The stress from Muller’s coup and resulting train wreck is causing such intense stress on National Party MPs that some are cracking in Parliament.
Last night in the debating chamber, National Party MP, Simon O’Connor went into some triggered snowflake meltdown by bizarrely claiming the ‘keep left’ social distancing signage on stairs was really socialist propaganda…
National MP Simon O’Connor describes COVID-19 social distancing signage as ‘propaganda’
“Propaganda” is how National MP Simon O’Connor has described signage advising people to maintain social distance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
O’Connor blasted the Government’s response during a speech in Parliament on Wednesday, taking aim at the Green Party who he said “very much like a crisis to push through their particular agendas”.
“You can’t walk down the street without having to see signs about kindness and calmness; signs on the street telling me to keep left,” O’Connor, MP for Tamaki, said.
“In fact, even in this building there are signs on every stairwell telling me how to walk up some stairs – we’re beginning to live in some bizarre dystopian world and it needs to stop. It is simply a form of propaganda. It is just completely unnecessary.
…if Simon O’Connor thinks walking on the Left down stairs is dystopian, wait until he hears about the mass surveillance powers his Party passed last time they were in power!
I thought Simeon Brown was the dumbest bag of hammers in the National Party, but claims that social distancing signage amounts to socialist propaganda in a Marxist dystopia by Simon O’Connor is so jaw dropping in its intellectual vapidness, you can’t mock it fast enough.
National have a list of weak and vulnerable groups within society they intend to beat the bejesus out of if they get the opportunity to regain power. National have promised to roll back the civil rights of beneficiaries, prisoners and gang members if elected to power while bringing back the housing crisis.
Who is creating a dystopia here? Signs directing traffic flow on stairwells or a Political Party purged and devoid of representation that isn’t white?
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As ridiculous as it sounds people walk all over the place on footpaths like they’re on acid, so signs assisting and guiding sleepy people to stay on one side or the other are sadly needed in this covid climate.
But honestly, are we paying this moron money for this shit? He’s outraged by a keep left sign? Does he collapse to the ground bawling and wanting his mummy at a “No Right Turn” traffic sign?
What. A. Tool.
Yes, people have always been disordered on the footpaths. It was getting bad even before physical distancing was necessary due to the pandemic. What with; electric scooters & chair/carts, bikes, prams, flaneurs, and window shoppers.
Personally, wouldn’t care if everyone; stuck to the right, as prompted with “keep right” signs – just so long as a social norm is established. It wouldn’t strike me as being political propaganda anymore than; stop signs being Labour party red, or freedom camping placards; National party blue.
However, you would think that a Nat would be dutifully anglophilic in Queen’s Birthday week. And support the (international minority) driving on the left system that we inherited from the British Empire.
But if you are in a boat you keep right – and Britannia ruled the waves, remember.
I personally blame the French. They invented the whole concept of Right and Left wing politics…
I am simply amazed that the Nat army including,Muller, Hosking and Hawkesby continue to bang on about wanting to be at level 1 now. The mentality of a child who wants instant gratification when you only have to wait a few days is not lost on anyone.
For each person, including the above, can they explain or at least give evidence of the comparisons between the last pandemic they were involved in and covid 19?
Opinions are bountiful but decision making comes with a whole set of different parameters.
We are the envy of the world for a reason.
And you can bet your life that if the government did drop to Level 1 prematurely resulting in New Zealand suffering a massive outbreak of Covid with horrific casualties, Muller, Hosking and Hawkesby would be the first to start screaming about how careless and negligent it had been.
Simon O’Connor is certainly a snowflake as I was astounded at hearing him cry about a bloody sign.
“Get over it silly man”
Well, thanks for unconfusing me this week. I thought that Simeon Brown and Simon O’Connor were both the same person – one ex-priest married to Simon Bridge’s big sister, averse to holding clinics for constituents, and shortish, as it were.
Heaven help us if there’s two of them navigating the Coronavirus – one wanting a referendum on whether the populace should go somewhere where it has already gone, and now one saying keep to the right in doing so or not doing so.
Simon must never be allowed near road control; if he can’t cope with people walking on the left, vehicular traffic could wreck his psyche. I sometimes walk in the middle of the road at night – these S’mons could have us all driving there to protect themselves from pathological overreaction to direly interpreted symbols. Where’s Nigel Latta when he’s needed ?
I’m not even going to comment… geez…. is that guy being payed by us?
this sort of talk is a reflection of what is happening on social media. something very worrying. the far right are all over social media e.g. posting in groups that have been set up by people who are genuinely concerned about things like the health response act. recruiting people to the idea that Jacinda is a communist and that the government is a totalitarian socialist government which being manipulated by the UN new world order etc etc
and people who are currently concerned about stuff, people who have never protested in their life, people who wouldnt recognise injustice in front of them, are being activated.
people are believing this stuff and being fed every conspiracy theory out there by people who at the end of the day do not want a just and peaceful society.
AND NOW MPs further legitimising this sort of thinking
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