National’s Medicinal Cannabis Law the worst possible scenario for New Zealand


National’s egotistical peacock strutting by proposing their own medicinal cannabis law is due in part to the Government’s weak and empty legislation proposal.

Refusing to fill in the gaps has allowed National to do it and it’s led to the worst possible outcome.

It is a total sell out to big pharma. It offers highly processed pharmaceutical products, not just the herb itself. National’s law will see the continued mass incarceration of kiwis smoking herb and it won’t provide any protection from terminally ill patients being bitted and prosecuted by the cops.

This law allows all the worst elements of prohibition to stand while giving Pharmaceutical Corporations free reign to make astronomical profits.

Trust the National Party to take all the fun out of cannabis – what’s their encore? Orgasm free masturbation?

This is a pigsty of a solution and our collective fury should pour down on all politicians for playing politics rather than serving the people.

Meanwhile the cops still arrest smokers, still harass  the terminally ill and organised crime keep laughing all the way to the bank.

TDB Recommends

Lebanon is now considering more progressive medicinal cannabis than we are – LEBANON!

A plague on every NZ politician! The sooner we the people can take this to a referendum and jam it down their collective throats, the better!


  1. Martyn, the worst possible scenario for New Zealand is another National Government period and we want to get working to make sure this Government gets more support to win the second term.

    We will get there but it may take longer than we throught but we will win.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if cannabis is still illegal in New Zealand, long after it has been legalised everywhere else in the world. The attitude towards it is as bad as it was in the 1970s, if not worse. There has been no softening of “straight” peoples’ attitude towards it at all.

    • Worryingly you may be on to something there EP.

      I have long thought the youff are far too respectful of authority especially compared to when I ‘came through’ in the ’80s .

      Far too conservative for my liking.

      The most damaging thing about marijuana is it’s status in law.

  3. they dont wanna lose their ownership of prison factory labor. Drunk drivers and child molesters anit good workers

  4. Labour has backed the TPPA , loves the 2 billion revenue from tobacco taxation , and now wants to help big pharma take over medical marijuana.Charming.

    Methinks far too National Light for a so called progressive party .Its a Yeah Nah from me .

    Bring on Mass Geriatric Civil Disobedience .[MGCD ]

    Maybe they can throw all the grannies in jail for growing their own pain medication . That will show them not to mess with big pharma and a “people loving “Labour Govt .

    But hang on , it would cost the Govt $100,000 per granny a year to keep them there and a new 4 billion mega prison to house them all . Super bright .

    There’s a shiver running around Labours body looking for a spine to run up .

    This is a supra political .It should transcend politics .THESE OVERPAID PUMPED UP BLOWHARD NUT BARS need to work , just once ,for the common good .

  5. “Trust the National Party to take all the fun out of cannabis – what’s their encore? Orgasm free masturbation?”

    Masturbation can never match the real thing, can it, nor can anything taking the ‘fun’ out of cannabis be all that enjoyable, I suppose.

    I guess you stand firmly for freeing up recreational use as well.

    I do personally have no problem with that, as long as certain age restrictions and so are maintained, although cannabis has not given me what it promises some.

    We should reconsider the legal framework, also I saw an interesting docu on AJE recently, where Bolivian coca farmers asserted they have a product that should not be condemned for being a drug, which can be made of it, but as a stimulant the leaves are like a health promoting herb, kind of.

    There are things we need to reconsider, while also accepting that at least for some, such products, if sold or shared the conventional way, can also cause harm.

  6. bye the way and just for all of your edification, smokin weed dont cure shit, its the concentrated oil you take at less than a gram a day to fight cancer and other conditions, smokin is good for reducing pain and promoting appetite, but its no cure on its ownsome.
    Unfortunately theres a large amount of misinformation on the subject, i recommend you do your own research, maybe start here

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