Political Caption Competition



  1. … ‘ they didn’t realize it just then , but that the howling mob some several hundred meters back from where they stood had actually convinced riot squad police that the real criminals they were after were standing for a photo shot directly behind them…’

  2. Coming soon to a non-country near you (nearer than you think). Caption: NEW ZEALAND DESPOT CAUGHT AND BEHEADED BY MOB IN NZ CIVIL WAR WHILE ATTEMPTING TO REACH PRIVATE JET

  3. “Mary and I love to take in the lights and busy-ness of Lambton Quay on a Friday night. All this commerce just proves we’re doing the right thing. People love stable government.”

  4. Myopic leader reverts to historical Catholic campaign trail techniques, while giving his girlie a wee backhander.

  5. Don’t look back mary if the wretches think they have something to riot about now, wait till we get another three yrs, that’s right “three more years” mary lol

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