MEDIA WATCH: NZ on Air funded RNZ elite media interviewing themselves  about how good NZ on Air funded RNZ elite media is 


Ten years ago,  I was banned for life from Radio NZ for supposedly defaming John Key live on air.

How petty are Radio NZ?

The following year in 2012, RNZ attempted to intervene and have me removed from a panel discussion they were sponsoring at the Late at the Museum series.

How petty are Radio NZ?

In 2014, Morning Report had to offer me an on air apology after lying about me and claiming I had been sent an advance copy of Dirty Politics and was helping Laila Harre by giving her inside details about the book.

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As I said at the time, “Radio NZ can ban me, but they can’t lie about me. That’s just rude.”

How petty are Radio NZ?

Last week Bryce Edwards quoted me in his weekly political round up. Here it is on the NZ Herald version with link attached, and here is the Radio NZ version with no link to my content.

That’s unbelievably petty.

Now, if Radio NZ were a private operator, they could hold whatever petty personal grudge they like, but Radio NZ is the State sponsored Broadcaster, which leads me to this weeks jaw dropping audacity with NZ on Air funded RNZ elite media interviewing themselves  about how good NZ on Air funded RNZ elite media is.

The Detail is funded by NZ on Air, and is posted on Radio NZ, but what is astounding is that last week one state funded broadcaster interviewed another state funded broadcaster, while on the platform of that state funded broadcaster, to pass comment about the media.

They have managed to disappear so far up their own backsides that NZ on Air may as well be supplying them with oxygen, sunshine and extra long rope as well.

Current Government Broadcasting policy is simply adding more money to Corporate News to cover the news they should be covering anyway and to fund echo chambers of elite opinion so that the Detail gets posted on RNZ who then co-posted it on Stuff who then co-posted it on Newshub.

It’s the same people saying the same thing to the same echo chambers.

How is that a diversity of opinion when it’s all middle class opinion?


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  1. NZ media elites are standing in a giant circle with the middle and upper classes inside the circle. Their voices are heard and they all listen to each others opinions (echo). Outside the circle are the working class renters and poor. The media have their backs firmly locked together like a Roman shield wall. The Emperor Jacinda throws gold medallions at the media to encourage them to hold that wall tight. Under no circumstances should the poor mans voice be heard. Nobody must know about the pain, suffering and suicides prevalent among the poor and oppressed. They just do not matter in the land of the long white tax free capital gain, Aotearoa.

  2. Ha ! That’s all so funny.
    [It] chillingly supports my belief that rnz’s a small, whiny, up-wrong-tree yapping, lap poodle to the Big Businesses that has it by the balls. You know the one’s right? They’re the businesses that suck your money out of your pockets while they get very cheery tax breaks ( From you, tax payer.) then they hide your money in off-shore trust funds and all facilitated by our morally corrupt banking practises.
    If you need to know who murdered who for what and where? Then rnz’s for you. If you want to know the banal details of some Auckland socialites late night soiree’s than rnz’s the one. But if you want to know what’s really going on here from our supposedly non-bias, state funded, we-pay-taxes-to-have-a-freely-accessible-radio-station-to-provide-quality-reporting media? Then you’re shit out of luck because there ain’t none.
    I listened to Kim Hill interview roger kerr once and she nailed the bastard to the floor. I knew then, that Hill’s career was done for. And it was. She went from a Scorpion of an interviewer to a late night tv show host and now she’s on Saturday’s show forced to talk drivel often with people more dull than you’ll find on the cover of Woman’s Weekly.
    Kim Hill’s a world class investigative media person. Her fierce intellect is inescapable if you’re unlucky enough to draw down her gaze. Was it that all it took was a tiny kiwi plutocrat to do her in as gutless rnz looked the other way while siding with a cheap crook?
    “The Business Round Table”? What a sick fucking joke of a thing it is in a rich country yet with homelessness and child poverty?
    Is it about here that I should mention The Listener?

  3. Ah, but also ‘the emperor’ has to organise ‘bread and circuses’ (only this time without the bread). Hence, so much effort going into promotion of the Amerca’s Cup…since most as ordinary New Zealanders would not give a fuck about a bunch of ‘elites’ playing on the water if it were not for the incessant pumping by the corporate media.

    Such is life at the end of empire….this time the money-lender-corporation-fossil-fuel empire.

  4. During the Scottish and Irish clearances the poor folk just trying to work hard and scrape an existance were thrown off their small crofts that they were paying high rents on by their wealthy Landlords. Most of them were made destitute and homeless. Many lives ruined for more unneccessay profit. Many moved to America and Australia and New Zealand for a better life for themselves and their families. History is repeating itself and our leader is actually promoting it. Thanks Jacinda.

  5. As Maria Muldaur once said: “It ain’t the meat, it’s the motion”
    There’s nothing wrong with RNZ or NuZul on Ear as institutions – even TVNZ as a supposed public service broadcaster – hammering out commercials for all its worth.
    It’s the people who are running the show.
    Each of the institutions mentioned has some good people working for them. They do so in spite of their overlords, NOT because of them. They also have quite a few place-holders. (E.G. Given Willy Wonker’s record, how is it he’s still there?)
    And if someone can tell me why this lil ‘ole nation of 5m that punched above its weight needs so many highly-paid/over-paid managerialists to manage what’s left of the assets that comprise RNZ and TVNZ (i.e. managing the people that actually produce content – good or bad), I’d be grateful

  6. Good post Martyn, I’ve often wondered why you fell out of favour with RNZ.

    It’s what we conservatives call ‘a circle jerk’ 😉

    NZ really has entered dangerous territory when even private media organizations are reliant on a stipend from our political masters. You think there is no quid pro quo arising from this largesse?

  7. The regurgitation of BBC propaganda on RNZ National, highlighted recently by the promotion of a ” leading ” Israeli vaccination programme which excluded all Palestinians in the occupied territories. This was not investigated by Nat Radio. As countryboy accurately stated, Kim Hill was “done in” and we lost the only true on air investigative interviewer in this country.
    I think the greatest shame surrounding the entire Julian Assange debacle is the silence from the mainstream journalist community who have turned their back on him. The freedom of the media to speak to the power of the state and their corporate overlords goes to the very core of journalism. This has purposely set a low standard for state intervention and can only be fought by transparency and courage from a unified Fourth Estate before it is too late.

  8. Bomber none of what you have written about is surprising when you consider the country we inhabit is a right wing pure free market state in everything but name.
    The interchangeable National -Social Democrat parties and the civil service have us all in their vice like grip to maintain the status quo with very slight microscopic changes in the economic order when the country goes to an election with no real alternative every three soon to be four year election cycle.
    There will not be the hoped for revolution to take us back to the distant past we are to addicted to our 24 hour consumer debt driven lives.
    Elitism is one of the foundations of our neo liberal plutocracy so off course NZ on Air would be a protector of the propaganda machine.
    I gave up making complaints to them over outrageous political bias of the mainstream media including TVNZ one of the worst protagonists as my reasonable and fair complaints were not upheld.
    And yet had it been a complaint directed against a ( left ) wing expressed opinion i am sure they would have been sympathetic.
    Kim Hill was one of the best and the toughest and our media is a hollow vacuum without people like Kim who are a threat to the cosy fireside chats that take place now and i do remember Helen Clark quite often being put through the ringer and treated very badly and then the shyster moved into the ninth floor and many journalists where wetting their pants to get an opportunity to schmooze with that shit and his hangers on, it was sickening to watch with Nicky Hagar being the only one with any guts to really reveal the truth apart from yourself Bomber and the TDB.

  9. While you are discussing NZ media, the following surely says all you want to know about how parochial NZ media is. In case you cant down load it the following gives the figures for the West Australian State Elections, held this weekend. I am told by my brotherwho lives in Oz that Labour has won more than 50 seats, Liberal has won 2 seats (That is not a typo!) and National (essentially the Country branch of Liberal) has won 3 seats and its not been reported anywhere in NZ!!.

    What kind of two bit country is this??

  10. Radio New Zealand is open to alternative opinion in the same way that the Taliban would be. That is to say, never,niente,nada,zero. Just listen to that non-entity, and The Panel. Leafy Suburb liberals. Nodding to the postperson does not make you Woke.

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