GUEST BLOG: Willie Jackson – Tell Simon he’s dreaming!


Simon thinks starting a new Green Party that doesn’t have a social conscience is the next big thing to save National from having no mates at the 2020 election.

I think someone needs to tell Simon he’s dreaming!

You can’t divorce care for the environment with care for the people who live in that environment! What’s the point of environmental policy if Kiwis are living in cars and can’t get access to universal education, health and decent jobs?

You can’t care about clean rivers and beaches and not care about the people swimming in those rivers and those beaches, that’s oxymoronic and a desperate political ploy by a Party who are running out of ideas and coalition partners.

A Green Party without a social conscience is like an education policy that only cares about the school buildings but refuses to care about the students or their grades.

This is desperate stuff from a desperate party.


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Willie Jackson is the Minister for Employment 


  1. desperate and down right dirty party national are, where a leader can say a member is effective when she has been carrying on a full blown affair for 2 years and he still has confidence in her. Now this is desperation from soimon he is so desperate he has lost his moral compass.

    • Big thumbs up for your comment there Michelle. Natz concisely summed up.

      Morality along with honesty and compassion are non existent in Natz culture.

    • Dowies’s performance as an electorate MP is a separate issue from the calamity which appears to have engulfed her personal life.

      The latter is none of our business, or Bridge’s business either.

      Were Bridges to boot her out to gratify the bloodthirsty tricoteuses circling the scaffold, it could establish a destabilising parliamentary precedent – and certainly not confined to the Nats.

      • Madam Dowie looks like the Joker of Batman fame, just need some white paint. Got the smile and nose for it. Nasty little toad just like in the movies!

      • So then Bridges needs to stay out of the cannabis and euthanasia debates. He can’t pick and choose the moral high ground and the reality is, one of his caucus could be up for criminal charges and he won’t even suspend her. It shows Bridges hypocrisy for attacking Ardern and how gutless he really is.

        • No, Bert. Bridges would be wrong to suspend an effective, very well qualified politician because she may face criminal charges. He is behaving correctly.

          There’s a bunch of holier-than-thou people here hell-bent on reducing a clandestine relationship to gutter level when they know nothing, absolutely nothing, about that relationship – and nor should they.

          If you’re fourth formers, okay. Otherwise accept that stuff happens and butt out.

          PS We’re stuffing up the planet, and maybe selling political favours too, so how about thinking about big things. If poss.

          PPS Have you any idea how irritating it is for me to find myself defending the leader of the National Party ?
          (Rhetorical question only.)

          • NO!, Madame if you lay with the dogs you will get fleas or “if you dine with the devil come with a long spoon”

            If she was prepared to cheat then will she cheat on her electorate?

          • “effective, very well qualified politician”

            That is highly questionable given her morals and integrity is now in doubt.

      • Madame Defarge you have missed the point by a huge margin. Dowie’s affair with JLR is a public matter because she is a public figure and being a public figure in her position is all about the electorate and her community having trust in her.

        That she should have an affair while she is married was her decision and not ours but it becomes a public matter because she is a member of and represents a party that espouses decency and integrity (which we all know is a joke). Tell us where her decency and integrity was when she entered into this affair? What about the effect her behaviour had on her husband and their family if they have one?

        Because of all of this her performance as an MP is not a separate issue from her dalliance and the tricoteuses you are talking about exist within her own party.

        You should step down from the moral high ground you pretend to walk and think about the issues here. For example isn’t it strange how Bridges and his lieutenants moved so quickly to judge JLR and expel him from the party for behaviour described as not the sort of behaviour expected of a married man yet there has been no similar comments made about or action taken against Dowie.

        Have you seen the full text sent from her phone to JLR? It is vitriol at its worst yet she remains protected by her own. If JLR had sent the text to her or another women there would have been hell to pay. I am a young woman and I don’t support JLR and his behaviour in all of this – it was despicable but this is not a one-sided issue even though the national party is trying to make it so. And so it seems are you.

        • “For example isn’t it strange how Bridges and his lieutenants moved so quickly to judge JLR and expel him from the party for behaviour described as not the sort of behaviour expected of a married man yet there has been no similar comments made about or action taken against Dowie. ”

          Paula Bennett dumped this in the public arena because that’s the way Paula sometimes does things. It’s quite an effective political tool to turn the people against persons perceived as threats by power mongers, bullies etc. Adolf Hitler did it well.

          I rather think that National’s priority was to shut Ross up initially because they believed that Ross leaked Bridge’s fairly inconsequential travel expenses.

          Dowie’s text was a shocker. It is now in the hands of the police, and it’s probably 50/50 as to whether police legal people will see it as an incitement to commit suicide, who knows. She did inform the police when he talked suicide.

          If you think that Ross was expelled for committing adultery why don’t you write and ask Bennett or Bridges ? You can probably work something out as an OIA request.

          I don’t recall the Labour Party dumping on David Lange for dumping his wife in favour of Margaret Pope – and nor do I think it suddenly negated the good things that Lange may have achieved.

          This is most certainly not a one-sided issue, but at this stage
          it’s subject to legal process, and that’s that.

      • well actually madam it wasn’t our business but now it is because we know and whose fault is that. The actions of sarah and jamie show a lack of judgement and professionalism these are elected people suppose to be looking after our country and those who voted for them. Now sarah whose being working hard for southland a conservative area with a high elderly population sucking the life out of our health dollars are they happy with this carry on and do they think it is right for her to send those texts when we are trying to stop bullying , suicides etc what sort of message does this send to our youth?

  2. A couple of nights ago, I decided to watch a tv program I gave up on shortly after it’s television debut. Give it another chance I thought, hell they might even resemble journalists now. Jesse on the Project told the nation to go easy on Sarah, leave her alone, she has suffered enough. I don’t watch the Project anymore. As for this rancid, grinning, mean girl (Sarah not Jesse,…well both), I’m awaiting the ‘Nothing to see here’ report from the police on Dowie’s text spray. ‘It’s off to the races’ to quote the American presidente, holding the American public to ransom with his infantile demands. So it is with suggesting someone is probably better off dead. If Dowie is found innocent in the court of police opinion (equivalent to the court of main stream media opinion), then New Zealanders are entitled to ask who ever the fuck they like to kill themselves. The first on my email kill list will be this obese, sweaty, stinking white male who waltzed into a rest home, raped an elderly woman, lied to his employer and is let off with a warning. A fitting metaphor for journalism today.

    • yeah that stinks and how come they didn’t show the same compassion for Phillip tato field he went to jail and Ngatata Love who died disgraced yet did a lot of good mahi for our Maori people. Oh thats right they are both brown and had to be made an example of despite all the good work they did.

  3. I beg to differ Willie

    Every failed experiment with Socialism (and they all fail) has left an environmental disaster in its wake. So the correct path to a better environment is through good regulation surrounding free market capitalism.

    • Okay. I’ll bite.
      Which experiments? Which countries? Conducted by who, and when? And, what were the environmental disasters? Were they created by the socialist governments? Or by, you know, businesses?

      Of your mercy; help me out here.

      What magic words do I feed into Google to start me on my way?

      (If you cite “China” I’ll laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Any fule do kno they are not at all ‘socialist’. Authoritarians in fancy dress… )

    • “So the correct path to a better environment is through good regulation surrounding free market capitalism.”

      Oh really you probably believe in elves and the failed experiment of the trickle down effect.

      As for socialism, your mother and father got together to have you. Are you saying that was a failed social experiment?

  4. you would know all about an education policy that works as under your watch all teachers are striking for real wages and more of their pupils are going to school hungry

    • Of course Willie would know. Only a complete idiot would know that teachers incomes have not met inflation and have not received real time wage increases over the past 10 years.

      Oh and that tosser Bridges is out and about with some tax bribe his party failed to go anywhere near in their corrupt 9 years.

  5. “You can’t divorce care for the environment with care for the people who live in that environment! What’s the point of environmental policy if Kiwis are living in cars and can’t get access to universal education, health and decent jobs?”

    Nailed it.

    I’m surprised ( not really) the msm haven’t picked up on that salient point. Is it too much for the journos’ poor wee brains to handle without exploding out their orifices???

    • “You can’t divorce care for the environment with care for the people who live in that environment! What’s the point of environmental policy if Kiwis are living in cars and can’t get access to universal education, health and decent jobs? ”

      These things are not mutually or commonly exclusive. Only a politician would try and say that they are, and as far as I know no-one else apart from Willie is actually saying this.

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