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EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.
In light of the 8 million dollar renumeration package Theo Speirings received while making very poor investments that have now led to Fonterra’s biggest loss.
CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time
One of the other issues for huge CEO gains are often they get a lot of money received on performance measures and paid out by shares or incentives that skew the company into positions to support their own renumeration goals not the long term goals of the company or to mitigate change the best way if any new issue comes along, set before the renumeration package.
Renumeration is not an independent process, as the person deciding the CEO salary often is paid to do that and of course is hardly going to be hired if they recommend huge cuts to the big cheese and the executive committees that appoint them while they quickly find that lowering or flat lining worker salary is appreciated by companies that employ them!
The sad thing is well, is often the CEO is incentivised to cut jobs and wages in order to show short term gains on the balance sheet, while long term those cuts (like in Fonterra’s case) start making impacts as the company becomes increasingly poorly run by an out of touch CEO with a self interested perspective and inability to spend money on good stewardship or spend money outside their personal bonuses (aka spend the money on better environmental goals which they delay because they want the money to be spend under someone elses watch).
CEO’s are also often incentivised to chose the cheapest options to keep the balance sheet looking better or do ‘trendy’ deals like overseas partnerships, but in their haste fail to look at other risks (aka Sanlu “partnership” which killed children and harmed many more while it was well known that there was a counterfeit culture of milk in China effecting milk powder), which long term erodes value, creates distrust and increases the risk of worst case scenarios.
With their currently outsourcing to India for their IT sounds like the ‘Sanlu’ lessons of foreign partnerships, are still not understood as they look at the sticker price and not actually risks of outsourcing in critical areas like IT which they are reducing their capacity close to home on, going forward.
The similar conflicts of interests and surrounding inequality outcomes also are in the RMA where the so called ‘independent commissioners’ are paid for by the councils… again if you want a cushy job going around the country all expenses paid then I’m sure the commissioners learn, don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and annoy the councils by disagreeing with them!
Bet it is not a 50:50 split with disagreeing with the councils by independent commissioners nor is it 50:50 split with the applicants getting consents through and those in the communities that disagree with it!
The bias will be obvious, just like the CEO vs Worker salaries.
Power and money interests of a few versus the social interest of the many who have been successively denied an ability to reject consents on reasonable grounds with the constant erosion of basic rights of air, noise, privacy, safety, financial interests, environmental issues and amenity being dismissed by law as not a valid concern.
It ain’t the many who tend to win on the RMA and that is why the decisions are increasingly out of sync with natural justice and ongoing risks!
Anyone interested in a different take on Hong Kong may be interested in what Christopher Black, a Canadian human rights lawyer has to say.
Yeah, China, the ‘propagator of freedom’ all over the world, you really live in dream territory, dangerous territory. China is as bad, even worse, than the USA and Russia, all hegemony seeking powers where they misinform their populace to lick the boots of those in power.
HK Chinese may in part be deluded, given they are over urbanised and detached from nature, but they seem to have a serious fear of being controlled by a one party dictatorship.
Pretty difficult for any country to match the USA in death and destruction. The comparative budgets of military expenditure pretty much say it all. USA ahead of all other countries combined!
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RNZ is barely scratching the surface as Kathryn Ryan is so self opinionated about her own self, she does fail to ask deeper questions.
The rest is NZ naivety and stupidity, to fall for the endless BS we have.
The People of the Land, that are still frowned upon and patronised about:
Is NZ Inc really that better? Look at the statistics for Maori.
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TDB blocking Aboriginal music and so is a real lesson, I reckon, how far does this censorship go?
All to protect MARTYN’S ‘friend’ Jacinda, the hollow one?
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Hang on:
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Freedom for the People of the Land:
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Modern day waste and shit society will ensure we will get back to a situation where the stone age would be considered the new normal, especially after nuclear war. We will celebrate Aboriginals as shining light survivors and desperately follow them and others as we have as white idiots lost the plot, same as some Asians and other so called ‘developed’ idiots.
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TDB appears racist, as it does not publish certain ethnic clips from You Tube, e.g. Australian Aboriginal music ones. Sad to note.
Relate how?
Mapuche land:
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NO Faith anymore but JIHAD:'s+Seyfi+Qahran.mp3
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Respect this, or else!
TDB is a NAZI outfit, censorship prevails, making KIWIBLOG harmless
Jacinda is a TRAITOR
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