The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday 18th September 2017


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.  


  1. Head Choppers, Islamists, Terrorists, that’s OK then. Perfectly all right to slaughter their children.

    It’s only terrorism, when they do it.

    It didn’t happen if we don’t report it.

    Despite the continuing wall to wall coverage of the amateur bucket bomb that scalded 20 in London on TV One midday news today.

    Zero mention of the coalition bombing of the Deir Ez-Or refugee camp by Coalition forces.

    This massacre has been reported by Times Of India, Middle East Monitor, by both Pro and anti-Assad websites. Not to mention the evidence of the video news feed itself.

    “Evil Doers trying to destroy our way of life”. George W. Bush

    New Zealand media continue to obediently peddle the simplistic one sided War On Terror narrative.

    Forget objective investigative reporting or coverage, it’s not needed.

    Especially when we are being asked to supply the War on Terror with more cannon fodder.

    This attack on the refugees in Deir Ezzor occurred on Thursday the 14th, the amateur bucket bomb attack occurred on the 15th, No questions were asked by anyone, if one led to the other. We just get the same old mdia cartoon caricature of insane Islamists who hate our way of life.

    While this one sided bullshit continues there will never be an end to the tit for tat terror outrages committed by both sides.


  2. The first victim of war is truth

    The dirty complicity of the New Zealand media in covering up for the terrorist acts of our allies, while amplifying the terrorist acts of our enemies.

    Serves a purpose.

    That purpose is to prepare the public for New Zealand forces to become even more deeply involved in these war crimes.

    Break the silence

  3. Heard on RNZ this morning that the labour/Greens are polling higher then the National party incumbent Nick smith!!!

    Hell, – although I’m not a green party supporter, I would be happy to see Nick now unseated, as he has been a disaster as Environment Minister this second two times around.

    He just blooodywell rubbber stamps all the dirty toxic plans that this toxic National Government push forward now.

    Nick was good for us in his first term when he used to travel around the provinces.

    i met him in Gisborne in 2010 on our rail issue and he was very amenable then.

    So go Greens we hope you win the seat.–poll

    • smith has been bad news from day one.

      In his early days he had a habit of saying one thing publicly and doing another. The half truths are still lies.

      As he became bolder the outright lies became his mainstay.

      Basically the man has done NZ enormous harm in being so complicit to corporate demands of money before anything else including environment and a future.

      What he has had stuffed into his back pocket we may never know.

      The pattern is obvious.

  4. Well, forget the distraction of the general election, offering a choice between the status quo and a slight moderation of it.

    Put your seat belts on, WAR is on its way:

    WW3 is in the making, and that one will possibly lead to nuclear war, drag China, Russia in, to take a stand against the US, already present there, on and off shore in South Korea.

    A grim future is ahead of us, I sense.

  5. Another looming new conflict, between Iraqi Kurdistan, wanting to hold a referendum over independence, and Turkey, being anything but enthused about this:

    The world is explosive as it has never been since the end of WW2, with President Trump and his temper, we may see fireworks soon, at least in Korea, possibly in other places.

    Syria is still not at peace, so who knows how that may play out in the end?

  6. One of the left-overs from the Cold War last century was where the US and Soviet Union conducted their “hot wars” via proxies. This usually involved pitting one dictatorship against another.

    The US would support puppet dictators in Latin American whereas the Soviet Union would have it’s own puppet regimes in Asia or Africa. So the Right would support (or over-look) right-wing dictators that supported the West, and the Left would support (or over-look) authoritarian regimes that were nominally “socialist”.

    The Somalian-Ethiopian conflict was a classic example.

    Not a good look for either super power. And as usual, it was the local populations that suffered greatly.

    The Assad regime in Syria harks back to last-century Cold War rivalries. For (some) on the Left to support Assad, whilst turning a blind eye to his regime’s atrocities and suppression of popular calls for political reform, is a hang-over from those days.

    There is nothing admirable about the Assad regime. Just as there is nothing admirable about authoritarian or repressive regimes that cling to the West (eg, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc).

    • Syria has had a strong link with Russia both as a neighbour and supporting of a USSR / Russian naval base in Tartus and now also an airbase base.

      The US/Nato pressure has driven Syria to a closer tie with Russia., a tie that will bring a better chance of stability to the area.

      US/ Nato bases in Poland and many other places are placing pressure on Russia to add strategic alliances in and near Europe as well as develop a more defensive shield.

      The aggressor is US.

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