Waatea News Column: Māori vote will decide election 2020


On the latest polling, the Government is likely to be National/ACT, but that is a knife edge majority that could easily flip to Labour come September.

The deciding factor will be where Māori vote.

Will they look at the few gains and long list of grievances Labour’s promises of transformation haven’t calmed and give another 3 years or will they look at the Māori Party as an independent voice?

Oranga Tamariki, biased health, biased Police and a biased Judiciary are all examples of this Governments impotency and they strengthen the case for an independent Māori political vehicle.

The Māori Party have lined up a number of strong Electorate candidates and if NZ First doesn’t cross the 5% and if the Māori Party can win a seat, they could also pull another MP off the Party list and replace Winston as the kingmaker for this election.

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The race will be so close, it will be the Māori vote that ends up deciding who becomes the Government.

First published on Waatea News.


  1. ‘They have put up a number of strong candidates’ really I think they have one strong candidate at the moment although they only need to win one seat (easier said than done) and they could get another seat if they get an overhang with party votes.
    Jamie Lee Ross has just exposed national again for taking a 150k from the Chinese Communist Party hopefully this will put a dent into national. Its always hard when you have to compete with very wealthy donors that not only have unlimited resources but many with a vested interest.

  2. We had all of the above under the last government when the Maori party were buddies with national. Our State services have embedded racism and protectionism of their own and themselves. State service need a broom they practise institutional racism, bias and discrimination. And I see the Islamic womens group have just come out and said this. We have namely Pakeha bosses in organisation like Oranga Tamariki not giving our Maori people jobs even though they are more than qualified to do the jobs. One of my whanau who has given 14 years to this organisation was told she wouldn’t fit in with the culture of the Balclutha OT branch. I told her she needs to go to the top and expose them don’t let them get away with this bullshit. The problem is our Islamic womens groups have said the institutional racism goes right to the top echelons.

  3. We had all of the above under the last government when the Maori party were buddies with national. Our State services have embedded racism and protectionism of their own and themselves. State service need a broom they practise institutional racism, bias and discrimination. And I see the Islamic womens group have just come out and said this. We have namely Pakeha bosses in organisation like Oranga Tamariki not giving our Maori people jobs even though they are more than qualified to do the jobs. One of my whanau who has given 14 years to this organisation was told she wouldn’t fit in with the culture of the Balclutha OT branch. I told her she needs to go to the top and expose them don’t let them get away with this bullshit. The problem is our Islamic womens groups have said the institutional racism goes right to the top echelons.

  4. Less captured House Nigga’s and more Maori MP’s acting for Maori. Not a pakeha party holding them hostage.

  5. It is no good having a Maori party if they are going to rollover, they need to learn the lesson from the last election and it seems they may have at least according to Mr Che Wilson. But actions speak louder than words.
    I see the Maori Party have managed to get John Tamihere on board and he is not one to mix words and despite him being shunned in the Auckland mayoralty he has a totally different group of people he has to appeal to now. I think many of our people will resonate with John in this next political battle. I think he will give Penni Henare a good run for his money. And I look forward to the Korero.

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