Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.
Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.
EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.
Mana leader Hone Harawira tells Morning Report Labour deputy leader Kelvin Davis’ vow to hang on to the Te Tai Tokerau seat demonstrates the party’s lack of strategic vision.
If Labour wants to build coalition numbers and have Mana’s help, Mr Harawira says it should do a deal. “It’s what the people of Te Tai Tokerau want.”
Lets do this.
+100 THE CHAIRMAN…surely Labour can see beyond its own petty tribalism and see what is best for the Maori people ie having Mana Party in Parliament as well as Kelvin Davis
….this proves to me that the Labour Party is not a real working class party for the best interests of Maori or the poorest in New Zealand
…rather the NZ Labour Party is a self -interested party of self- serving club politicians who pose under the name of ‘Labour’ and trade illegitimately on the history of the Labour movement and history of fine ideals.
I want thank Tui Tapanui for compiling this data and putting out the challenge.
I also want to extend that challenge to the NZ media.
Time line of President Trump’s flip flopping over fascist violence and murder
Heather Heyer murdered by White Supremacist James Fields.
President Trump blames the violence on <a href='"Many sides, Many sides"'.
Under political pressure from both inside and outside his party, President Trump finally bows to the pressure and condemns the Far Right, the KKK and White supremacists.
David Duke of the KKK then ticks off President Trump HERE for being pressured to condemn the White Supremacists.
Donald Trump reverses his position again.
How President Trump has emboldened the Far Right
Since the above explainer video was made, and after Donald Trump was ticked off by KKK David Duke HERE. Trump dropped his condemnation of the far Right, and went back to his original position of blaming the violence and murder of Heather Heyer on “both sides”.
set up?…and from a psychiatrist
‘Charlottesville Staged Confrontation!’ by Dr Steve Pieczenik
‘Effete White Supremacist vs. Dandy Podesta-Tool Mayor!’
“Charlottesville’s Michael Signer colludes with Richard Spencer to create a pre-planned, staged confrontation [FBI/CIA]! The recent tragedy in Charlottesville Va. where fully armed Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists marched in unison to protest the withdrawal of the Robert E. Lee statue. This protest was planned months ago …
[ ]
Trump’s father was notoriously once caught in Klan regalia.
Looks like Trump actually shares his views, and his inclinations are reinforced by the presence of Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.
Not many brave, contrary voices left. McMaster? Mattis?
But these are not involved in domestic policy.
So…the weak reeds of Sessions and Ivanka. The Senate is out of favour….so, that’s about it.
First of all Trump is accused of being a sexist and multiple sexual abuser of women (these women accusers have been discredited or have faded into the mist); then Trump is accused of collaborating with the Russians to deprive Clinton of the Election…Trump is a spy and the Russians hacked the DNC ( even although NSA experts say it could not have been a Russian hack and all the evidence points to an inside Democratic Party
insider leak to WikiLeaks…Assange has almost said as much, that it was Seth Rich who was later murdered);and now Trump is being accused of being a Nazi, KKK and ultra right nationalist racist and the instigator of the riots in Charlotteville ( even although the evidence points to a setup false flag)
…WOW…why are some running so scared of Trump?…this is the real question …Julian Assange and John Pilger have some ideas so does Liz Croken and Paul Craig Roberts
The perils of Identity politics…
‘Charlottesville’ by Paul Craig Roberts
“Listening to NPR [National Public Radio] this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin.
NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several “interviews” with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault.
It was Trump’s fault for many reasons. He had stirred up White Supremacists and Nazis by appealing during the presidential election campaign to their supremacist views with his slogan “America first.”
Of course, what Trump means by “America first,” is precisely what the voters understood him to mean—the interest of the broad American public should come before trade deals that serve the interests of other countries and the narrow profit interests of global corporations. However, the NPR propagandists put words in Trump’s mouth and twisted the meaning of the slogan to be “White America Comes First.”…
The American police state really is an authority unto themselves. They get federal funding, state funding and corperate funding. And they have internal reviews and investigations with so many wholes in them that it’s actually worth shooting a perp than doing the paper, because they get payed holidays to do so.
1000’s shot and killed by police and only 1 or 2 lose there jobs and you get a payed holiday. This is the loony U.S middle class that birthed Trump. Not the other way around.
Stefan Molyneux makes some great points
thanx…good points
Maybe we should ask Aboriginal leaders how THEY feel about Kiwi rights.
Enough of this nauseating Aussie Govt attitudes.
I think if you are alive in 5 years you are going to be a lonely radioactive cannibal
US BS, oh, Antifa, now to blame for Charlotteville, I hear?
This is real Antifa, mate:
Little Yankee doodle, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
I fear people do still not get it:
another perspective:
rather gutless Americans, not that up to it.
True resistance, fuck the rest:
#Charlottesville: Happy Birthday George Soros, American Society Controlled Demolition and Civil War
I’ll help impeach him. But I decline the offer of a sexual act with him. (Step waaaay too far!)
I’ll shove a pineapple up em if I can stream it live on Liveleaks.
Relentless, most are meek and afraid, you will ALL die one day, do not forget, you have to fight for your kids, not yourselves:
Martial law, again in Germany, do not take this lightly:
Revolution is VERBOTEN:
IMAGINE, how woulds a Kiwi colonial cop deal with this???
Une autre bataille de Paris:
Welcome to MAY DAY en Paris, premier tourist guide pour progressives et anarchistes:
Fuck NZ ignorants, who have NO idea about fighting for anything.
I read on one poster ‘la revolution Macron’
If a Macronite is supposed to save this world, forgive me, I rather go for KIM Jon UN NOW. FFs, THE WORLDS IS MAD.
[Comment declined for publication. Please tone it down, Marc. – Scarletmod]
This is real, they are not robots, I fear:
Protests all over Europe, Merkel is the only sane person
Plus de Paris Guerilla Urbaine:
Sort of happens when injustice and so are not resolved:
Maybe some get it now, otherwise we are not afraid to create the barricades and do more, dear stupid Kiwis, a friendly signal that is.
Ne comprende
Do people not get it, the bully tactics are the same all over the continents, Europe, USA, Latin America, Africa, South Pacific and any other place, we are all simple game it seems:
Do you believe this is different to whatever in other places?
What is wrong with resolute action:
I would rather fight this:
Anyway, you work that out cool I think.
Paris 1er may that tells you somthing:
The Escalation f ew understood:
[Comment declined for publication. Extreme. – Scarletmod]
The greatest load of BS in the world this is, but we will not indulge.
Mickey mouse BS
A bit confusing
This is da best of Chile, we can deliver more for sure:
FUCK NZ Cowardsz:
I think its going to take a few more shocks before the masses are awakened.
Either that, or a Jooilie Bishop to keep digging her and her stilleto heals into a hole (going forward(
chaos is setting in globally as the far right Bilberberg Group elitist cabal keep pushing their ‘One World Government’ (agenda 21.)
you may well be correct CLEANGREEN…and we are not helped by an uncritical New Zealand mainstream media…where slavish following of the USA mainstream media is the key, no questions asked ( increasingly I am turning RNZ off…just as Americans are turning off their mainstream media):
‘Why Was This ‘Crowd Hire’ Company Recruiting $25 An Hour ‘Political Activists’ In Charlotte Last Week?’
….and in the second half of the Keiser report , Max Keiser and Gerald Celente are scathing about the USA mainstream media and the Clinton/ Democrat / Deep State campaign against Trump
“Max & Stacy discuss Obamacare death spirals and towns left to die post-trade deals. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Gerald Celente of about paradigm shifts: from cryptocurrencies to electric cars.”
Fair comment I say.
I would find it very amusing to see Winston Peters in court arguing that he is not pus.
Of course it will not come to that, as tto go to court is not Mr Peters intention.
Mr Peters clearly states that he intends to to use this frivolous action not to go to court. Instead he intends to financially hurt Mark Richardson for calling him “pus”.
The legal system needs to frown very heavily on this abuse of process by people with the resources to indulge in it.
I think we all need to start callling Winston Peters “pus”.
Let me be the first: Winston Peters you’re pus.
In fact, for opportunistically exploiting racist anti-Maori antipathy of your redneck white base for your own personal advancement. Winston Peters, you are worse than pus.
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