Political Caption Competition


Trump’s latest campaign fundraiser seems a tad desperate


  1. ” spreaded…”
    Ba haha !
    Having wrotted that I do suspect that the virus was built.
    I doubt it was deliberately released at this point unless an antibody was also built which would make sense. My original theory published here as a comment a couple of years ago was that a virus may be being readied to be released.
    It made sense to me then and I still makes sense to me now. Not the highest qualification I admit.
    I just can’t get several dreaded reasons for that suspicion out of my brain parts and I don’t regard my fears and suspicions a ‘conspiracy theory’ although that’s perhaps what they are. I simply follow a line of thinking and is the end result of that seems like a conspiracy theory then so be it.
    Our biosphere is over populated by human consumers. We who are arguably lucky enough to be able to over-consume do so with ever increasing enthusiasm. Not an issue currently facing the poor wee kids of Yemen.
    We buy imported junk and discard it with a fetish like enthusiasm. We waste more food than we can eat and we buy most of our food in super markets who’s very mandate is to make sure we continue to do so. It is we who pollute the biosphere. Not poverty stricken so called ‘third world economies’ but those poor bastards are going to carry the can for our mindless greed.
    As a consequence of the above, our biosphere is heating alarmingly, becoming ever more toxic to life generally and according to this documentary we have 60 more harvest cycles left before we begin to starve. All of us.
    Youtube trailer https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=kiss+the+ground+trailer
    #3 As a consequence of #’s 1 and 2 we have #3.
    trump is desperately trying to goad, threaten, manipulate, choke and manoeuvre China into war.
    Because war with China, or any other real or perceived threat would reset trump’s and his dark state mate’s finances and likely make them even richer than they are now.
    Based upon the above I can only assume we, as a species, are breeding and consuming out of control. God Bless American and God Bless Freedom, right? And you know what that means?
    We must be culled. Like rabbits, stoats, rats and mice.
    Unlike rabbits, stoats, rats and mice however, we can destroy all life on our only biosphere. Our planet Earth. There’s now no argument about that.
    If we all stopped breeding and consuming now, today, we’d still be too late.
    There has to be significantly less of us. It’s that simple.
    And the only way I can see that happening is if we’re culled by a virus. A highly transmissible virus with various stages of latency then virulence built into its genome. Not to be confused with the Garden Gnome although you could be forgiven for thinking so because I’ve yet to see a garden gnome look anything other than evil. Have you noticed? When your stoned and pissing on the lemon tree their little eyes are following you around… Perhaps you’re not a wandering pisser like me?
    These days are not the days to be living in cities with massive populations, that’s all I can say.

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