Economic meltdown vs climate change collapse vs geopolitical friction vs domestic white supremacy fascism – it’s the new 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The experiment to delay the global economy imploding in 2007/8 simply printed trillions of dollars by central Banks to create a debt black hole that makes interest rate normality impossible while stagnating wage growth and inflation.
This is happening while climate change worst case scenarios are unfolding 70 years faster than predicted and will exacerbate conflict.
This in turn is generating geopolitical friction between China, Russia, America, India, Pakistan, Europe and the developing world who are fleeing the exploding instability of crumbling states.
And that influx of refugees and migrants in a identity politics landscape is empowering a domestic white supremacy fuelled on resentment.
In short, we are entering the age of entropy and chaos.
Meanwhile NZ is gripped by Married at First Sight scandals. The issues we are enthralled by currently are a luxury of the wilfully ignorant.
We are indeed, Bomber… but don’t tell Trotter-sky… let him keep is rose-tinted glasses… but please let him write exclusively somewhere else too 😉
And another annoying thing about Chris Trotter is that he can easily show up the intellectual shortcomings in most of us. His considerable literary knowledge is delivered with precision and often without the patronising MSM-esque softening up and dumbing down to enable us, the common people, to keep up with his formidable intellect.
Yep. Trotter is annoying alright. He’s made my writings and musings look whimsical and comical at times when I’ve been trying to strike a serious note and has incited you @ Castro to write witless, common words weakly glued together with hypocrisy more suited to being written on toilet walls. Bloody communist Trotsky Trotter indeed.
Yeah but..?
Hang on a minute?
We’re not fucked like Florida. Bangkok is about to look funny. There are vast populations hanging on by their well manicured finger nails and whom are about to starve then drown while gun shots ring out.
But not here.
Look? God. Are we seriously worried the banksters? Really? Are we? Are we sure? Are we really, really sure that we should be worried about greedy parasites whom are about to get scratched off our backs?
We scant few 4.7 mil on lands well experienced at growing foods and pot ( Oops. That last bit slipped out.) are worried about Global Warming and financial diarrhoea brought about by be-suited mincing nancies infecting our lives with their soon to be viral, digi-toxins to coerce us into living plasti-lives well beyond the false reality logical fallacies they sell us?
I say fuck them. Fuck them all. Fuck the banks. Who cares about them? What are they, really? They’re nothing without us and we should remember that.
As for global warming? Lets see what happens? Wait to worry I say.
But you know that lawn you mow? And all that lovely land between the street and the footpath? Grow a good spud or two, that would.
But do you know how?
Allotments. Time to grow up.
And now, transNational getting iffy about the ZCB – but of course.
Climate change impacts accelerating: WMO report
Physical signs of climate change are accelerating as temperatures drive towards increasingly dangerous levels.
29 Mar 2019
WMO says physical signs of climate change are accelerating as temperatures drive towards increasingly dangerous levels [AFP]
WMO says physical signs of climate change are accelerating as temperatures drive towards increasingly dangerous levels [AFP]
more on Environment
The United Nations’ weather agency says extreme weather last year hit 62 million people worldwide and forced two million people to relocate as man-made climate change worsened.
“We have seen a growing amount of disasters because of climate change,” said World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. He said since 1998, about 4.5 billion people around the world have been hurt by extreme weather.
The WMO’s annual state of global climate report says Earth is nearly 1 degree Celsius warmer than when the industrial age started.
The planet may see temperatures increase 3-5C by the end of the century, said WMO’s Taalas.
UN chief Antonio Guterres warned countries to come with concrete plans at an upcoming climate summit as he released the flagship report on Thursday.
The destruction wrought by Cyclone Idai in Africa earlier this month was a stark reminder of a planet out of whack due to greenhouse gas emissions blamed for climate change, he said, describing how extreme weather last year disrupted a growing number of lives.
The WMO report comes as Guterres drums up support for a September climate summit to ramp up the political will to tackle the climate crisis.
“I am telling leaders don’t come with a speech, come with a plan,” he said during a press conference. “If not, it will be irreversible.”
The 2015 Paris Agreement accepted by nearly 200 nations aims to limit a rise in average world temperatures to “well below” 2C above pre-industrial times, including by reducing the use of polluting fossil fuels.
Scientists have linked global warming to accelerating sea-level rise, shrinking sea ice, glacier retreat and extreme events like heatwaves, the UN agency noted in its report.
A dramatic increase in the average number of people exposed to potentially lethal heat waves – some 125 million since the beginning of the century – exemplified climate change’s fast-expanding cost to public health, said Guterres.
The world’s warming trend is expected to continue, with the past four years the hottest on record, said the report. Several countries had already signaled they would bring new plans to the New York climate summit, said Taalas, who is among the event’s organisers.
Cyclone Idai, which caused massive flooding nearly 1,000 casualties in its wake after slamming into Mozambique and rippling through Zimbabwe and Malawi bore the fingerprints of climate change, said Taalas.
The “clear link” between climate change and social instability should also alarm nations worldwide, added Guterres, who reminded historical instances of weather crises preceding upheavals such as the French Revolution and the Arab Spring.
Worldwide, disasters affected nearly 62 million people in 2018, mostly in floods, the WMO report said.
SOURCE: News agencies
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