Democrat hierarchy will do everything to stop Bernie revolution 


The extraordinary manner in which Obama has privately intervened to get Buttigieg and Klobucha to step down and support Biden is the most obvious move by the Democrat hierarchy to try and kill off Bernie’s revolution.

The danger is that if Sandanistas feel Bernie has been cheated again they will bitterly boycott the election.

The argument from moderates is that stale old Biden with his gaffes and wobbly performance is the bland mediocrity that is needed to beat Trump.

Obama’s Incrementalism is exactly why the white working class turned against the Democrats in 2016, why the Christ the Democrat leadership seem to think more of Obama’s Incrementalism will win those white working classes back isn’t explainable.

While some moderate Democrats won’t vote for Bernie, they are voting in States Democrats will already win, Sanders however appeals to those working class voters that Trump stole and they are the voters the Democrats need to turn those States.

What we are really seeing with the moderates lining up behind Biden is the real power of the private health industry, the Military Industrial Complex and private education interests. They dominate both wings of America and they will not allow a revolutionary like Bernie to threaten that dominance.

Working class people in America will never be heard while those interests rule.

I think Sanders positive populism – free education and free health – is the antidote to Trump’s toxic populism of walls and vitriol.

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If Biden is the candidate, I am certain Trump will win.

Super Tuesday will be fascinating.



  1. “Obama’s Incrementalism is exactly why the white working class turned against the Democrats in 2016, why the Christ the Democrat leadership seem to think more of Obama’s Incrementalism will win those white working classes back isn’t explainable.”

    Obama is looking more and more like he was a fake progressive all along. Does he and the other Democrats really think incrementalism will win the election, or are they simply more concerned about protecting the status quo

    • To be fair to Obama incrementalism was all that was possible when he was elected in 2008. 12 years later however and growing popular unrest means things are very different now. He needs to be slapped upside his head for pretending nothing has changed but really, it’s times like this when people’s true colours show through so I tend to agree

  2. The Dems do not even try to hide or spin it now, it is open ruling class war on the Sanders Campaign. Buttigieg in particular let down his supporters with his cynical exit on the eve of Tuesday. Thousands of wasted early votes there, and no chance for people to transfer to their next preferred candidate. Warren is staying in too, rather obviously to vote herd by sucking up other potential Bernie votes.

    Bernie’s movement will only succeed on the basis of turnout and they have said that from the beginning. Joe Biden apparently has one only field office in California, Bernie has 23! It is going to be some day.

    Whatever the result, the multi racial movement that has grown around Bernie will go on in one form or another, Alexandria for 2024!

  3. Meanwhile back in reality:

    > A Biden or Bloomberg candidacy will result in a minor or significant loss to the Republicans

    > A Sanders candidacy will result in a wipe-out, leaving the Republicans in charge of both houses and the Democrat party shredded for a decade to come.

  4. Turn this fire onto our own establishment. It’s equally against helping the poor, Left and Right.

    I’m willing to put money toward a poll on whether NZers want benefits to be raised, and the building of houses for the poor. With a preamble context the NZers will remember their only ideals.

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