour government who wasted 35 million on Light Rail.
No France will not reinstate the burka this is France not New Zealand
Frowny face diplomacy
Jacinda gets that sinking feeling around Macron.. Did a nuclear free moment escape her?
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