Trump Impeachment round 2 – Republicans could bloodlessly cast Trumpism out 


And so the second Impeachment of Trump’s attempted coup proceeds today and there might be a glimmer of hope that the Republicans themselves might set Trump up for excommunication.

To find Trump guilty of the appalling Orange Lives Matter Insurrection, Democrats need 7 more Republicans to join their side to gain a 2/3 majority in the Senate. At any other time that would be insurmountable, but it might seem attractive to the Republican Hierarchy as they struggle to rid themselves of the Trumpism virus.

Trump infected the Republican Party with a new angry and ignorant voter base which swamped Republican norms and have in the process become held hostage by the bigotry, sexism and revenge fantasy malice Trump inspires.

Republicans must want to banish Trump and purge themselves of his spite without enraging his fanatical support base.

If the Senate finds Trump guilty, the next move would be the vote on punishment, and for that you just need a straight majority, not the 2/3 majority to find him guilty. Here Democrats could provide the Republican establishment with their loophole. If found guilty, democrats could immediately call for banishment from ever running again and while the Republicans could scream and pretend such a move was terrible, Democrats have that 51% majority and could do what the Republicans can’t bring themselves to be seen to be doing, which is killing off Trump.

It is in the interests of Republicans who want to purge the stain of Trump from their Party to help Impeach him but allow the Democrats to banish him.

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    • Why would you want a word on Biden when the deranged Trump is still the headline act. And even when his impeachment is finished there are still multiple tax, fraud and sexual cases lined up and yet wow, you still go into bat for Trump Off white! Perhaps it is not only Trump who is deranged?

      • The point is Bert that Biden is no better than Trump. In fact he’s a whole lot worse. If you’re unable to see it then that’s not my problem. The media double standards should be obvious.

  1. The problem for the Republicans who might want to banish Trump forever is that about 75 million people voted for him. A great many of whom will not vote for another Republican president ever again if they take such action. That’s a hell of a lot of Americans who don’t see it the way Martyn sees it all.
    D J S

  2. TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a real thing (and Bomber has it). All objectivity is lost for those that suffer from TDS. Trump did literally nothing in his pathetic 4 years as US president other than trigger people with TDS with his constant idiotic rhetoric, narcissism, egotism, jingoism, and other such superficial nonsense. His actual policy was pretty much same old same old (look at the Obama’s booming stock market stimulated by money printing and low interest rates – Trump simply did more of that!).
    Trump’s main point of difference (other than personality) ultimately boils down to that he wanted the US out of pointless wars and global trade agreements (do we like either of those here!?). Sure he demonised China and Iran, but he swapped them for Russia and Syria from the prior regime (Biden is already working to right that supposed “wrong”) – Trump’s USA continued its love affair with both Saudi Arabia and Israel.
    His handling of CoVID was inept, but so was that of Britain, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, Brazil etc. (but I don’t see that being weaponised in the same manner).
    TL;DR Some perspective here at TDB would be beneficial when it comes to covering Trump.

  3. While trump’s an undeniable ding a ling he did create quite a stir, one must admit.
    He possesses a mighty power to inflame the masses. Is this what’s meant by the tyranny of the masses?
    The other thing he did, and quite by accident I have no doubt about that, is to highlight the danger of taking one’s eye off one’s democracy. Who said, and I paraphrase, “in times of peace we must be ever vigilant”.
    But at least we can see trump now. His element of surprise has passed its use-by date.
    And what does that say about we AO/NZ’ers?
    We’re still trying to draw a bead on our abusers and so far without success. We still have a government which pretends to be in opposition to a cadre of trump clones which is still immeshed in a tangle of neoliberal lies, deceit and criminal shenanigans and roger douglas is still at large.
    We can scoff and heap scorn on trump and his followers while we ignore, and deliberately remain in ignorance of, what douglas and his cronies did to us so in the meantime I think we should shut up about trump until we get OUR house in order.

  4. In respect of New Zealand’s shameful “Tale of Two Cities” state CB, there need be no great divide, no hierarchical to do list. For internationalists, ALL houses should be put in order asap, in what ever chronology circumstances and working class organisations allow for.

  5. Ther!s them, look our tempting,them Falcons,our Falconers,train six weeks most.What them Hawks,never,why can!t train them.Who them dare, them they called Austringer!s,why them ,they had a bird,tear and never cover be happy,so you not us say,them Hawk,hunters know, no arrogance,look we are Falconers, no,we are Austringers.

  6. Met,Mulldon,hatted him, I 19,HE arrogant him,and his wife,besoted,should i who these now,last bus stop,no winning the next election,why look and understand.

  7. 90 DAYS,How,got a job look, got a job,who are you to say exploit of your thought job i have been said maybe. Ever,knowing, ninety days your being.

  8. Question,this nintey days,where how come from,histrory records,death,those, fed well,in the german places of death camps,you,clean our the bodies you have lifted,out of the pyramid of breathing gasp,you pick and furnace ash them,you,doe us u,90 days your being here.

  9. He you,get like those,god no god in who them, truth,ever tried to win a Union,battle,about compulsory membership,course not,but,the law coustes god has a relligious that even us,fought and still fight.THESE lots control,are not bein again.

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