MEDIA WATCH: Reparations from the white cis male patriarchy never tasted so sweet


Mike Hosking and the team at ZB donate to the Māori Party??? Oh the delicious hilarity of it all…

Newstalk ZB payout to fund Māori Party election campaign

A settlement payout over defamatory claims Mike Hosking made on air about John Tamihere will help fund the Māori Party’s election campaign.

Newstalk ZB has apologised over comments Hosking made implying the Māori Party co-leader had personally benefited from Whānau Ora funding, which was not the case.

Hosking apologised on the air this morning.

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…Reparations from the white cis male patriarchy never tasted so sweet.

This has had me laughing all day, I just want to have seen Hosking’s face when it was announced what Tamihere was doing with the pay out.

Oh God this is funny.

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  1. “Happy Days!” to Maserati Mike and his dust buster…(yes Nat fans, we know it was a Ferrari he was spotted vacuuming up suspicious white powder residue from)

    I suspect no 75,000 strong petition will be needed this year to keep the tosser away from election debates.

  2. I have new respect for John Tamihere. If only more people would stand up to the big media liars and bullies (that’s what they are).

    He said, “I think it sends a message to mainstream broadcasters, particularly very powerful brands, that racial stereotyping is not right because it casts suspicion on all Māori around financial transactions and it’s just not right.”

    He said he had offered to resolve the dispute “the Kiwi way” with an apology over a beer but had to take it to court to clear his name.

    “You’ve got to hold your mana in your communities.” (more at link above)

  3. Good job motor mouth hoskings had to apologise now he will get back to bagging Labour maybe he might be a bit more careful what comes out of his nasty potty mouth.

  4. Application for next honours list:
    Dame Michelle Boag, for services to the Labour Party.
    Sir Michael Hoskings, for services to the Maori Party.

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