So what would happen if a Political Leader suddenly died? Let’s say Winston


One of the curve balls I suggested in my 18 months leading up to the election was what would happen if Winston suddenly died.

Let’s say Winston being in hospital for an old rugby injury right now wasn’t true and he as Leader was actually very ill and died.

Let’s say the National Party knew this and their sudden release of a 40 page economic policy that reads more like a manifesto was very planned?

NZ First in shell shock attempt to find a new leader, Shane Jones steps into that position and does what?

Would Shane continue to prop up the Labour Government? Would Shane cross the benches? Would Shane call for a new election?

Winston needs to make an appearance very soon to stop the rumours that have exploded.


  1. Hard to see widespread support for a Shane Jones blowhard/pork barrel/hotel porn/commercial over fishing party exploding any time soon but never say never.

      • Oh Sam. Oh Sam. Oh Sam. On principle ? Oh Sam.

        She did.

        She condensed two (or more) A4 pages into one succinct sentence of inescapable meaning.

        • Your world view must be very deep, and very important as to find a deeper meaning, and vastly different and far more important way of looking at what Michelle wrote. Y’know vastly more important than Winston Peters is to the stability of the Coalition Government. Totally, amazing, Pip.

  2. If NZ First were suddenly decapitated the Greens might withdraw their support from Labour and force an election in the hope of returning to power as the tail wagging the dog of a two-party Government.

  3. Nothing; the “country” is being run by the PRC… what would happen if you changed a blue clear file folder to a red, green or yellow one? Nothing.

  4. As it’s been quiet on the Winston Peters front recently, I’m surprised Natz haven’t got the old Winnie already deceased and disposed of!

    Tracey Martin is the obvious answer to succeed Peters in any event. She has proven her worth extremely well in both opposition and government. Please not Shane Jones. Not good leadership material in any shape or form.

    • mary_a – Well, who knows what was in that great bunch of humming and buzzing foliage inflicted upon Peters by you-know-who.

      Tracey Martin shaping up into quite a politician, isn’t she – a splendid woman. And enough talk of dead politicians, it’s bad enough watching the brain dead ones.

    • “Tracey Martin is the obvious answer to succeed Peters in any event. She has proven her worth extremely well in both opposition and government. ”


  5. If this is the case and Labour wants to have any chance of retaining their position then the minimum that they have to do is engage the voters that have become too depressed through poverty to really care about voting. They would need to cut a deal with Hone and with the Greens if a winnable seat can be identified. They may then lose some Maori seats to Hone but could rest assured that he would never go to National. If Labour has lost NZF then any attempt to remain in the centre is futile. If Jacinda enjoys being PM and really does want to be transformational then this is a wonderful opportunity to go for it. If NZF re forms a govt with National till the next election then the opportunity is even greater.

  6. Jones is not the co-leader so why would he take over.
    Tracy martin is the only star in their whole team. She who was shafted by her own part over the abortion bill.

  7. A seriously ill leader being kept from public view in a private location – sounds like the old Soviet Politburo…

    Will an announcement be made and a public funeral to follow in the grounds of Parliament?

  8. Dear Cushla
    Like all pretty Irish girls.
    I bet you are just mad
    about fashion.
    But whilst we might
    have enjoyed
    a fashion museum,
    a student hostel,
    a bouquet hotel,
    bars, restaurants, shops
    and offices
    we both know
    it must be.

    Down with the chocolate
    factory. Indeed it bustled
    The scent of chocolate
    was heavy upon the air.
    Chocolate, chocolate
    chocolate. That is all
    we would think about.
    A great history. Perhaps.
    But then those Cadburys
    were always anti union.
    No they must make way
    for progress. Soon there
    will be a fortress against
    disease. In the very heart
    of the city.
    For the young people.
    And who is this
    Athol fellow anyway.
    What would he know
    about anything.
    I am sure they will
    laser scan the entire
    building for posterity.
    It would be fiscally
    irresponsible to build
    it anywhere else.

    Just a same about the fashion.
    And the rest.

    Tom Ryan

  9. Winston dead, no the media are dead and so is the global economy so get used to hearing about the declining economy because it is a global event again about to hit home everywhere.
    Fake news are all media are about today I’m afraid.
    We are just sponges for their crap.

    It just messes up my head with the noise behind their jabbering, so why do they need all that pipped music behind their constant rambling?
    I’d rather watch this.

  10. Winston is having a joint replacement from an old sports injury apparently, and the surgeon has ordered him to stay off his feet while the joint replacement settles in we have be advised.
    ‘Our warrior from the north’ is well very much well and alive and will be fighting fit don’t worry folks.

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