MEDIA WATCH: I swear to the little baby Jesus, this was on the NZ Herald Facebook Page


I’m not joking and I haven’t doctored this in any way, this was honestly on the NZ Herald Facebook Page…

…How the fuck can ‘this can’t be good sad face sad face’ be journalism?

Who is running your social media?

A child?

Please let this be behind the paywall


  1. I’ll explain: emojis are the only language Millennials understand. The “this can’t be good” part is for the benefit of you and me, but would fly way over the heads of the Millennials who are almost entirely illiterate, communicating primarily with emojis, Twitter, hash tags, Instagram, and YouTube links. I think this Herald article is sufficiently informative and represents the future of journalism (we’re in 2018 now Martyn, not the 1970’s!), so kudos to them. While the emoji’s obviously speak volumes, it could definitely have used some hash tags/Instagram/YouTube links to help flesh it out.

  2. Yep. Lamestream media journo’s is run by the kids, why? Internships are cheap and subsidised. They are ‘remotely’ located anywhere, at home or HQ, at a desk and ‘peruse’ social media feeds, the internet, gossip media and also they do what theyre told and are led to believe that this is journalism & reportage …. it just gets worse from here on in.

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