Screw the dirty filthy meth crooks
After throwing 2400 beneficiaries onto the street.
After needlessly blowing $120million on decontamination costs we never should have paid for.
After forcing beneficiaries to pay tens of thousands in contamination costs through the Tenancy Tribunal.
After demonising state tests so that National could push through its state housing privatisation agenda
Simon Bridges has turned around and called state tenants ‘meth crooks’.
Simon was challenged on this statement today by Radio NZ, and instead of admitting that he’s just dog whistling bennie bashing to cover up a grotesque spiteful policy that has blown over $120million for fucking nothing, this is what Bridges claimed…
Defending the comments on Radio NZ on Monday, Bridges claimed Housing NZ chief executive Andrew McKenzie had confirmed over the weekend that the discretionary grant was to be provided in cases where Housing NZ had determined tenants did cause harm through smoking or cooking meth.
“My point is simply this. You are then left with about 800 cases, as I understand it, where in fact Housing NZ determined – the chief executive confirmed this over the weekend – that … the tenants did cause the harm through the smoking, or the cooking,” Bridges said.
“Now rehousing is one thing but actually compensating those tenants for unlawful behaviour, for breaking their tenancy, I think is wrong.”
…okay, all of this is bullshit.
Firstly HNZ demanded all property inside a tenants home be destroyed because it was supposedly ‘contaminated’ so it wasn’t just the state house, it was tenant property.
Secondly Housing NZ simply threw these tenants at the Tenancy Tribunal and forced all the contamination costs onto the tenants.
Thirdly Housing NZ have not said what Bridges is claiming in terms of the 800 cases who were supposedly identified as meth smokers because there was no baseline tests done, that means Housing NZ couldn’t know when the meth was smoked there.
Bridges is attempting to confuse and blame the tenants for an obscenely unfair and spiteful policy and we still don’t know how many Children were taken off beneficiaries for this abomination.
It’s just so ugly and Bridges is managing to mutilate it and make it even more ugly.