Is the Brachioplasty Procedure Right for Me?


If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you may be familiar with how loose skin hangs on your now slimmer frame. This can be seen on the legs, stomach and arms. Many who’ve lost weight find that the loose skin on their arms causes the biggest drop in self-confidence. This excess skin can also be as the result of the normal aging process for some people who are genetically inclined to develop it.


The brachioplasty procedure is a plastic surgery that targets this loose and saggy skin. The skin is removed and much more toned arms are the result.


Is brachioplasty right for you? Could this be the procedure that you need to restore your confidence levels?


Who is the ideal candidate for the brachioplasty?


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The ideal candidate should be someone who is in good overall health. To learn more about brachioplasty, visit Non-smokers with normal blood pressure and a steady maintained weight make the best in candidates for any cosmetic surgery that targets and removed excess saggy skin.


It’s very important to have maintained a healthy weight for a minimum of six months. The brachioplasty procedure is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise program. It can remove stubborn fat, using liposuction, but a healthy body will translate to better results both during and after the procedure.


How long will the recovery take?


One of the concerns that any plastic surgery patient has relates to the amount of time that it takes to recover from the procedure itself. As with any type of surgery, the time that it takes to completely heal from the procedure will vary greatly between individuals. Patients will be urged to avoid lifting their arms above shoulder level for as long as four weeks, which could mean restrictions to activities at work.


Athletic and other physical activities could be limited for up to eight weeks, which could have an impact on your lifestyle.


Before determining whether this is the right time for this procedure, be sure that you can take the time away from work and take the time to allow your body to heal.


Will there be extensive scarring?


It is the rare surgical procedure that doesn’t produce scars. The good news, however, is that with a skilled surgeon performing your procedure, the scars will be minimised. The technique that is used for your brachioplasty will determine the type of scarring and the extent of scarring that you have.


The standard arm lift procedure will result in a long, thin scar that will be hidden on the inside of your arm. It will be visible when you raise your arm wearing tank tops but should otherwise be discretely tucked away the rest of the time.


Other types of procedures may hide the incisions in the armpit, so they are not very visible unless you raise your arm.


Be sure to discuss your concerns about scarring with your surgeon during your consultation. Keep in mind that the benefits of the surgery, with slim and toned arms as your results of the surgery, can far outweigh living with scars that will fade with time.


The brachioplasty procedure is often performed at the same time as other plastic surgeries, including breast surgeries to correct concerns with the breasts. Both men and women find that this surgery offers them the results that they are looking for.