Fox News the ultimate canary in impeachment minefield


I struggle wishing Trump will get impeached

I daren’t hope his orange fascism, dripping hate & revenge fantasy sophistry will finally be executed because I’ve dreamt that since his victory & been cheated time & time again.

His end is like a never fulfilled payor to a numb God.

Watching the speed and precision of Democrats learning from the Mueller fiasco is heartening that we might actually get this horror stain removed from our daily loves and lives.

But most importantly is the fascinating struggle for the narrative on Fox News. The news side are in shock at the audacity of Trump and this seems to be the final straw that broke Republican’s backs while the opinion side are stumbling to find a position to defend.

If Fox News turns, it will be to backing Pence as the replacement, if that narrative begins to triumph, we may be finally free from this orange tumour on legs.

Oh happy day.

My fear then is that Trump supporters feel cheated and the rage of Donald the Mad King could be more terrible than we fear.

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The ballot box is where Trump ultimately needs to be defeated because removing the People’s choice by committee is a naked flame to a combustable nation.



  1. Nothing thats going on in US politics at the moment is leading to Trump being defeated at the ballot box Martyn; absolutely the reverse. The institution of the President of the United States is being sabotaged and incinerated . And American democracy with it. People have elected a president and he is being undermined ridiculed and his stated policies to bring back peace and prosperity to Americans is being sabotaged at every step. And the peoples’s belief in their democracy with him.
    The voters will respond accordingly.
    D J S

  2. The US Congress had to make a call here. Launching an impeachment process now, with only a year or so until the next election, could be construed as trying to influence the election result. Yet launching it after the next election risks not only a change in the balance of power that could put the Republicans back in full control of both houses of Congress, but also risks making the Democrats look like sore losers trying to steal an election they just lost. It seems they have decided to strike while the iron is hot from the fallout of the Mueller report, and I wish them luck. But the prospect of Mike Pence as acting US President fills me with even more horror than the prospect of Trump remaining US President until the election.

  3. You rail against Trump on a regular basis but what is it about his policies that you don’t like?

    If you were an American working class voter he would be your natural choice: Lower unemployment, lower taxes, improved protection from criminal elements coming over the southern border and fewer foreign wars.

    • @Andrew – racist, misogynistic, bigoted, tacitly supporting the far right extremists in their views, corrupt in endless ways, not to mention bordering on insane. Your last two points are comedy aren’t they?

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