NZ To Follow Biden Decision To Back WTO Waiver For A People’s Vaccine


It’s Our Future* welcomes a tweet by Trade Minister Damien O’Connor noting support for the proposal of a WTO waiver for Covid vaccines, having initially sat on the sidelines.

This follows the decision by the Biden administration to back the WTO waiver as a game changer for the global vaccine rollout.

“We’ll need to see some detail on this announcement but we are excited that NZ has decided to put people before profit and support the demands of the vast majority of humanity over the powerful pharmaceutical companies”, said It’s Our Future spokesperson Edward Miller.

“The devil will be in the detail of their position as the waiver text is negotiated, and we want to work constructively alongside our negotiators to ensure this a positive outcome”, said Miller.

“The NZ and US Governments now clearly understand the arguments that monopoly patents are a barrier to supercharging global vaccine production, and that nobody is safe until everybody is safe.”

“This is a game changer for the global vaccine rollout and a huge victory for the millions of Americans and New Zealanders that demanded their Government support global public health.”

“There remain a few countries – like France and Canada – that are yet to announce support for the waiver. We trust that NZ and the US can use their diplomatic engagements to shift their views and get this waiver over the line.”