The NZ Herald has done an appalling job covering the choking and forced removal of The Daily Blog’s Prisoner Rights Blogger, Arthur Taylor.
No where does the NZ Herald acknowledge that Arthur was choked unconscious by Prison staff and they only quote an anonymous source.
Here is Arthur’s response…
An anonymous Corrections spokesperson says I “kicked up a fuss” . Contrary to the “spokesperson”‘s assertion, I was never given the required notice of transfer, so of course I questioned its legality with the 6 “riot squad” members who burst into the computer room . This was far from the way transfers are normally conducted. The CCTV footage will show the truth in due course if this becomes an issue.
In the meantime , people can decide for themselves whether to believe a successful jailhouse lawyer AND successful criminal prosecutor like me or an anonymous “spokesperson”.
The Corrections “spokesperson” obviously forgot to tell the Herald’s Journalist that I was was rendered unconscious by the SERT team (Site Emergency Response Team) in the A Block Principal Corrections Officer’s office and didn’t regain consciousness until after arrival at Waikeria . I’m surmising that’s why they sent the nurse with me .
I’m requisitioning all CCTV footage to prove this . It’s an unheard of level of drama to transport a LOW Security inmate to a LOW Security prison .
…it is unacceptable for Corrections to choke Arthur out for a spiteful transfer which is being purposely done while Parliament is in recess and when the media aren’t paying attention.
He is being moved to make his continuing legal action against Corrections as difficult as possible.
This is the prison system punishing Arthur for his prisoner advocacy.
They choked him unconscious folks – that’s YOUR prison system in the year 2017.
We will not let Corrections get away with this.
Kelvin Davis must request an immediate report into this event.
Dirty f*****s, lets hope this is followed up fully
Whoa absolutely we must have an inquiry and we must have access to the cctv footage. This is outrageous, it is because he is intelligent, hugely capable and has spoken out so many times.
Cops and screws seem to be highly politicised right now fearing no doubt that things might change and their violently repressive regime could come under scrutiny.
How else do you explain the forcible abduction of a low security prisoner?
Lets close the prisons, and put everyone in education and training for rehab.
We have to stop the criminalisation of the working class by big capital.
While there a huge amount of people in jail due to our drug laws, the inter-generational poverty trap, & mental health issues not handled by “community liaison” who could be released tomorrow if there were programmes in place to deal with it, there are an increasing amount of very VERY dangerous people who should NOT be released into the community. To do so would put anyone they come across in grave danger. I am speaking on this from first hand experience – having served more than a couple of jail sentences over the years.
I didn’t remember anything after being in the PCO’s office at Pare until I awoke in the Waikeria At-Risk Unit maybe 3-4 hours later wearing only a heavy canvas straitjacket with the sweat pouring off his brow from the heat.
It should be noted that At-Risk Units are only to be used as a precaution for suicide or when someone is at risk of harm, otherwise they could just get away with abusing prisoners by stripping them of everything, therefore there are strict legal precautions around using At-Risk Units in order to protect prisoners’ rights.
I banged on the cell doors until someone came. They told me I would be seen by Dave Alty in the morning. Next morning Dave Alty said to me; “Okay Arthur we’re going to put you in high security or low security.” I said “You might as well put me in low security otherwise I’d still be in the high security unit, wouldn’t I?
A reliable source told me later that after I became unconscious in the A block PCO’s office at Pare, they carried me down the stairs and out of the block to where medical was called. They couldn’t really do much because I was unconscious, and they couldn’t get proper readings, but my blood pressure was high, and then I was physically carried out while UNCONSCIOUS and strapped to a seat in the prison van with 6 prison officers and a nurse .
I was driven to Waikeria unconscious, and lifted out into a wheelchair where he was then placed in the At-Risk Unit.
It is unheard of transferring a LOW security prisoner to a LOW security prison by FORCE .
I remember the officers’ cameras were turned on and so there is a recording of all that happened. I have put in a request to have the video released to my lawyer and will be having it released to the media (obviously not the Herald ) so the world can see how New Zealand prisoners are treated & the horrific things that often go on behind prison walls where public servants think they are unaccountable.
The system does not condone dissenters. And they do most certainly dislike ones that dare challenge the system, e.g. Corrections.
Where is the useless Ombudsman? He should look into this out of his own initiative, but we know, the Ombudsmen are full of nice words, but have few teeth and only act in few cases.
Most in the public will not care one bit. Once you are in prison, they write you off, that is most out there, except a few humane and fair minded people.
The priority for most is what they can buy as cheaply as possible in the Malls right now, and of course they plan for the holiday and silly season.
I will write to Kelvin Davis immediately. We all should.
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