Australian refugee rights leader in NZ to support admission of people on Manus


Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Australian advocacy group, Refugee Action Coalition, in Auckland for a series of meetings with refugee and migrant groups,  has called for the newly elected Labour government not to allow the dismissiveness of the Australian government  to deter them from their humanitarian offer to take 150 refugees from Manus Island.

“The refugees’ claim has long been for resettlement in a safe third country,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition

“The renewed offer from Jacinda Ardern has given the refugees some hope that they do have a future beyond Manus Island.

“The Australian government claims that the refugees on Manus Island are the responsibility of the government of Papua New Guinea, but on the other has threatened both the PNG and the New Zealand government with ‘diplomatic consequences’ should they dare to discuss a resolution to the crisis on Manus Island.

“We are appalled at the implied threats of the Australian government, “ said Rintoul,

“Jacinda Ardern should understand that the days of the Turnbull government are numbered and that she will soon be dealing with a Labor government in Australia. We would call on Jacinda Ardern to consider increasing the number of refugees that New Zealand would be willing to resettle,

“The Australian government has no arrangement for the security or the future of the refugees on Manus Island.  Their future and their safety may well rest with the willingness of New Zealand to maintain its humanitarian principles in the Asia Pacific.”

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