Well folks, this is the new look TDB. It’s taken us months to get to this stage, we haven’t had a re-vamp of the blog since we launched 6 years ago.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, thank you all so much for the kind comments. We felt that a lot of blogs ask you for contributions without actually doing a hell of a lot.
Scoop are asking to recreate journalism (again) for like the 10th time in a row with little to actually show for it while The Spin Off promises to write news you like in return for financial contributions which seems less like journalism and more like a commercial copy writer.
We are asking for contributions AFTER updating our entire design. We won’t promise to write things that you like in return for cash and we won’t make grand promises of journalism that we never bother implementing.
We have made the changes, and if you see the importance of what we do, then we ask you to contribute.
If you can, please do so here, if you can’t but want to support us, follow us on Facebook or Twitter and share our work.
Many respects.