GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Crown Law chasing me for costs


In a letter from Daniel Perkins at the Crown Law Office on 20 November, Mr Perkins informs me Crown Law has spent $5,000 trying to get a security for costs order for $4600 against me in proceedings I have lodged in the High Court against the Dept of Corrections.  CL’s motion was all in aid of stalling my proceedings, I believe .

It’s a nonsense

(1) I expect to win

(2) My case is in the public interest

(3) The only recent time I had a costs award against me ( for $8,000 in 2015 in the Helensville Electoral petition case ) I paid promptly

(4) I expect the costs award in my favour against Crown Law in the recent Supreme Court Declaration of Inconsistency decision to be several times $4,600

(5) If all else fails , if I personally could not pay an award , I have many supporters willing to “pass the hat around”.

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Arthur Taylor is TDBs Prisoner Rights Blogger currently blogging inside prison – Corrections have currently cut his access to outside communication after he outed a Corrections Officer for bullying. As soon as TDB has the name, we will publish it.  


  1. Ask Crown Law if they would like payment in blood, and would opening one vein or two suffice? Or do they want the whole wrist?

    Honestly, this is the sort of waste of taxpayer’s money that make a mockery of the State. This is the sort of sheer stupidity that promotes groups such as the so-called “taxpayers union” and which undermines the whole taxation/revenue process.

    People are less inclined to be sympathetic to paying taxes knowing it can be frittered away on farcical cases like this, rather than on schools, hospitals, housing, public transport, etc.

    Unbelievable crass stupidity.

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