Dear NZ Labour – California just legalized pot & you know what? Civilization as we know it didn’t fucking end


Wow, California legalised Pot yesterday and Western Civilisation as we know it didn’t end…

New Year brings broad marijuana legalisation to California

The arrival of the New Year in California brought with it broad legalisation of marijuana, a much-anticipated change that comes two decades after the US state was the first to allow pot for medicinal use.

America’s most populous state joins a growing list of other states, and the nation’s capital, where so-called recreational marijuana is permitted even though the federal government continues to classify pot as a controlled substance, like heroin and LSD.

Pot is now legal in California for adults 21 and older, and individuals can grow up to six plants and possess as much as an ounce of the drug.

But finding a retail outlet to buy non-medicinal pot in California won’t be easy, at least initially. Only about 90 businesses received state licences to open on New Year’s Day. They are concentrated in San Diego, Santa Cruz, the San Francisco Bay Area and the Palm Springs area.

…the NZ Labour Party who are dragging their heels on real reform and allowing a legalised and taxed market which would cripple organised crime’s largest cash source need to dump the cautious approach and grow a spine.

Show some courage you cowards!

How the hell have we gotten to this insane position where we are more backwards on cannabis than the country to the home  of the failed war on drugs?


  1. Considering polls indicate voters a largely for it, it’s not courage they lack. It’s their out of touch mindset they need to overcome.

    Ponder this. The majority of voters oppose the TPP, yet Labour didn’t lack the courage to support that.

    • Yep. That to is a good indication of how we’re not a democracy no matter how much we like to say that we are.

      • Calling for political parties to have courage is generally calling for them to go against what voters want. So yes, it tends to be anti-democratic.

  2. Prohibition is supported by the knowall kiwi capons on skwawkbak radio, faux moralists, punitive fake christians and the justice industry who are making a pretty penny out of it as it stands. The ban is enabled by the infantilised fuckwits who think that one joint will turn an ordinary person into a killer/rapist and make them dance with negros!

  3. Labour has the courage of its own convictions – managing capitalism for profits. It will arrive at legalisation eventually when the ‘costs’ millions spent on prohibition become clearly trumped by the ‘benefits’ of big profits. The California model puts cannabis use into the hands of big business and its massive state bureaucracy. Regulation for greed is not liberation for weed.

  4. “Show some courage you cowards!”

    A prerequisite to being a politician, is to leave your backbone at the door. There might be a rodent slinking around the basement, so I can’t say there is absolutely zero courage in parliament, but mostly it is a courage and moral backbone free zone.
    If you want to show something, you have to have it first.

  5. Am I the only one who believes that the intention of the article actually was something else? Or am I wrong to see some Sarcasm there?

  6. Nuff said.

    To be honest, considering that the drug war started solely as a way to keep the DEA going after prohibition ended and that it was almost fully predicated on racism you’d think that Labour would be the party looking to legalise it ASAP.

    But, no, Labour is still orbiting Planet Key.

  7. No doubt pressure from the booze and tobacco lobbyists will keep the coalition confused/terrified. Every NZ government is a stacked deck of hypocrites when it comes to dope. Talk about nanny state, slow moving, dead headed, paranoid dimwits.

  8. Politicians know better than we peasants. They have superior intellects to us low IQ fools.
    They are going to give us a referendum on euthanasia and that’s our bit of freedom for this term. Want a referendum on legalizing cannabis.
    Just who do you think you are? Upsetting the status quo! Next you will think you put them there.
    Remember they know best.
    Welcome to our brave new world.

  9. Legalisation would be completely pointless while your work place is allowed to test you for past drug use rather than actual impairment. That joint last week will make that burger paddy land on its side…

  10. I voted for TOP and ALC. If cannabis isn’t legalized before the next election I certainly won’t be voting for Labour or the Greens.

    Promise all the referendums you want, you’re elected to pass legislation, not pull a John Key. This is certainly a bell-weather issue.

  11. Labour/New Zealand First coalition is not a progressive government but a slightly pinker version of the status quo,so can’t see any real changes to the drug laws anytime soon.
    Who could be the losers here ,the P suppliers and alcohol industries,can’t be a bad thing.

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