The Nation Review: Dear Matthew Hooton – your boy Simon needs you


Simon Bridges is going to need to be far better briefed than this, getting tripped up on TV is embarrassing, getting tripped up on Newshub is humiliating…

…and it was something Bridges should have been aware of, because he bloody well spoke in support of this nasty piece of spiteful legislation…

…Simon passed so much evil legislation in 9 years, it’s hard for him to keep track of them all.

Hooton helped Bridges take power and if Simon wants to keep it, Hooton needs to be inducted into the Leader’s Office immediately because this is a blunder Bridges should never have walked into and Hooton is smart enough to have prepped him.



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  1. “Hooton needs to be inducted into the Leader’s Office immediately…”

    Wholeheartedly agree if that gets him off Radio NZ

  2. Such is there arrogance they continue to bluff and bullshert there way through interviews why didn’t Owen go for the jagular as she has done with labour and the greens

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