Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.
Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.
EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.
SheikhJarrah East Jerusalem is being ethnically cleansed at the moment (and Jews boast they are coming for every area of East Jerusalem) and no word about it from ACT or Greens.
Justice maybe?
Leaky home owners seek $220 million in damages from James Hardie
James Hardie have already escaped their asbestos past through!
“James Hardie had been structured as a parent company operating through subsidiaries since the 1930s. All asbestos operations, including the provision of compensation, were undertaken by James Hardie’s subsidiaries, principally James Hardie and Coy and Hardie-Ferodo (later known as Jsekarb).[24]:3 Between 1995 and 2000, James Hardie (the parent company) began to remove the assets of these subsidiaries (since renamed Amaca and Amaba respectively), whilst leaving them with most of the asbestos liabilities of the James Hardie group.[24]:3
In 2001 these two companies were separated from James Hardie and acquired by the Medical Research and Compensation Foundation (MRCF) which was essentially created in order to act as an administrator for Hardie’s asbestos liabilities. Then CEO of James Hardie, Peter McDonald, made public announcements emphasising that the MRCF had sufficient funds to meet all future claims and that James Hardie would not give it any further substantial funds. Indeed, the net assets of the MRCF were $293 million, mostly in real estate and loans, and exceeded the ‘best estimate’ of $286 million in liabilities which had been estimated in an actuarial report commissioned by James Hardie.[25] The Jackson Report found that this ‘best estimate’ was ‘wildly optimistic’ and the estimates of future liabilities was ‘far too low’.[26]
After this separation, James Hardie moved offshore to the Netherlands for what it claimed were significant tax advantages for the company and its shareholders. To make this move, the company had to assure Australian courts (as it was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange) that the MRCF would be able to meet future liabilities. The courts were assured of this and that more money would be made available to its Australian asbestos victims through the issue of partly paid shares to MRCF obliging the new Dutch parent company to meet a call for funds if it were needed. The value of the call at the time was $1.9 billion.[24]:3[27] The move to the Netherlands therefore proceeded. However, the tax benefits which James Hardie expected to receive as a result from its move did not eventuate following the revision of tax laws in the United States in 2001 and later with the United States signing a new trade agreement with the Netherlands in 2006.
Shortly after the move, an actuarial report found that James Hardie asbestos liabilities were likely to reach $574 million.[28] The MRCF sought extra funding from James Hardie and was offered $18 million in assets, an offer the MRCF rejected. The estimate of asbestos liabilities was promptly revised to $752 million in 2002 and then $1.58 billion in 2003.[29] The funding shortfall became of increasing concern in 2004 as it became clear that eligible victims would miss out on receiving compensation after it was revealed that in March 2003 James Hardie had cancelled the partly paid shares that were intended to be a safety net for the fund.[27][30] In discussing the shortfall with the MRCF, James Hardie refused to accept further responsibility for the liabilities on the basis that the MRCF and James Hardie were separate legal entities.[31]”
Interesting reading up on Mallard saga going waaay back to Paula Bennett demanding something be done. Seems the Nats can’t quite work out which side of the fence they are on but any side will do in a head hunting expedition. Equally interesting that the saga now yesterdays fish n chip wrapper according to the media. Business as usual. Hopefully an enterprising journo can give us a proper timeline to show how National exploited the situation for political gain (as usual). Talk of reaction to ‘wokism’ from Trevor seems to have been met with a yawn from the great unwashed (apart from some of us boomer men). Good.
Take note:
Woke anti white male mantra is beginning to stir the public.
It will be interesting to see the next political polls if Labours fall continues, with hate speech laws, internet censorship and Maori separatism by stealth all sticks to beat them with.
yeah nah. Does anyone under 50 still listen to radio?
Cry me a river raft experience
Funny how there is no government money for public service but there is money to prop up private sector tourism in Queenstown – including millions for ‘psychological wellbeing’ assistance in helping operators cope with the terrible loss of their lifestyle (Stuff, n.d.). I would have thought breathing in the cold mountain air and looking up at those majestic peaks while walking down to the WINZ office would have given our southern cousins all the mental support they needed (count your blessings Paula Bennet isn’t around, she would suggest you first get sterilised then she would pay you as a job seeker to move to Auckland, the least affordable city in the world. Batshit crazy). A while back Shamubeel Eaqub suggested these ‘zombie towns’ should be let go, they are not worth the effort. Noddy Nash thinks differently, splashing cash like the lake speedboats depend on it. I’m not surprised the NZ unemployment rate stayed the same last quarter; the government has taken on the liabilities of everyone’s business! (Noddy Nash doesn’t call it going on the dole though, it’s ‘business hibernation’, ‘targeted support’, ‘transformation training’ or most bizarrely, ‘reset’). Speaking of dropping two hundred million on random ideas and woke dreams, what happened to the return on investment from the America’s Cup? I thought the cup marketing coupled with the Australians flooding in by the thousands via the bubble was supposed to fix our tourism problem? Still, at least the hundreds of millions in taxpayer bailouts for one of the wealthiest regions in NZ is money well spent, our country cousins down south would have given us all they had only two years ago when we visited their businesses and chalets and restaurants. They would have given us the down jackets off their back if it meant we were happy and safe and sound.
Stuff. (n.d.) Noddy goes to Queenstown. Retrieved from
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