International NGOs: Climate change is bigger than politics – Generation Zero


Youth organisation Generation Zero is celebrating the call by a coalition of International NGOs for all political parties to come together after the election and support a Zero Carbon Act. On Saturday, in a letter addressed to members of parliament, the coalition outlined the urgent need for climate legislation.

The letter, signed by 14 international development agencies, including Oxfam NZ, Engineers without borders NZ, UNICEF, World Vision, Tearfund, and Amnesty International, highlighted New Zealand’s responsibility to act; “For the sake of [these] vulnerable women, men and children, we – as a well-resourced developed nation – have a responsibility to act in a bold and meaningful manner.”

It calls for the next parliament to support a Zero Carbon Act with binding targets, measures and accountabilities to reduce NZ’s domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050 and transparently deliver on New Zealand’s international climate change obligations.

Generation Zero launched a detailed blueprint for the Zero Carbon Act in April, alongside a petition to the next New Zealand Parliament.

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“Climate change is happening now, it is affecting all of us – our Pacific neighbours, people living in poverty, our communities and our businesses here in New Zealand,” said Lisa McLaren, national convenor for the Zero Carbon Act campaign.

“The Zero Carbon Act aims to secure a positive future for our children – protecting our communities, businesses and people across the globe.”

“Young people in particular overwhelmingly back stronger action, as we’ve seen with support from youth across the political spectrum. We are the ones who will live with the consequences of what we do about climate change today – our elected representatives need to listen to them and come together to pass the Zero Carbon Act,” said Miss McLaren.

Following the UK’s groundbreaking Climate Change Act, climate legislation have been introduced across a range of countries, including Denmark, Finland, Mexico and Ireland as well as states and provinces in the US, Canada and Australia.

The Zero Carbon Act campaign is already backed by Forest & Bird, Oxfam New Zealand, WWF-New Zealand, ActionStation and others. Together the groups are running petitions which will be delivered to the next Parliament after the election.

What you can do

Sign the petition –

Volunteer with Generation Zero –

Donate to the campaign –


  1. Business NZ has consistently opposed recognition of what is happening to climate and also has a history of opposition to accepting many other aspects of human impact on this planet.

    Business organisations and banks have driven us to a brink of threatened extinction and damage to this planet’s biosphere for many millennia.

    Science has provided solid evidence of how we have consumed Non Renewable Natural Resources with complete disregard of what this means long term.

    The younger generation will live into a decline as never seen before.

    Their voice will have to over come the promoters of consumerism – Business as usual. Dirty Business with transnational roots.

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