This is us as a people in 2019


When a teenager runs from NZ cops – they deserve to die. Respect my authority.

Schools shouldn’t feed hungry kids, it’s the parents fault.

You only have something to fear if you have something to hide mass surveillance justifications.

This is us as a people in 2019, this is the bitter fruit of the 30 year neoliberal experiment of selfishness as a virtue in NZ.

Add Millennial micro-aggression policing culture and woke call outs on social media platforms algorithmically fuelled by subjective rage, and we have a cacophony of individualism that seeks personal vengeance masquerading as social progress.

Solidarity has been killed by the narcissism of the retweet and like.


    • So back to community policing and is a police force in general supposed to suffer from some strange form of undiagnosed aspergers or other forms of Autism? That is seemingly unable to seperate reality from theory, in other words: theory in social environments always trumps reality.

      Do you want police officers to have friends, or do you want people who tolerate there presence and to whom you have no real emotional connection? Do police officers find it difficult to relate to the problems of normal people and are their problems secondary to what you would want police to percieve as reality? Do you think there is a purpose to comforting others who express emotional distress, or do you find it a pointles excercise of weakness?

      Do you think the police commissioner is the creators or do you love them?

      People who were more socially apt who are classified as weak for relying on social interaction? In other words, police officers do you see themselves as the pinacle of civil perfection, while people with friends and a social life are classified as weak willed failures because they invest time and effort in maintaining social connections to others.

    • 100% correct martyn best statement made in 2019, so please keep the truth showing through the veil of total selfishness perveying NZ today.

      When we stop caring for others our whole civilisation dies.

  1. You forgot to mention the masses rushing out in their many SUVs, other private motor vehicles, guzzling fossil fuel gas, to head to the regions, the various beaches and other places, some taking off on airplanes to various international destinations for holidays.

    A trip by airplane to Europe will create about one and a half ton of carbon emissions, so Air NZ seems to be admitting, a bit less will be created by flying to the islands or to Australia.

    The oceans are heating about 40 percent faster than expected by the IPCC, that will have a massive effect on sped up climate change.

    Heads dug deep into the sand, the future of kids and their kids ignored, while many NZers carry on as per usual, polluting, wasting and contributing to kill human and animal existence on this planet due to the coming climate catastrophe.

    Good night NZ, it will not matter whether you turn the light on or off, we will be screwed to hell anyway, no future, never mind, live it up now, stuff the kids and their future.

  2. Solidarity has been killed by neo-colonial migration levels and the division of ‘society’ into the propertied Haves and the Have Nots in the form of renters and the homeless… “we” don’t exist. Welcome to No Zealand, Martyn 😉

  3. I think that the neoliberal angle has more to do with abandoning egalitarianism than twitter.
    I was astonished as Douglas’ doctrine seemed to be adopted by people around me during the period of the 80’s. I never would have imagined that a population would have changed it’s mode to adapt to such a leadership and to such a reversal of a their philosophy, but it did. Masses of people accepted that the drive for the bottom line was the right priority who would not have if our government had not led them. People do accept that their government knows best just because it is the government. You have to hope so even if you complain.
    D J S

  4. reading the friendly fascist commentary supporting police chases I
    conclude Hitler is alive and well in New Zillind and war generation that we have just finished burying are all spinning in their graves.

  5. I listened to our police minister Mr Nash this morning and I was not impressed with him at all. Martin is it right to call facist friendly? I find them to be nasty, vile, horrid, judgemental and are these really NZers talking like this.

  6. This has become a tedious and mindless argument that just goes round in circles.
    Teenagers stole a car and drove in such a way as to cause a danger to themselves and others. The cops tried to stop them and I’m reasonably sure the cops didn’t want them dead in the process. If so? They’d a just shot out the driver, right? They, the teenagers, instead, ran off the road, hit a tree and died in a most dramatic way.
    Who’s to blame?
    I blame the tree. It knew. By growing where it did it’d exact its revenge on the kids who cut down it’s mother and father.
    Before cars? Kids stole horses. Before cops? We formed gangs and waged war in the streets.
    If you warn a teenager about the dangers of jumping off tall buildings? Do you blame the footpath when the teenager hits it?
    This ‘event’ has nothing at all to do with teenagers ‘deserving to die’. Nothing. No one wishes that and it’s irresponsible to suggest that, that may be so. That opinion does nothing but foment hate, rage and sadness.
    Personally? I blame a piss poor idea and shitty luck.
    You kids reading this? Coming from an old guy with two now adult sons who did unmentionable things in cars.
    They won’t bite. And if you’re nice to them, even if you don’t mean it. You might get a cup of tea and a ginger nut while you wait until your very fucked off parents come and get you. Trust me. You’ll be safer with the cops.
    Oh. One more thing.
    STOP ! You can’t run into a fucking tree in a car then die a fiery death if you’re fucking STOPPED!

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