Sean Plunket’s Working Group with Bomber Bradbury & Damien Grant: THIS WEEK: Budget, Whaleoil book & Trevor Mallard’s allegation of rape




  1. Thanks Sean for running rail down!!!!
    I would have liked to see someone mention the big funding for saving our rail as it will be our saviour now as trucks are ruining our roads and ecomony as well as kiling many on roads.

    Rail uses far less fuel to move freight and saves our zero carbon emissions target too.

    Even today Air NZ was saying on tonight’s news that they are now moving to switch to electric local plane services using battery powered turbo prom engines apparently.
    They agree now that air transport is in trouble as it amounts to over 2% of the total global carbon emissions now and is considered to high for their activities.

    Electric trains are the future also Guy -. as they will have no emissions, or not even any tyre dust polluting tyres just Steel on steel. A perfect combination finally.

    I remember when Dr Francis Small Chief operating Manager of NZ rail taking a train load of MP’s up the main trunk line and had a stunning press release that said “rail is environmentally friendly; – and has now reached its time,

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