Yay – America kills a terrorist mastermind they created!


Trump is such a pathological narcissist that if he was a wedding photographer he’d just be taking selfies.

He calls his own name out when he orgasms.

Watching him on Sunday announce that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had died as a result of a US raid in northern Syria came across like a Ted Bundy charm school class.

This follows a bizarre decision by Trump to pull out of Syria and allow Turkey to invade, and with his current impeachment troubles, killing the worlds most wanted terrorist is a great diversion.

I have zero time for a death cult like ISIS, but I can’t help but feel this entire fiasco isn’t anyone else’s fault other than America’s to begin with.

ISIS came out of the madness of Iraq. Disbanding the Iraq Army and torturing many in American prisons was the catalyst for the birth of ISIS, so I can’t see how exactly America is in any position to self congratulate themselves for killing a monster they created.

Perhaps if America spent less time making terrorists, they wouldn’t have to hunt so many down.


  1. Of course captain bonespur hid under his desk while the action actually took place. Only when someone came with a pacifier and a blankie, and confirmed it was all better now did he come out to tell us what a brave boy he had been.

  2. Letters to the NZ Herald Editor 30 October 2019

    It is Obama who boasted to aides “I am very good at killing people” (5000 with drones, only 200 probably were terrorists) who more deserves the Emmerson cartoon, a huge put-down of Trump, shown megaphoning “Me! ME! Me! Me!” tip toe on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s body. Real news: al-Baghdadi killed himself. END OF LETTER

    Trump did not help create the Middle East mess
    It takes a narcissist to know one I guees….. but Good job Trump! It takes a narcissist to kill one..maybe

    • I’m so past arguments that justify one person being an arsehole because you can find someone slese who was an arshole too. “Whatabout-ism is DEAD

      • Trump is an arsehole and inarticulate, he is not evil. Obama is very well articulated and a will fill murderer which makes him evil.

        What ever you think about Trump he is not evil.

    • The NZ Herald did not print my letter of course which said:-

      “It is Obama who boasted to aides “I am very good at killing people” (5000 with drones, only 200 probably were terrorists) who more deserves the Emmerson cartoon, a huge put-down of Trump, shown megaphoning “Me! ME! Me! Me!” tip toe on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s body. Real news: al-Baghdadi killed himself. ” END OF LETTER
      Today they printed a letter exhorting that Trunp is a big bully….. So I shall try a letter saying no he is not. But that he gets bullied a LOT by the bought and paid for Main Stream Media….He then twitters and twitters gutsy replies, which would get the reat of us banned as being this HATE SPEECH for GS…
      This gets him 3 to 4 hours sleep… a night…

  3. ( God that was weird…my Mac just went haywire???)
    As I was writing.
    Nothing freaks me out more than when I’m right about something. Particularly something as sinister as the U$A omni-presence in the middle east.
    We can watch, with amazing clarity and perfect sound quality, wee kids bleeding out their broken bone holes while their mums and dads are no more than blood stains on stone walls at best.
    Hollywood normalized such psychopathic blood lust with countless films and tv series showing big-little muscle men gunning down whomever got in the way of a profit. From Flouncing Nancy jimmy stewart to tiny little sly stallone, the Hollywood Movie logical fallacy factory churns them out to this day.
    Which brings me to my point. The point of it all is money.
    While the psychological toxin that is ‘money’ seeps through the Rothschild empire to the Fed reserve to the stock exchange to the reserve banks to the retail banking ‘industry’ and into your lives and homes via domestic debt pimped to you by lenders and loan sharks we all play a part in broken and bleeding wee kids thousands of miles ( Km’s ) away.
    The only way to stop that ghastly, sadistic game is
    ” Taxes, taxes, taxes. ”
    @ ‘Davos’
    Rutger Bregman tells panel that the real issue is the rich not paying their fair share

  4. Hmmm few facts there that maybe are worth mentioning. ISIS came about long before Trump was elected as did the illegal presence of US forces in Syria. Pulling out of Syria places the US in compliance with international law although if you have been following events that’s not exactly the case as they are hanging around “guarding” Syrian oil fields ostensibly to help the Kurds……

    Of course lets remember too the CP-TPP as its now called was not Trumps idea either but he actually kept his word and withdrew. Anyone care to remind us all which party closer to home made similar overtures but signed up to the shoddy thing anyway?

  5. Hah, I commented on this kind of topic on Open Mic on 27 Oct., but it was not published, maybe Herr Editor wanted to maintain his privilege to write about it in a separate post?

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