The Liberal Agenda – Anti-TPPA Live stream, today 6.30pm



The Daily Blog will be live streaming the Auckland ‘Let’s not do this’ anti-TPPA meeting this Monday 6.30pm. The meeting will feature Dr Burcu Kilic, Professor Jane Kelsey and Laila Harre.

As the Government continue to push through this deeply flawed trade deal, this is our chance to push back.

It’s not cheap running these events, so if you are able to help pay for the costs of this, please do so here.

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  1. Martyn; former posts of yours have expressed that you think the gov is just going through the motions and they expect the CPPTA too wither and fall apart on its own. Is this still your position?

  2. Will donate.
    It’s very annoying when a government doesn’t listen to it’s people…fooling myself it would end once National had gone.
    Don’t be the ones to get it across the line Labour – not a good LOOK!

  3. Apparently when looking at Fonterra the farmers have doubled milk productivity but have gained little pay back for their troubles. It’s supposedly the farmers who are supposed to benefit from these free trade agreements.

    Even the farmers who are supposed to benefit, are forced to work harder but not benefit because the way international free trade and globalism has evolved is designed to make the super rich richer mostly through global corporations, at the expense of everyone else.

    NZ productivity is falling, so is the average wage in real terms and their are less skilled migrants coming here, while the cost of living is rising and locals are expected to subside cheap overseas wages or overseas property investors.

    Look at all the ammunition National are going to have in 3 years, with TPPA being signed and a Auckland commuter tax being championed.

    What’s is Jacinda going to tell her child?

    That she was the PM that signed Kiwi’s rights away under TPPA, because she believed in the crusty advisors of neoliberalism in Labour and National, even though inequality has clearly increased under their watch all around the world.

  4. John Key and National have already signed the deal, Labour & NZF have negotiated some changes, I guess the only alternative is to pull out altogether ?

  5. [Comment declined for publication. Please use the Prime Minister’s actual name, or refer to her as “the PM”. The name you are using is not her name. – Scarletmod]

  6. [Comment declined for publication. Please use the Prime Minister’s actual name, or refer to her as “the PM”. The name you are using is not her name. – Scarletmod]

  7. Ohhh my, Shonkey or Donkey plus numerous other names was fair game for the PM of 8 years, but it MUST be PM Jacinda or post blocked! How hypoctitical.

    [I have deleted far worse derogatory epithets used against Key. – Scarletmod]

  8. Hey Martyn… thanks for livestreaming it.. however I just found out about it.. of course hours later.. will there be a chance it can be uploaded as a video? Cheers!

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