Political Caption Competition


Mike Hosking & Matthew Hooton hosting their own new TV show promoting death cult capitalism over public health

“Happy Pandemic! And may the odds be ever in your favor”


  1. Wow look at those Kiwis fighting over a bag of flour or rice! So entertaining!

    Love seeing the downtrodden queuing up down the street as the record profit making supermarket only puts 3 staff on checkout during a crisis (and the majority of staff in supermarkets seem to be managers and security not on checkout)!

    Once the poor actually make it into the supermarket they find that it’s mostly full of supermarket brand chocolate biscuits and chips and soda (which are also cheaper than real food) perfect recipe for diabetes… although not a surprise when it’s been known for a long time that around 70% of supermarket food is made up of highly processed goods that is not good for you.

    Hellelujah Katherine Rich!

    How about some corporate welfare on top, as well as WFF, accomodation benefits, now the wage subsidy for middle men like supermarkets, that control supply, are monopolies and actually produce nothing.

    Lets keep the hunger games afloat with more eulogies about supermarket contribution and push everyone else out of business around them, like a plethora of better quality producers.

  2. The new Marx brothers introduce their modernised version of Duck Soup followed by their updated reprise of other favourites from the earlier Depression times:
    DUCK SOUP (1933)
    A NIGHT AT THE OPERA (1935) …
    ANIMAL CRACKERS (1930) …
    HORSE FEATHERS (1932) …
    THE COCOANUTS (1929) …
    A DAY AT THE RACES (1937) …
    MONKEY BUSINESS (1931) …
    AT THE CIRCUS (1939) …

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