Let’s all come together to rally for our communities that have been at the forefront on the fight to end poverty. Now, more than ever, we need to continue the conversation that Metiria started. We know that an Aotearoa where no one lives in poverty is possible. Where Government serves the interests of people, not big business. Where everyone has access to a warm, dry, healthy home and beneficiaries aren’t treated as second class citizens.
Metiria will be joining me, because we must continue to speak the truth about poverty.
More than ever, New Zealanders living below the breadline need a voice. For too long they have been ignored and sidelined in our communities. For too long, privilege and money have determined who can have a say and it’s time to say enough.
Together, we will make sure that Aotearoa knows what we want: To end poverty.
Here is the link to our plan to fix our welfare system:
WHEN: Saturday, September 16th @ 2.30pm-4pm
WHERE: Otara Town Centre